I actually thought the battle of Endor was a little lame. First, you have the absurdity that some primative teddy bears could beat the best troops in the Empire, troops defending the shields protecting their ultimate weapon. That alone ruined it for me, because it was the deus ex machina that enabled the rebels to destroy Death Star II. On top of that absurdity, you have Lando taking the freaking Millenium Falcon flying through the half built Death Star, flying through corridors that are too small. Why wouldn't they people in smaller, more agile fighter ships rather than a big, bulky freighter? Just to give the Millenium Falcon some air time? Another absurdity. (though not as big or as disappointing as the Ewoks defeating the stormtroopers). Those two things ruined the battle of Endor for me.
My favorite space battle was the one in New Hope. It was the most believable, and it didn't seem as forced as the battle of Endor.
BTW, those who say there wasn't a battle in ESB, you are forgetting about the battle of Hoth. Though not the most visually impressive, I thought that battle was well done and exciting. I'd take Hoth over Endor.
My favorite space battle was the one in New Hope. It was the most believable, and it didn't seem as forced as the battle of Endor.
BTW, those who say there wasn't a battle in ESB, you are forgetting about the battle of Hoth. Though not the most visually impressive, I thought that battle was well done and exciting. I'd take Hoth over Endor.