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New Zealand election thread

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  • #46
    Actually I do really agree with you. The whole Maori land grabbing thing has been going on for decades now and well whats done has been done. Time to get over it and move on. I just don't like the people who like to make this the main focus of everything. Just as bad as the Maori's that are doing it.


    • #47
      Tax cuts

      Captain of Team Apolyton - ISDG 2012

      When I was younger I thought curfews were silly, but now as the daughter of a young woman, I appreciate them. - Rah


      • #48
        Man you NZers sure have this wierd thing about not being offended by name calling.

        Anyway, I don't know, but this sounds that it can actually be a serious issue. It's not like you have other non-economic domestic issues, like we do.


        • #49
          Meh to me name calling means nothing at all, Its not like theres much truth in it anyways, usually only shows the lack of argument on the name callers side.

          It's actually kinda quite interesting really. Generally the Maori doesn't really feature too much unless you live above about Taupo area, otherwise nobody really cares about them. But thats due to their population dispersal, more Maori's live in the upper north Island than anywhere else It would be good getting rid of the maori seats in parliament and maori wards and all those crap things but its not worth screwing the country up to vote for national.


          • #50
            Originally posted by Az
            the 19th century UN?

            OMG who gives a flying ****? The maoris are treated as equal citizens in a first world country. From where I see it, they should be thankful for you pussies coming and shaping them up into a normal country. Considering all, They'd be living in a useless dump had not been for you, you worthless scum.
            Actually a lot of Pakehas and Maori agree with this. And they are thankful they didn't get the French or Spanish.
            And a note of history, while England was the first to find NZ, it was America that was the first to settle, they mostly did a lot of whaling, then soon after they left. *phew*

            If the Maori rioters want to shake up the treaty, then they can give back their X-Box's and Playstation 2's, refridgerators, cars, jobs, schooling, houses, infact, pretty much everything they have. Mind you, a lot of these Moari rioters are not well educated, so its no wonder they are causing nonsense.

            I don't think they even realise that the Maori actually have more benefits than the Pakehas in NZ. I think they get tonnes of free stuff from the government. I think free entry to University is one of them, or something like that.
            be free


            • #51
              The real problem is that some specialists thinks that various tribes somehow can deliver wonderful knowledge, and the sparser they are, the more wonderful this knowledge will be. It seems that these specialists think that just because something is lost, then it can't be rediscovered !

              Maybe I'm just naive, but at present I cant recall something that is learned from some sparse population that couldn't have been learned otherwise.
              With or without religion, you would have good people doing good things and evil people doing evil things. But for good people to do evil things, that takes religion.

              Steven Weinberg


              • #52
                Originally posted by Az
                the 19th century UN?

                OMG who gives a flying ****? The maoris are treated as equal citizens in a first world country. From where I see it, they should be thankful for you pussies coming and shaping them up into a normal country. Considering all, They'd be living in a useless dump had not been for you, you worthless scum.
                Never piss off a Maori Az. They're a tough bunch. Not as crazy tough as Fijians, but tough. Ask the British army, who received numerous hidings at Maori hands in the 19th C.
                Only feebs vote.


                • #53
                  Originally posted by Sn00py

                  Actually a lot of Pakehas and Maori agree with this. And they are thankful they didn't get the French or Spanish.
                  And a note of history, while England was the first to find NZ, it was America that was the first to settle, they mostly did a lot of whaling, then soon after they left. *phew*

                  If the Maori rioters want to shake up the treaty, then they can give back their X-Box's and Playstation 2's, refridgerators, cars, jobs, schooling, houses, infact, pretty much everything they have. Mind you, a lot of these Moari rioters are not well educated, so its no wonder they are causing nonsense.

                  I don't think they even realise that the Maori actually have more benefits than the Pakehas in NZ. I think they get tonnes of free stuff from the government. I think free entry to University is one of them, or something like that.
                  Why doesn't the government give them back the land that was unfairly taken? What makes you think that Maori people were incapable of having their own country? They certainly managed quite well adapting to the new technologies of the colonists, and they even had their own printing presses and newspapers.
                  Only feebs vote.


                  • #54
                    Agathon, how far do you think the Maori would have gotten with technology if it were not for the Europeans?

                    Exactly, not far.

                    If it were not the English, it would have been some other nation. And I can't stress how lucky the Maori are to have the English settle New Zealand.

                    So in other words, The Maori (willing or not) gave their land to the English and the English gave them the World. I think its a fair deal and they should be happy with that.
                    be free


                    • #55
                      Originally posted by BlackCat
                      Yeah, I guess that you will use the same principle when it's decided whom that will meet the firing squad and whom will not
                      Do you suggest simply declaring a whole group of people criminals and enacting their punishment without a trial? The DP, should we be unfortunate enough to still have it, will be decided on a case by case basis, for those people accused of capital crimes, such as kidnapping or murder. That's the way it's handled now. Or did you forget you were talking to an American?
                      Christianity: The belief that a cosmic Jewish Zombie who was his own father can make you live forever if you symbolically eat his flesh and telepathically tell him you accept him as your master, so he can remove an evil force from your soul that is present in humanity because a rib-woman was convinced by a talking snake to eat from a magical tree...


                      • #56
                        Originally posted by BlackCat
                        Maybe I'm just naive, but at present I cant recall something that is learned from some sparse population that couldn't have been learned otherwise.
                        Of course you can't recall it. It's been lost!
                        Christianity: The belief that a cosmic Jewish Zombie who was his own father can make you live forever if you symbolically eat his flesh and telepathically tell him you accept him as your master, so he can remove an evil force from your soul that is present in humanity because a rib-woman was convinced by a talking snake to eat from a magical tree...


                        • #57
                          The Maori people wouldn't have had their own country till they found some other races to have a separate country against. At the time the english arrived they were very happy fighting amongst themselves. Hell even when they started up the king movement not all the tribes jumped into the bandwagon anyways.

                          The Maori at the time the English came were technologically inferior and woulda remained so for many many moons. The English treated them with a heck of a lot more respect that the english have treated other native peoples (the aborigines for example, hell Indians, Africans, they've virtually treated every other native peoples worse than they've treated the Maori) and even on their ladder of civilisation the English put the Maori people in the upper percentage worth of savages (from a first year pols paper). All in all you can say that the Maori have had it fairly easy going by normal English standards. Though they do have a claim to the land taken forceably in the NZ land wars.


                          • #58
                            Originally posted by Sn00py
                            Agathon, how far do you think the Maori would have gotten with technology if it were not for the Europeans?

                            Exactly, not far.
                            Plenty far. If they hadn't been conquered, infected and subjugated they would have made their own country or federation. They weren't idiots you know. They managed to pwn the British Army on numerous occasions (a rare occurrence for the 19th century).

                            Native peoples aren't the helpless, ignorant saps you like to paint them as.

                            If it were not the English, it would have been some other nation. And I can't stress how lucky the Maori are to have the English settle New Zealand.

                            So in other words, The Maori (willing or not) gave their land to the English and the English gave them the World. I think its a fair deal and they should be happy with that.
                            That's ridiculous, they didn't give them the land. No-one has ever said that.

                            Your "the British gave them the world" is typical white-supremacist balderdash.
                            Only feebs vote.


                            • #59
                              And your stuff is typical feel sorry for the natives balderdash. That can work both ways dude.


                              • #60
                                Plenty far. If they hadn't been conquered, infected and subjugated they would have made their own country or federation. They weren't idiots you know. They managed to pwn the British Army on numerous occasions (a rare occurrence for the 19th century).
                                Not too mention that thats entirely hypothetical. When the poms arrived the Maori people were mainly interested in buying muskets off them so they could wage war on their neighbouring tribes. There was no interest at all in forming a country or federation. That didn't happen till the king movement started gaining ground in the 1870s in answer to the treaty ignoring that the poms were doing. There was only so much land that was taken during the wars, the land that was sold to the poms is just land they sold, whether they sold it for one blanket or two blankets its still been sold.

