Originally posted by Sandman
As for the Islamic-Nazi 'link', you'll also find plenty of cooperation between the Nazis and the Soviets. And the Islamists and the Americans. And other unlikely combinations.
No doubt when the USSR was fighting in Afghanistan, they portrayed their enemy as 'Islamocapitalists'.
As for the Islamic-Nazi 'link', you'll also find plenty of cooperation between the Nazis and the Soviets. And the Islamists and the Americans. And other unlikely combinations.
No doubt when the USSR was fighting in Afghanistan, they portrayed their enemy as 'Islamocapitalists'.

The relationship betwen the Nazis and the Palestinian movement is not just a case of the classic old "My enemy's enemy is my friend". This is a case of an ideological overlap between two systems of reactionary autocracy.
Another important factor is the translating of European style anti-semitism to the Arab & Islamic world during the Nazi era, in contrast to the traditional position of Jews (and Christians) living under Sharia law - that of 'dhimmitude'. Anyone not familiar with the concept should Google it.
Whereas dhimmitude portrayed Jews as weak, European anti-semitism portrayed them as strong, powerful conspirators, ruling the world through Great Power proxies. The roots of this conspiracy theory are usually attributed to a faked and plagiarised propaganda document called 'The Protocols of the Elders of Zion' - exposed by the London Times as a hoax in 1921. It had been produced by the 19C Russian aristocracy in an attempt to keep the masses away from 'Jewish' concepts like Socialism and Democracy. Despite crude forgery in places, much of the document was cribbed from a French satire against Napoleon III (and nothing to do with Jews), giving it a populist and anti-machivellian edge.
The Nazis didn't invent anti-Jewish prejudice, as the attitudes were widely held in Europe anyway, largely thanks to 'The Protocols'. The Nazis took something that had long been there, and made it the centrepiece of their program. Now the Islamists are attempting to do the same thing.
In the last few years, a serialised TV version of 'The Protocols' has been screened in the Arab world, and ex-Malaysian PM Mohammed Mahathir has openly expounded the idea of a Jewish conspiracy. The idea has also taken residence in amongst sections of both left and right in Europe and the US. That might be expected from the far right but the left ought to know better.
Marx once described anti-Semitism as "The socialism of fools". Today we might add that support for Islamism is the anti-imperialsm of fools.