Reguarding Juan Cole I pointed out several problems in my first post about this which you insist aren't problems at all though I imagine most thinking people followed what I said. A quick look at the net reveals a great deal about Juan Cole and his hyper partisan crusade in Iraq; I read several of his works and I can't find a single one that is supportive of anything. That's fair enough but what is unfair is to try to prance a partisan hack like Cole out as some sort of fair minded individual which he clearly is not.
Jeff Jarvis is a liberal writer and his last article on this page is about Juan Cole.
That last link is interesting because it shows just what type of conspiracy theory nut job Juan Cole is. Cole accussed Iraqi bloggers who were positive about the eletion of being CIA Agents as no body else but the CIA would dare say anything good about Iraq. In that link Cole gets his ass handed to him from being the partisan nut job that he is. Please remember these are fellow liberals who are slamming Cole for his stupidity.
Here's a few more comments for people to consider about Mr Juan Cole:
That last one is a link to the Iraqi blog which Juan Cole accussed of being evil CIA agents.
Jeff Jarvis is a liberal writer and his last article on this page is about Juan Cole.
That last link is interesting because it shows just what type of conspiracy theory nut job Juan Cole is. Cole accussed Iraqi bloggers who were positive about the eletion of being CIA Agents as no body else but the CIA would dare say anything good about Iraq. In that link Cole gets his ass handed to him from being the partisan nut job that he is. Please remember these are fellow liberals who are slamming Cole for his stupidity.
Here's a few more comments for people to consider about Mr Juan Cole:
That last one is a link to the Iraqi blog which Juan Cole accussed of being evil CIA agents.