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Why am I such a good friend!?

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  • #91
    I don't think a 16-year old will have much to offer in terms of a relationship. (especially if she's pretty and/or popular with the guys)

    You never know until you get to know them.


    • #92
      Originally posted by Japher
      This should work :

      Form# 69
      Version 1.0.2
      Sexual Consent Form for two individuals

      Whereas _________________, hereafter known as the first party,
      and ______________, hereafter known as the second party, being of
      consenting age and sound mind, hereby consent to the following
      sexual acts, under the conditions and limitations listed below
      within the time period between _______ and _______ For more then
      two parties, see form 271828, a multi-party version of this form.

      Part 1: Sexually transmitted diseases and pregnancy prevention.

      This form assumes that both parties are in good health and free
      of known sexually transmitted diseases. If either party consents
      to any sexual acts while knowingly carrying a STD, that party
      agrees to any costs incurred as a result of transmission of that
      STD, and to furthermore pay punitive damages amounting to $_____.
      Furthermore, each party agrees to acquire and properly use the
      following methods of contraception and agrees to be liable for
      failure of these contraceptive devices (check the appropriate
      forms of contraception)

      The first party agrees to obtain and use these forms of

      __ Condom ( __ with spermicidal lubricant)
      __ Female condom (experimental. No liability is assumed for
      pregnancy or STD transmission if this device fails).
      __ Intrauterine device
      __ Cervical Cap (__ with spermicide)
      __ Diaphram ( __ with spermicide)
      __ Birth control pill (Specify type:________)
      __ Contraceptive sponge ( __ with spermicidal lubricant)
      __ Spermicidal jelly or foam
      __ Surgical sterilization ( __ Vasectomy __ Tubal ligation)
      __ Norplant
      __ RU 486 (Not legally available in the United States. Only for
      use where legal)

      The second party agrees to obtain and use these forms of

      __ Condom ( __ with spermicidal lubricant)
      __ Female condom (experimental. No liability is assumed for
      pregnancy or STD transmission if this device fails).
      __ Intrauterine device
      __ Cervical Cap (__ with spermicide)
      __ Diaphram ( __ with spermicide)
      __ Birth control pill (Specify type:________)
      __ Contraceptive sponge ( __ with spermicidal lubricant)
      __ Spermicidal jelly or foam
      __ Surgical sterilization ( __ Vasectomy __ Tubal ligation)
      __ Norplant
      __ RU 486 (Not legally available in the United States. Only for
      use where legal)

      Part 2: Pregnancy clause

      If both the party of the first part and the party of the second
      part agree that pregnancy is a goal of the sexual acts they wish
      to engage in, check here: __. If pregnancy is anatomically
      impossible, check here: __. If either of the previous two
      conditions don't apply, the following clause applies.

      In case of unwanted pregnancy, the parties agree to the following
      actions: (Check all that apply)
      __ Marriage
      __ Abortion. Paid for by ____________
      __ Adoption
      __ DNA testing of fetus and both parties to insure that both
      parties are the parents. Paid for by ____________
      __ Single parentood by the following party:_________. In this
      case, both parties are still financially responsible for the
      __ Single parenthood by the following party:________. This party
      assumes sole fiscal responsibility.

      Part 3: Consent of the first party.

      The first party consents to the following sexual acts: (Check all that
      the first party consents to. Any contact in the form of XXX-XXX, the
      first part refers to the consenting party, and the second part refers to
      the other party) Although the first party consents to allow the following,
      this is no way implies that any of the following acts will be carried out.

      __ Fully clothed bodily contact
      __ Partially clothed bodily contact
      __ Nude bodily contact
      __ Hand-torso contact
      __ Torso-hand contact
      __ Hand-genital contact
      __ Genital-hand contact
      __ Hand-anal contact
      __ Anal-hand contact
      __ Oral-oral contact
      __ Oral-oral contact involving the tongue
      __ Oral-torso contact
      __ Oral-torso contact involving the tongue
      __ Torso-oral contact
      __ Torso-oral contact involving the tongue
      __ Oral-genital contact
      __ Oral-genital contact involving the tongue
      __ genital-oral contact
      __ genital-oral contact involving the tongue
      __ Oral-anal contact
      __ Oral-anal contact involving the tongue
      __ Anal-oral contact
      __ Anal-oral contact involving the tongue
      __ Masturbation in the presence of the other party
      __ Sexual intercourse in the missionary position, on top.
      __ Sexual intercourse in the missionary position, on the bottom.
      __ Sexual intercourse "doggy style"
      __ Sexual intercourse in other positions: _____
      __ Anal intercourse.
      __ Physically binding the other party.
      __ Being physically bound by the other party.
      __ Using the following devices on the other party: (The party assumes
      all liability for malfunction or misuse of these devices):______
      __ Having the following devices used upon the party by the other party:
      __ Other:

      Part 4: Consent of the second party.

      The second party consents to the following sexual acts: (Check
      all that the second party consents to. Any contact in the form
      of XXX-XXX, the first part refers to the consenting party, and
      the second part refers to the other party). Although the second
      party consents to allow the following, this is no way implies
      that any of the following acts will be carried out.

      [A reference to Part 4 can be made in this regard.]

      Part 5: Termination of consent.

      Either party can nullify their consent to any specific act by
      saying "_______" to the other party, or otherwise indicating
      refusal to consent. Either party can also terminate all consent
      to sexual activities by saying "______" to the other party, or by
      indicating in the following manner that consent is no longer given:

      Part 6: Non-disclosure

      __ Check here if both parties agree to the following. If both parties
      don't agree, then both parties are free to disclose all that occurs.

      Both parties agree to only disclose the following information
      concerning their sexual activities to others.

      Any party who violates this section is liable for $___ in
      punitive damages for each violation of this section.

      First party: _______________ Second party: _____________
      Date: __________ Date: _________
      Witnessed by: _______________ Date: _________
      I'd sign it.
      We the people are the rightful masters of both Congress and the courts, not to overthrow the Constitution but to overthrow the men who pervert the Constitution. - Abraham Lincoln


      • #93
        What do you want , exactly ?

        Here is a link to something that might be helpful .

        If you're trying to get laid , it could be very very useful .

        If you're trying to get into a relationship , it could be a good beginning .


        • #94
          Dude, it so totally rocks to be rejected! Now I dont have to worry over what she thinks about me.

          We had a very lengthy discussion while laying next to each other in my bed about why she wants to be friends and nothing more. The attraction is mutual, she just isnt looking for a boyfriend. Also she seems to really enjoy the amount of respect I show her, compared to how her cute little cholo friends treat her.

          In other words if Im still around when she's ready I'm almost garunteed to get the starting position. Of course what is not garunteed is that I will still be around/single/etc.

          And for the record I played my own game, Che's game is a bit too out of character for me.

          Time to go out hunting again.


          • #95
            Wait, wait, wait...

            You had this discussion in YOUR BED???
            We the people are the rightful masters of both Congress and the courts, not to overthrow the Constitution but to overthrow the men who pervert the Constitution. - Abraham Lincoln


            • #96
              Originally posted by Ted Striker
              Wait, wait, wait...

              You had this discussion in YOUR BED???


              • #97

                she: *lights up* 'ahem.... so, just friends, ok?'

