Assuming that people have private universes is just daft... intelligibility of error
That's false. Sometimes I don't feel any emotion at all... that my moral judgement opposes
Unfortunately it requires a kind of psychophilosophy/epistomological approach here which can seem a little distant from what is essentially a political question, but then if you package that up in an assumption; namely subjective free will + objective determinism, it makes more sense.
Regardless, I find it hard to accept that in the absense of your conscious emotion, you might apparently be to yourself a logical being (opposing logic and emotion in the colloquial sense), that you are in fact devoid of all emotion in your being. One greets all sensory experiences with emotion, you would recall how colour is supposed to stimulate different areas of the brain and you feel different according to smells, tastes etc, often unknowingly. Accepting for the minute that sensory experiences/perceptions cannot be devoid of emotion on some level, is it so unreasonable to say that morality would be the result of some emotional reaction to a certain chain of events, and a combination of rationalism and religion (sic) does the rest?
Act utilitarianism... flows from the framework and basis placed before them
Well except for the is ought thing...
Apologies for the delay and any typing errors, GayOL doesn't like me at home and the library keyboard is exceedingly evil.