Re: Re: Re: France to vote non on EU constitution
They're not the reason I oppose the constitution to begin with (I reject the constitution ebcause it cannot be realistically amended).
However, I consider these statements to be extremely bad policies. And they desrve to be rejected
Err, it does have basis in fact.
The Constitution affirms several time that the aim of the EU, among other things, is to create a common market where competition is undistorted. There have been several EU decisions recently that went brutally in this direction (the Bolkestein directive, the recent directive to privatize urban mass transit). The thatcherite agenda of the EU insitutions is pretty much blatant. The only interventionist policies of the EU are the legacies of the 70ies (CAP)
As for rearmement and NATO: it is part of the constitution.
Originally posted by DanS
I understand all of this, but wouldn't you agree that this is all rubbish?
I understand all of this, but wouldn't you agree that this is all rubbish?
However, I consider these statements to be extremely bad policies. And they desrve to be rejected
It has no basis in fact, so hence my .
Err, it does have basis in fact.
The Constitution affirms several time that the aim of the EU, among other things, is to create a common market where competition is undistorted. There have been several EU decisions recently that went brutally in this direction (the Bolkestein directive, the recent directive to privatize urban mass transit). The thatcherite agenda of the EU insitutions is pretty much blatant. The only interventionist policies of the EU are the legacies of the 70ies (CAP)
As for rearmement and NATO: it is part of the constitution.