I just got done arranging my apartment, putting away all of my w00tly new kitchen stuff, swept and mopped the floors, and called it good. I went over to my moms apartment because she has food over here (and the internet) and I dont have these things in my apartment just yet. Looked through the fridge and saw a big jug of Arizona ice tea, it looked perfect! Poured a nice tall cup, took a sip, wondered what the **** was wrong with it. It tasted like there was aspartame in it but not quite the same as usual. So I took another sip, strange taste. So I looked at the jug, it says its sweetend with Splenda.
You know, the "no calorie sweetner that tastes like sugar because its made from sugar," that bull****. Tastes like ****, not like sugar.
What is splenda?

What is splenda?