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Verres can't drink

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  • Originally posted by General Ludd
    So that she can destroy it again?
    I know this doesn't sound believable....but I wouldn't. I am certainly not expecting to be given a second chance, but if by some miracle I was, I wouldnt repeat the mistakes of the last few years.
    Desperados of the world, unite. You have nothing to lose but your dignity.......


    • Originally posted by Verres
      I heard something by The Flaming Lips (called fight test I think....not sure) ages ago and it made me want to eat my own eye balls - so I may give it a miss.
      Yeah, Test Flight was kind of far out there while Yoshimi is more of a main stream album that's mostly guitars and electronica. The basic genre hasn't changed though.
      Try for discussion and debate.


      • Originally posted by Verres
        But, like it or not, I've had some bad news and wanted an outlet for it here as I don't want to let anyone in RL know how dumb I've been.
        That is actually understandable and I've done the same thing here before. I sometime talk about issues which or say things which I truly think which I really couldn't say to people I know in RL. Sometimes it is just nice to get objective advice about situations from people who don't know your real family and who can't tell co-workers and things like that.
        Try for discussion and debate.


        • Originally posted by child of Thor
          I've always found nature the best drug i get of on.
          you wanna have a serious word with your dealer about that...

          "The Christian way has not been tried and found wanting, it has been found to be hard and left untried" - GK Chesterton.

          "The most obvious predicition about the future is that it will be mostly like the past" - Alain de Botton


          • Originally posted by Verres
            You could always try drilling a hole in your skull to relieve pressure. Supposedly the ancient Egyptians et al did that for headaches. Or maybe that was tumors. I forget.
            They did skulltrepanation (maybe wrong translation) all the time due to their limited knowledge.. It relieves the headache from a growing cancer, but as it keeps growing it'll come back I would think

            from what I have observed.. people generally have a lot harder time dealing wtih emotional pain

            but yes, please don't attempt or succeed in suicide
            Always hard to say that unless you've been through it yerself. I still think physical pain is a bit worse, because it's constantly there, and because the pain is always there it gets psychological as well. It really affects my life all the time. I don't think I can do any job at all... and certainly not what I am studying for... Now how does that look like huh
            Being depressed on the other hand is some sort of malfunction in the brain I recently read. It might be possible to treat it better in the future. Need more info on that though
            "An archaeologist is the best husband a women can have; the older she gets, the more interested he is in her." - Agatha Christie
            "Non mortem timemus, sed cogitationem mortis." - Seneca


            • jus verrinum
              In Soviet Russia, Fake borises YOU.


              • Originally posted by VJ
                Both your short-lived relationship with Drogue and your (old, changed like 5 minutes ago) signature disagree. It'd be a good thing if you wouldn't be either one in the future, and boldly saying so is a nice first step.
                VJ, what the **** are you on? Please don't bring this into me, I know of nothing to do with our relationship that would suggest the kind of comments you've made, and the fact you'd consider it short lived seems to show your ignorance on the matter.

                Dear God, you never seemed like such an ignorant, cruel, opinionated **** in real life. Not only do you have little to no idea of what you're talking about, nothing would warrant the abuse you've spewed. I seriously hope your lack of reply is due to a permaban.

                Verres: I'm not sure if you'd want me to post anything, but I wanted to wish you well. I really hope you get better, and I'd like nothing more than to see you get that second chance. While I know you probably won't want me to, I'm always here if there's anything I can do.
                For though he was master of the world, he was not quite sure what to do next
                But he would think of something

                "Hm. I suppose I should get my waffle a santa hat." - Kuciwalker


                • I am curious as to what you tried to OD on if you don't mind me asking.
                  Try for discussion and debate.


                  • could be something as simple as advil

                    Jon miller
                    Jon Miller-
                    I AM.CANADIAN
                    GENERATION 35: The first time you see this, copy it into your sig on any forum and add 1 to the generation. Social experiment.


                    • Was paracetamol in this case. In the past its been that, ibuprofen (which i think is like advil? Not sure) and various prescription pain killers.

                      Yes, I know paracetamol is one of the worst ones in terms of long term damage and unpredictability etc. But then, I am female

                      (btw, thanks Drogue)
                      Desperados of the world, unite. You have nothing to lose but your dignity.......

