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English town too disturbingly white

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  • Originally posted by Kontiki

    I'm a little confused by this statement.
    No doubt, but it's understandable given that you're Canadian, and whatever else.......

    I thought your position was that there were, on average, differences between the races. To take another hypothetical, if it was generally accepted that blacks were, on average, less intelligent than whites (even though individuals wouldn't necessarily conform to average), you think this would lead to no one being harmed and better overall inter-racial harmony?
    First, he was trying to make the case that if all of us were the same skin color, then we would never accept the behavior from the same people who are destroying our culture and society that we do today because they are "minorities" and we whites are therefore "racists".

    Secondly, yes, he is making the case that we would all be better off if we just admitted to ourselves that, given hereditary differences, Darwin and evolution, etc, some of us, some groups of us, are just not ever going to be able to cut the mustard, so to speak.

    It would save the US hundreds of billions of dollars annually, for instance, if just got rid of affirmative action. Now, if we add in all of the other "reverse racism" (unconstitutional) laws in this country, we could compete with the likes of oh, say India, where racism has been a way of like for 3500 years.

    Can you say "Caste system"?


    • Originally posted by Epublius Rex

      I didn't gloss over it- I thought everyone in AMerica knew that slavery was illegal here- except for the imported minorities:

      As far as our gene pools go, I think not. There is no way that my family could have been wealthy for over 150 years and have anyone as ignorant as you in it. As far as you're being a Westerner, again, I think not. No one who is actually a Westerner and knows the real history of the West would ever make the idiotic statements that you and others on this site make.
      And yet it has you in it, the Epitome of Stupidity.

      Don't try to confuse the issue with half-truths and gorilla dust!


      • Originally posted by Tuberski

        And yet it has you in it, the Epitome of Stupidity.

        Are you capable of anything other then twelve year old rants? I am not going to waste my time on a child. And if you're not a child, oh my, were you a victim of fetal alcohol syndrome? Down Syndrome?

        Or are you really just "African"?


        • Originally posted by Epublius Rex
          I would say your thinking is a direct result of attempting to educate people with a sub average IQ, by Western standards, anyway. I think all of humanity would be better off if we only bothered to give post HS education to those who score above 1200 on a SAT. Now I know that that would preclude most (if nor all) blacks and "Hispanics", but think how nice and easy it would be to get into classes- not to mention parking spaces and such.
          So, basically, your argument is:

          Don't let minorities go to college so whitey has more parking space.

          Don't try to confuse the issue with half-truths and gorilla dust!


          • Originally posted by Lazarus and the Gimp
            What was it that turned you into a racist, Cal?

            Yes- I know you've met some blacks you consider to be almost as good as a real white person, but I'm curious as to why you persistantly try to apply manifestly flawed data to uphold a racist agenda while claiming you aren't a racist.
            Maybe it was a drive through Atlanta or Detroit?

            Then again, it could have been Oakland or LA.


            • Originally posted by Epublius Rex

              Are you capable of anything other then twelve year old rants? I am not going to waste my time on a child. And if you're not a child, oh my, were you a victim of fetal alcohol syndrome? Down Syndrome?

              Or are you really just "African"?
              I try to tailor my posts to the intelligence of the poster I reply to.

              When you get down to it we're ALL African.

              Don't try to confuse the issue with half-truths and gorilla dust!


              • Originally posted by Tuberski

                So, basically, your argument is:

                Don't let minorities go to college so whitey has more parking space.

                Ahh, a semi intelligent response.

                No, my argument is that all people- read that again- all people should be limited. The real problem with America, and the West in general, is that there are too many educated idiots running around. A direct result of the G.I. Bill and then the equally ridiculous student loan program.

                Anyone who can score a 1200 or better on SAT should be given a free ride (excluding the wealthy) to college. Everyone else- and I mean everyone else, should either fend for themselves or get a job sweeping sidewalks.

                I am not a racist, I am an elitist, however.


                • Oh forgive me then. I'll get to go to college for free if you run the country!

                  You aren't from Northern Idaho or Montana are you?

                  Don't try to confuse the issue with half-truths and gorilla dust!


                  • Originally posted by Tuberski

                    I try to tailor my posts to the intelligence of the poster I reply to.

                    When you get down to it we're ALL African.

                    no we're not. I'm a European. I do not believe in the junk science that promotes the "out of Africa" view. I has not been proven, and the same computer models that lay claim to the study of genes that say so, can also be made to say the opposite- that we all evolved separately.

                    In any case, what if we were to have come out of Africa 10 million years ago (people of average intelligence or less cannot conceive of one-thousand, let alone a million), that means nothing today and any Darwinist will confirm that. That is, after all, 500,000 generations of humans.

                    Did you really believe in the fallacy that evolution pertains to all but humans and their brains?

                    Then explain how it is that while Plato was pontificating on the state of the human and his mind, Africans were running around beating on (ant) hollowed out logs and eating each other? Or better still, while they were waiting for food to fall from trees, the indo-europeans were taming horses, inventing the wheel, making the first horse carts followed by chariots, inventing saddles and recurve bows, inventing the plow and farming, inventing bronze, iron, steel, etc. right down to electricity, engines, jet engines, airplanes, computers, rocketships, submarines, helicopters and even houses- not to mention roads (as opposed to foot paths in the jungle) and advanced machines to build them with, factories, central heating and air-conditioning.

                    Shall I go on, or perhaps, even you, can get the point?


                    • Please go on, oh great white hope.

                      Don't try to confuse the issue with half-truths and gorilla dust!


                      • This troll apprently hasn't read Guns, Germs and Steel. Get a brain, Bigot.


                        • They don't have that in Idaho.

                          Don't try to confuse the issue with half-truths and gorilla dust!


                          • Originally posted by Tuberski
                            Oh forgive me then. I'll get to go to college for free if you run the country!

                            You aren't from Northern Idaho or Montana are you?

                            Bigot, are you? Shame shame shame. I was referring to non-dumbed down SAT scores. If you scored even 900 I would be mildly amused and surprised. I can tell by your word usage, syntax and general lack of ability to understand what it is you are reading that you didn't even come close to 1200. Even on the now dumbed down version.

                            As far as you tailoring your response. Don't flatter yourself, bucko, you aren't even in the same ball park, either in intelligence or educationally.

                            What you seem to be good at is spewing invectives and reiterating slogans you have managed to memorize- much like everyone else here. The occasional rare word usage is telling in that only someone with a limited vocabulary and thesaurus would bother to use them- it's one of the jokes Eddie Murphy makes about black prison inmates, and also something a communications prof communicated to his class, that I happened to be in.


                            • Originally posted by Odin
                              This troll apprently hasn't read Guns, Germs and Steel. Get a brain, Bigot.
                              Guns, Germs and Steel
                              DLs in general
                              Taht weasel!
                              Un-nuanced racism
                              This DL in particular
                              Miami Heat dancers
                              "You're the biggest user of hindsight that I've ever known. Your favorite team, in any sport, is the one that just won. If you were a woman, you'd likely be a slut." - Slowwhand, to Imran

                              Eschewing silly games since December 4, 2005


                              • Originally posted by Odin
                                This troll apprently hasn't read Guns, Germs and Steel. Get a brain, Bigot.
                                Well, Odin, I see you weren't smart enough to get into the real "U", now were you? Let alone a school like Stanford? Only average types go to Moorhead- it's the backwater of Minnesota/Dakota land. The only thing worse would be Stout in Wisconsin- maybe.

                                "Stout, Stout, the easy way out".

                                Yeah, I'm real impressed.

                                Heh- you're another sub 1000 SAT guy.

