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Correctional Service of Canada: No Whites Need Apply

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  • #76
    Originally posted by Imran Siddiqui
    Diss, you are so amazingly wrong, I'm not even sure where you are anymore. Of course you can discriminate against white people. Don't be silly now. Try to go to Compton and see if no one there discriminates against you.
    You take Diss seriously?


    • #77
      Originally posted by Oerdin

      So the fact that black men tend to eat more of the wrong foods and excersize less then white men is my fault how?
      I think higher crime and poverty rates account for a greater portion of the difference in life expectancy.

      You love to trot out that "blacks are more likely to be in jail" line all the time but lets compare apples to apples. What is the incarceration rate for poor urban people in general? What percentage of poor urban white males or poor urban hispanic males or poor urban Asian males vs poor urban black males.

      The dividing issue should be if someone is poor not what their race is.
      From an old paper, but things have not changed:

      TABLE 3
      (Crude and Race Specific)
      Population % of Pop # of Inmates % Inmate Population Rate/100,000 U.S. Residents Rate /100,000 of @ Race
      Whites 208,704,000 83.9 34,3550 48.21 138.13 164.611
      Blacks 30,483,000 12.25 33,4952 47.01 134.67 1,098.816
      American Indians 2,065,000 0.83 5,994 0.84 2.41 290.266
      Asians 7,458,000 3.0 2,480 0.35 .99 33.25
      Total 248,709,873 99.98 68,6976 96.41 276.22 N/A

      Source: The Corrections Yearbook 1992

      Difficult to read, but the best way to put it: for every 100,000 white Americans 164.6 were in prison.

      For every 100,000 Black Americans, 1,098.8 were in prison.

      Unless poverty rates amongst whites are 1/10 of those amongst blacks AND almost all white in prison are poor, there is no way the incarceratino rate amongs poor white men is similar to those of poor black men, even thought the incarceration of poor whites is probably certainly greater than those of rich whites.
      Last edited by GePap; February 24, 2005, 15:24.
      If you don't like reality, change it! me
      "Oh no! I am bested!" Drake
      "it is dangerous to be right when the government is wrong" Voltaire
      "Patriotism is a pernecious, psychopathic form of idiocy" George Bernard Shaw


      • #78
        From this paper:

        From the life-course perspective there is not a single earnings gap
        between nonconvicts and ex-convicts. Instead, the earnings of
        ex-convicts diverges from the earnings of nonconvicts as men get
        older. Nonconvicts by their late 20s have settled into a stable path
        of earnings growth, while ex-convicts follow an unstable trajectory
        of irregular employment....
        A rough estimate of the impact of incarceration on the black-white
        earnings gap can be obtained from figures on the lifetime risk of
        incarceration and average earnings. Our estimates suggests that 22.3
        percent of black men have prison records by ages 30 to 34, in
        contrast to 3.2 percent of white men. The earnings gap between black
        and white men under age 30 is around 18 percent. Following the
        statistical studies, we can assume that prison or jail time lowers
        earnings by around one-tenth. Some simple calculations show that the
        black-white gap in earnings would be reduced from 18 to 12 percent if
        blacks and whites were incarcerated at the same rate.
        If you don't like reality, change it! me
        "Oh no! I am bested!" Drake
        "it is dangerous to be right when the government is wrong" Voltaire
        "Patriotism is a pernecious, psychopathic form of idiocy" George Bernard Shaw


        • #79
          What anti-liberals need to understand is the liberals instinctive backlash is against anything negatively discriminatory, and with the obvious history of black civil rights, anyone complaining about anti-white discrimination hits a raw nerve... and the feeling that the latter proponent could be showing some closet racial supremacy.

          I doubt that is the case here specifically but it's understandable that there would be this reaction from liberals. I could have worded it better, but it explains this "tolerance or death" parody of them, and conservative attempts to goad.
          "I work in IT so I'd be buggered without a computer" - Words of wisdom from Provost Harrison
          "You can be wrong AND jewish" - Wiglaf :love:


          • #80
            I know it's stupid to defend affirmitive action.

            but I'm really worried we are reversing in trends, like we did with feminism. Feminism was going great, but then something happened. Men have gone back to treating women like ****. I don't like it.

            I'm getting sick and tired of white people complaining.


            • #81
              Why, because sometimes they win in court?
              “I give you a new commandment, that you love one another. Just as I have loved you, you also should love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.”
              - John 13:34-35 (NRSV)


              • #82
                Originally posted by Kuciwalker
                No, they decide they will not accept any white candidates at all. It's not just an "advantage" - it's total exclusion. It's as if Harvard decided it would only accept blacks and hispanics.
                No, read the story. CSC specifically stated that it is hiring white people.

                "CSC spokesman Michele Pilon-Santilli said the pool was narrowed because a high number of applicants were competing for limited openings."

                White people are being hired, but there are so many applicants on file that CSC has decided not to take any more applications. There is nothing unusual or unfair abotu this. Companies routinely stop accepting applications when there is already a waiting list.

                CSC wants to hire more minorities and it doesn't have a waiting list for qualified minorities, therefore it is still accepting applications from them.
                Golfing since 67


                • #83
                  Originally posted by Tingkai
                  CSC wants to hire more minorities and it doesn't have a waiting list for qualified minorities, therefore it is still accepting applications from them.
                  Which is always why one should not mention their race (optional in the US) on an application so they won't be discriminated against.

                  Ever see a 1/16th Native American?

                  Seperating applications based on race first


                  • #84
                    Which is all very fine if you believe in the fairytale that all people are exactly the same, but the reality is that our perspectives are shaped by our culture. The best work places are those that are diverse, where people can provide different perspectives on the world, perspectives that are not more right or wrong, but simply different and reflecting different realities.

                    In this case, a Native jail guard would likely be able to connect at a deeper level with a Native prisoner than a white guard. The Native guard would be able to say, I've been there, but you don't have to choose the path you're on. The Native guard would be able to say "don't give me no **** about the white man keeping you down." And the Native guard would be more likely to treat Native prisoners as a person rather than the too-often Canadian attitude that Natives are just drunks.
                    Golfing since 67


                    • #85
                      Originally posted by Tingkai
                      Which is all very fine if you believe in the fairytale that all people are exactly the same, but the reality is that our perspectives are shaped by our culture. The best work places are those that are diverse, where people can provide different perspectives on the world, perspectives that are not more right or wrong, but simply different and reflecting different realities.
                      No, the idea that quotas always = better work place is the fairytale. A PC-looking firefighter team is not as good as a better performing firefighter team. If you're filling quotas just to fill quotas you don't help anyone and in some positions put lives at risk.

                      In this case, a Native jail guard would likely be able to connect at a deeper level with a Native prisoner than a white guard. The Native guard would be able to say, I've been there, but you don't have to choose the path you're on. The Native guard would be able to say "don't give me no **** about the white man keeping you down." And the Native guard would be more likely to treat Native prisoners as a person rather than the too-often Canadian attitude that Natives are just drunks.
                      First, with that logic they should also create a position exclusive for those with a criminal history so prisoners have someone who can "connect at a deeper level" and say "I've been there." You do not even know if the positions they look to fill need "someone who is able to connect at a deep level with a Native prisoner".

                      You simply invented a fairytale scenario including a hero to "save the day" from the negative Native stereotype you're spreading of "white man keeping me down" (which also spreads the negative white stereotype) to try to justify your discrimination. Oh, the irony. And who are you to say a white man raised in a Native neighborhood/culture/parents with degrees in psychology would not connect as well as a black man with poor social skills who was homeschooled by very conservative rich white parents?

                      Furthermore, you missed my point about "Have you ever seen a 1/16th Native American?" Who decides when someone is no longer a minority? And there people with caucasian phenotypes but minority ancestry and vice-versa as well. People don't fit into the neat boxes you designed in your mind to discriminate against so easily.

                      Finally, there is a big difference between actively seeking minorities, such as recruiting/posting the job in minority neighborhoods/websites/newspapers and flat out rejecting someone and everything they have to offer simply because they don't have the right skin color.


                      • #86

                        You just don't get it, eh.

                        Originally posted by Pyrodrew
                        No, the idea that quotas always = better work place is the fairytale. A PC-looking firefighter team is not as good as a better performing firefighter team. If you're filling quotas just to fill quotas you don't help anyone and in some positions put lives at risk.
                        Nice bald assertion. Let's try the reverse, a diverse workforce always creates better results, particularly in occupations that involve dealing with a multicultural population.

                        Originally posted by Pyrodrew
                        First, with that logic they should also create a position exclusive for those with a criminal history so prisoners have someone who can "connect at a deeper level" and say "I've been there."
                        Your attempt to use an extreme example to argue against a logical position has utterly failed. The fact is that people with a criminal record are sometimes employed to counsel criminals precisely because they can say "I've been there, and I was able to change my life." Do you have some objection about employing people who have committed crimes, done their time and who are now trying to rebuild their lives?

                        Originally posted by Pyrodrew
                        You do not even know if the positions they look to fill need "someone who is able to connect at a deep level with a Native prisoner".
                        Prove to me that I am wrong. There are Natives who are in jail, the jail system is designed to rehabilitate (along with punish) criminals. Therefore, it stands to reason that CSC wants to help Native prisoners and one way to do that is by having a multicultural CSC staff. For specific examples, look at how the Canadian government has implemented programs that use Native culture to help criminals who are Native.

                        Originally posted by Pyrodrew
                        You simply invented a fairytale scenario including a hero to "save the day" from the negative Native stereotype you're spreading of "white man keeping me down" (which also spreads the negative white stereotype) to try to justify your discrimination.
                        In every social group there is someone who blames their problems on other people. Denying reality is going to help people.

                        Originally posted by Pyrodrew
                        And who are you to say a white man raised in a Native neighborhood/culture/parents with degrees in psychology would not connect as well as a black man with poor social skills who was homeschooled by very conservative rich white parents?
                        Aye-yeah. Do I really have to explain this?

                        Companies routinely screen potential job applicants by setting specific requirements for a job, for example, 10 year's work experience. Yes, there might be someone with only five years of work experience who can do the job just as well, but so what. And yes, the specific requirements discriminate against those who do not meet the requirements, but so what.

                        Originally posted by Pyrodrew v
                        Furthermore, you missed my point about "Have you ever seen a 1/16th Native American?"
                        No, I ignore your pointless comment. In Canada, a Native person in this context means a Status Indian. Someone who is 1/16th Native is either a Metis or not, but not a Status Indian. There are legal definitions for both groups. If you don't know what a Metis is, then perhaps you should learn a bit more about Canada before you continue this discussion.

                        Originally posted by Pyrodrew
                        Finally, there is a big difference between actively seeking minorities, such as recruiting/posting the job in minority neighborhoods/websites/newspapers and flat out rejecting someone and everything they have to offer simply because they don't have the right skin color.
                        As I mentioned before, CSC has a long list of white applicants and some of these white people will be hired. CSC is also looking for people who have different qualifications.
                        Golfing since 67


                        • #87
                          Originally posted by Tingkai

                          You just don't get it, eh.
                          Neither do you it seems.

                          Nice bald assertion. Let's try the reverse, a diverse workforce always creates better results, particularly in occupations that involve dealing with a multicultural population.
                          Utter rubbish. You ignore that a workforce sharing common interests will work better, especially when they living in a multicultural population that they can't always relate with.

                          Your attempt to use an extreme example to argue against a logical position has utterly failed. The fact is that people with a criminal record are sometimes employed to counsel criminals precisely because they can say "I've been there, and I was able to change my life." Do you have some objection about employing people who have committed crimes, done their time and who are now trying to rebuild their lives?
                          Nice bald assertion. You seem to assume that all criminals can be magically rehabilitated by giving them jobs that involve the crimes they have committed. Would you want your daughter to be watched over by a crossing guard who used to be a cild sex offender because he knows how those minds think?

                          Prove to me that I am wrong. There are Natives who are in jail, the jail system is designed to rehabilitate (along with punish) criminals. Therefore, it stands to reason that CSC wants to help Native prisoners and one way to do that is by having a multicultural CSC staff. For specific examples, look at how the Canadian government has implemented programs that use Native culture to help criminals who are Native.
                          You're the one making outlandish claims. The burden proof falls on you.

                          In every social group there is someone who blames their problems on other people. Denying reality is going to help people.
                          You deny that people don't cause problems for other people. Who is denying reality?

                          Aye-yeah. Do I really have to explain this?
                          No, don't waste your time, you probably couldn't anyway.

                          Companies routinely screen potential job applicants by setting specific requirements for a job, for example, 10 year's work experience. Yes, there might be someone with only five years of work experience who can do the job just as well, but so what. And yes, the specific requirements discriminate against those who do not meet the requirements, but so what.
                          Once again you have missed the point and are trying to evade the issue.

                          No, I ignore your pointless comment. In Canada, a Native person in this context means a Status Indian. Someone who is 1/16th Native is either a Metis or not, but not a Status Indian. There are legal definitions for both groups. If you don't know what a Metis is, then perhaps you should learn a bit more about Canada before you continue this discussion.
                          Do I even need point out what is wrong with this?

                          As I mentioned before, CSC has a long list of white applicants and some of these white people will be hired. CSC is also looking for people who have different qualifications.
                          It's called reading the article. Perhaps you should, and read some of the other posts before making claims like this.

                          That was good fun, but I don't know how you expect to have people take you seriously doing it.
                          “As a lifelong member of the Columbia Business School community, I adhere to the principles of truth, integrity, and respect. I will not lie, cheat, steal, or tolerate those who do.”
                          "Capitalism ho!"


                          • #88
                            Originally posted by GePap

                            Yup, telling people was wrong- they should have taken the applications anyway, and simply held on to them. The mistake was, as was said before, being stupid about telling people not to apply. Its not like you need to tell people what is done with their application once you get them, even if all you do is thrown them in the trash.

                            Poor PR all around by the Correction services.
                            Good point GePap. You clarified the entire PC mindset in a few sentences:

                            Do not tell anyone the obvious truth. Get you PR system in good order so you can lie more effectively. And pretend that the obvious truth is not really true. You're not a Democrat are you?


                            • #89
                              Positive and negative discrimination sucks. People should be selected on the basis of their ability to do the job, not political correctness to look better externally. That means there will be, for example, male and female firefighters, as long as the woman are capable of performing to the same degree as the required level for men, not a lowered standard for the sake of PC.
                              "I work in IT so I'd be buggered without a computer" - Words of wisdom from Provost Harrison
                              "You can be wrong AND jewish" - Wiglaf :love:


                              • #90
                                I'm content with the responses to Tingkai from DaShi and Whaleboy, but if Tingkai is still confused I will be more than happy to elaborate.

                                People should be selected on the basis of their ability to do the job


