Originally posted by Imran Siddiqui
Who says they are participating in heated discussions? A casual watcher of Star Wars can't pick his favorite movie in Kaak's poll?
Who says they are participating in heated discussions? A casual watcher of Star Wars can't pick his favorite movie in Kaak's poll?
Cause NO ONE has complained about his usage. Everyone has treated it as normal.
The issue is, do most people out there in the real world know the first movie as "Star Wars" or as "Ep 4" or "ANH."
No, that isn't the issue. The issue is what do most people call the first movie when discussing the entire body of movies and how do they differentiate it.
You said back on page 3 that most people think of the first movie as "Star Wars", period! Ie, they don't have any idea of it being "Episode 4" in the series (hard to believe since everyone I know has called a Star Wars movie "Episode X" at least once).
That you've heard everyone you know call "a Star Wars movie" by the episode number isn't hard to imagine, since Ep 1-3 have explicitley been branded as such. But we're not talking about them, we're talking about the 1977 film, which until 2000 has never, ever been marketed by episode number or ANH, and which I grew up calling simply "Star Wars," as did everyone else, and this was supported by movie listings, TV Guide listings, merchandising, posters, toys, etc.
HELLO, the crawl perhaps? As JohnT said, he was 'shocked' that the episode number came up in ESB. If he remembers it with such surprise, don't you think other people do as well?
Of course the crawl is important! In the serial nature that Lucas had in mind, that was the title of the episode in the grand space opera. People wondered what came before and after. In the mid 90s people were wanting Lucas to complete his master plan and do 1, 2, 3 and 7, 8, 9. Of course Lucas says he's going to stop with 3, but that doesn't mean that people didn't know about the trilogy of trilogies back then.
So no, these people aren't going to give a rat's ass about what's in the crawl beyong the 20 seconds it takes to read it and get the background story. They aren't going to remember from 5 seconds of text the episode number or the ANH title, since for 20+ years the film has only been marketed and branded as "Star Wars."
And sometimes when distinguishing between films, people would refer to episode numbers instead of names.
I ask you the same thing I asked JohnT. How did changing the copyright, MAGICALLY make everyone change what they called the movies? You've admitted, at least, that after TPM people called the movies by episode number. Was the movie filled with brainwashing magic?
Here's a quote from a film critic:
The pressure may be different, as Revenge of the Sith is guaranteed to be a huge hit in terms of making money, which A New Hope (as we now have to call it) was certainly not.
I mean what 'proof' is it when the argument is that people use episode numbers today to refer to the movies because Lucas changed the copyright, which 99% of people do not know! How did that magically change what people called the movies?
Meanwhile, you've got most people here saying you're wrong, you've got the fact that all the major movie sites only refer to it as "Star Wars," relegating ep # and ANH to subtitle status, and that all the branding, including posters, trailers, box sets of tapes, etc. only refer to it as "Star Wars," that all the memorabilia and toys and such pre-TPM just call it "Star Wars." I'll even provide a wikipedia quote for you:
However, the film is still known as "Star Wars" to most people, though Star Wars fans often refer to it as "A New Hope." Up until the 2004 DVD release, the picture was even advertised simply as "Star Wars."
The great irony is that on page 4 you responded to me by saying:
Got a cite to back that claim up