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Bush has failed

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  • Bush has failed

    It doesn't take much to realize that Bush has completely failed as a leader in this crisis.

    The problems in New Orleans should have been solved days ago with immediate action.

    Every single military base within 600 miles of New Orleans should have been ordered to load up with food and water, and then head to the Superdome. After they drop off the food and water, they load people onto vehicles and drive them to the nearest dry air base. Meanwhile, military bases throughout the U.S should be flying in supplies to the air base to create a massive refugee tcentre. Troops could be sent in to keep the peace.

    Now this is much more easier said than done, but the U.S. military has many logistic experts, people who know how to coordinate a massive operation like this. The U.S. military could get the job done, but the problem is the lack of leadership at the top.

    A strong leader would have been able to step in and fix the situation, but Bush is weak.

    A strong leader would immediately fire the Fema chief who said "I just heard about the Superdome problem today."

    But Bush is weak and he has failed.

    Golfing since 67

  • #2
    thanks for starting yet another thread on this! I didn't get the point in the previous 5.
    Resident Filipina Lady Boy Expert.


    • #3
      not much to discuss. Bush screwed up badly this time. How could it take longer to respond to this than the tsunami?


      • #4
        Yeah, and the U.S. Navy did an amazing job in Indonesia.
        Golfing since 67


        • #5
          Bush can't do a thing right.

          Gospel of the left. And yet they claim to reject all religious dogma.

          If he took an opposite course of action, it'd still be his fault somehow. This perpetual Bush-bashing is the greatest source of entertainment, or it would be if it wasn't so utterly pathetic.


          • #6
            As I recall, it took a great deal longer to respond fully to the tsunami. There was a full holiday weekend between when it hit and when we knew all of the details. Well more than a week before any assets were in place.
            I came upon a barroom full of bad Salon pictures in which men with hats on the backs of their heads were wolfing food from a counter. It was the institution of the "free lunch" I had struck. You paid for a drink and got as much as you wanted to eat. For something less than a rupee a day a man can feed himself sumptuously in San Francisco, even though he be a bankrupt. Remember this if ever you are stranded in these parts. ~ Rudyard Kipling, 1891


            • #7
              A reporter from the Christian Science Monitor has suggested that the Republican leadership in Congress has suffered a serious disconnect, as until yesterday or so, they were still discussing rather mundane things like tax cuts.


              • #8
                So Winston, what has Bush done right?
                Golfing since 67


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Tingkai
                  So Winston, what has Bush done right?
                  duh everything
                  To us, it is the BEAST.


                  • #10
                    That's not for me to point out, but it's nice to see you appear to be taking an interest in the matter. Or should I say acknowledge in theory that there could be something he did right at some point.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by DanS
                      As I recall, it took a great deal longer to respond fully to the tsunami.
                      They were on the scene within four days IIRC. And that's coming from nowhere, as oppose to something happening in the U.S.

                      The navy was then delayed a couple of days by the idiots in Indonesia who were too proud to accept help at first.

                      Bush is displaying the same pride.
                      Golfing since 67


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Winston
                        That's not for me to point out,
                        Ah, but it is since you're suggesting that Bush is not to blame.
                        Golfing since 67


                        • #13
                          I believe the US is now accepting aid from other nations.


                          • #14
                            I suggested that? I thought I was laughing my pants off over you lefties' one-trick pony impersonation.


                            • #15
                              And actually, I do believe Bush might not have made the best choice with his current photo-op.

                              If you see, there are two helicopters in the background; one of them, at least, could be out helping rescue people.

                              Granted, he might need a second one when he leaves, but for the hour or two he's there, I'm sure at least one person could have been saved.

                              It's good that he's there, but... well, I'd like to see him take on the decisive behavior as he did after 9/11. An entire city is at stake.
                              Last edited by Q Classic; September 2, 2005, 15:02.

