ArsTechnica E3 blog:

heh heh heh...
The Playstation video and non-existant Revolution left me a little bit miffed, so I was ecstatic to see playable pre-release XBox 360 games when I walked into the Microsoft area. Plus, faceplates. Faceplates are quite obviously the best thing to ever grace the console scene:

Microsoft's setup and planning really blew Sony and Nintendo's away. For instance, Microsoft provided very nice headphones for their promo movie, whereas the Sony one was muddled by outside noise. They also handed out "tickets" for the promo movie rather than making people wait in lines for half the day, which worked out very nicely (especially since I got one).
Beyond that, nothing compares to having playable setups for the next-gen consoles. Granted, Microsoft's release date is six months earlier than Sony's, but Microsoft wowed more people at a convention meant for wowing than Sony did. Nintendo wowed my snooze button.
Beyond that, nothing compares to having playable setups for the next-gen consoles. Granted, Microsoft's release date is six months earlier than Sony's, but Microsoft wowed more people at a convention meant for wowing than Sony did. Nintendo wowed my snooze button.