Wasn't this posted before ??
Wow, like that surprises me.
I'll wait and see if anyone here on the forum agrees with FotF, or whether this will be like the usual circlejerks.
I'll wait and see if anyone here on the forum agrees with FotF, or whether this will be like the usual circlejerks.
I also believe that this much lambasted 'reparative therapy' does work on folks who want to change and overcome their inclinations, much like alcoholics who go to AA.
Going back to the article, this offends me:
More often, they displayed a "nonmasculinity" that set them painfully apart from other boys: unathletic, somewhat passive, unaggressive and uninterested in rough-and-tumble play.
I've always considered myself masculine--most "feminine" things disinterest me. I've never been interested in making lanyards, for instance. (Off the top of my head.)
On the other hand, what I've always been interested in--i.e., reading, writing, thinking, computing, tinkering--is all in comparison, unathletic, rather passive, unaggressive, and not rough-and-tumble at all. In the context of this article, he makes them seem... second-class. As if the development of the mind is somehow unimportant in raising a child.