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Baseball and Steroids

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  • #61
    Originally posted by SpencerH
    Congress has no more right to tell baseball how to run their business than they can tell Microsoft or Ford how to run their businesses.
    Considering the anti-trust exemption Baseball gets, I'd argue differently.
    I make no bones about my moral support for [terrorist] organizations. - chegitz guevara
    For those who aspire to live in a high cost, high tax, big government place, our nation and the world offers plenty of options. Vermont, Canada and Venezuela all offer you the opportunity to live in the socialist, big government paradise you long for. –Senator Rubio


    • #62
      Originally posted by DinoDoc
      Considering the anti-trust exemption Baseball gets, I'd argue differently.
      Thats true but the answer is remove the anti-trust laws.
      We need seperate human-only games for MP/PBEM that dont include the over-simplifications required to have a good AI
      If any man be thirsty, let him come unto me and drink. Vampire 7:37
      Just one old soldiers opinion. E Tenebris Lux. Pax quaeritur bello.


      • #63
        The Government does tell Ford and Microsoft how to run their businesses. Especially if a crime is being commited in the production of their product. The anti-trust exception is just Icing on the cake.
        Accidently left my signature in this post.


        • #64
          to the people who think government has better things to do:

          I used to think this way, but then I heard Rep. Bernie Sanders (I think) say something to this effect. And I'm paraphrasing: 'The people who say doesn't government have better things to do need to understand that we DO talk about more important things all the time. We are here every day in commitees talking about child poverty or the fact that millions of Americans don't have access to health care. I don't think it's unreasonable that we spend ONE DAY investigating illegal activities (using steroids).'

          Having said that, I must also comment on the "think of the children" argument. Yes, baseball players are role models whether they want to be or not. But, if you let baseball players parent your children, bad things are going to happen no matter what.

          Baseball is America's national pastime. If the ineffectual leadership of baseball is unwilling or unable to clean up the sport, I think Congress has a right to get involved. Instead of getting mad at Congress, maybe people should be mad at Bud Selig and the player's union for being COMPLETE TOOLS and allowing these juiced up meatheads to do what they are doing. BTW, government does have a right to get involved because using, acquiring steroids is a crime and these players are undoubtedly crossing state lines in their effort to commit crimes. That makes it a federal issue.

          Frankly, I don't like the idea of the government getting involved in sports. But this is the only way things are going to change. And because of this fact, I support the government cracking down.
          To us, it is the BEAST.


          • #65
            BTW, government does have a right to get involved because using, acquiring steroids is a crime and these players are undoubtedly crossing state lines in their effort to commit crimes. That makes it a federal issue.

            So book the players and send them to jail if you have proof. No need to write the laws of a sport. Just enforce the law on the books.
            “I give you a new commandment, that you love one another. Just as I have loved you, you also should love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.”
            - John 13:34-35 (NRSV)

