These are all really good points that draw out some of the bigger issues here.
First of all, priests are priests for life. Any discipline they face must take this into account. To kick them out is to deny their own ordination. Now, it is true that someone can choose to leave, but it is unnecessary to boot them out entirely in order to discipline them.
Secondly, who ought to have the authority to discipline these priests, the state, or their own ecclesial courts? I would argue the latter. If they state begins to intrude upon these matters, then it will invariably become ensnared upon issues pertaining the doctrine of the church.
I agree, I think more can be done, but I think what you propose has problems that you have not considered.
Here in Australia at least, there's been controversey over the fact that sex offending priests have been ignored and moved around by the church, without any pressing of charges, let alone kicking them out. I would suggest kicking them out and telling the police would be very appropriate punishments. That's the law. It is not what they did for quite a while, until there was a media uproar about it. That's why I think trusting an institution such as the church, simply because it is the church, is not something to be done. It has a terrible past and its present is not that clean either.
Secondly, who ought to have the authority to discipline these priests, the state, or their own ecclesial courts? I would argue the latter. If they state begins to intrude upon these matters, then it will invariably become ensnared upon issues pertaining the doctrine of the church.
I agree, I think more can be done, but I think what you propose has problems that you have not considered.