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Why the American media are so pathologically anti-Russian

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  • I can tell you how it will be done - Yushenko's ****s will just grab those enterprises for themselves and become new oligarchs.


    • Originally posted by Serb

      Supported by Yeltsin? I'm not sure/ I can't recall any supportive statements of Yeltsin. In any case it doesn't mean it was a Yeltsin's party. Believe me, in case if this party supported Yeltsin course or in case if Yeltsin actively supported the Unity, it would never won elections of 1999. Yeltsin was TOOOOOOoooooo unpopular.
      Yeltsin supported it quietly. What Putin needed then was not a speech, which as you say would have hurt, but the support of the state apparatus. In turn, Putin pardoned Yeltsin and his family afterwards.
      "A person cannot approach the divine by reaching beyond the human. To become human, is what this individual person, has been created for.” Martin Buber


      • Still it's incorrect to call it Yeltsin's party, imho.


        • Originally posted by Serb

          What techniques? They were caught for a tax evasion and got their punishment.
          Russian business is full of crooks and everyone from the government on down just wink and nod about it. The only time one of these cases is brought forward and the law enforced is against Putin's political opposition. That is selective enforcement my friend and it would have landed Putain in jail or at least Yukos off the hook in a western country.
          Try for discussion and debate.


          • since the early 20th Century, russia has been ****ing around with all its neighbors - Ukrain, the baltic states, Finland, the caucuses. and then they wonder why they are hated in those countries. they pull the same **** that america does, except here we have fox news telling us that they hate us cuz we are a democracy.
            "Everything for the State, nothing against the State, nothing outside the State" - Benito Mussolini


            • To be fair with the US, Russia does put a worse ****. As much as I dislike the US as an imperial power, the US is probably the least terrible imperium the world has ever known.
              "I have been reading up on the universe and have come to the conclusion that the universe is a good thing." -- Dissident
              "I never had the need to have a boner." -- Dissident
              "I have never cut off my penis when I was upset over a girl." -- Dis


              • We had pravda and FYI Ukraine, Baltic states, Caucasus (and Finland before the revolution of 1917) were parts of Russia then.


                • and do you think they liked it? do you think the ukrainians liked it when you prevented food from going in? or the cossacks when stalin had them all killed, or finland when you invaded, or the baltics when you invaded. they all got their independence after russia got is ass handed to it in ww1, and the stalin gets the idea that they should be reincorporated into russia. well once you give a nation its own country, its kinda hard to take it away and make them like you again isnt it.
                  "Everything for the State, nothing against the State, nothing outside the State" - Benito Mussolini


                  • Originally posted by Oerdin

                    Russian business is full of crooks and everyone from the government on down just wink and nod about it. The only time one of these cases is brought forward and the law enforced is against Putin's political opposition. That is selective enforcement my friend and it would have landed Putain in jail or at least Yukos off the hook in a western country.
                    1) Once again a party with 3% on last parliament election CANNOT be a serious threat for a president who has about 70% support of population.
                    2) We have to start from somewhere. Just give us time.
                    BTW, afaik, police of Spain and Israel recently started pursuit of another "Putin's political opponent" the former owner of NTV TV company Mr. Gusinsky. I guess world is in serious trouble now. Evil Putin somehow convinced Israelis and Spanish law enforcement bodies to chase his political enemies.


                    • Originally posted by Lawrence of Arabia
                      since the early 20th Century, russia has been ****ing around with all its neighbors - Ukrain, the baltic states, Finland, the caucuses. and then they wonder why they are hated in those countries. they pull the same **** that america does, except here we have fox news telling us that they hate us cuz we are a democracy.
                      I don't think the US has invaded and conquored any of its neighbors for a good long while. 1812 for Canada, 1846 for Mexico, and while we did intervine in a more then a few latin American countries I don't believe we ever annex more the Porto Rico.
                      Try for discussion and debate.


                      • Originally posted by Lawrence of Arabia
                        and do you think they liked it? do you think the ukrainians liked it when you prevented food from going in? or the cossacks when stalin had them all killed, or finland when you invaded, or the baltics when you invaded. they all got their independence after russia got is ass handed to it in ww1, and the stalin gets the idea that they should be reincorporated into russia. well once you give a nation its own country, its kinda hard to take it away and make them like you again isnt it.
                        1) They weren't a neighbors as you claimed earlier.
                        2) I prevented food from going in? News to me. As for the great hunger... nevermind you would never believe me anyway.
                        3) Stalin killed all Cossaks? News to me.
                        4) We did invade Finland. I admit it was an agression or in modern US terms a pre-emptive strike.
                        5) We invaded Baltics? News to me.


                        • Originally posted by Oerdin

                          I don't think the US has invaded and conquored any of its neighbors for a good long while. 1812 for Canada, 1846 for Mexico, and while we did intervine in a more then a few latin American countries I don't believe we ever annex more the Porto Rico.
                          Way to go
                          Now please tell us that US never attack anyone, never acted as agressor and never violate international laws.


                          • Originally posted by Serb

                            1) Once again a party with 3% on last parliament election CANNOT be a serious threat for a president who has about 70% support of population.

                            I thought is was down to about 45% based on recent polls.

                            But I agree, Chubais isnt the threat. Possible threats are the fired PM, what his name, Kranayov? and the Communists (the real ones, not Rodina). In the unlikely event a liberal was to reemerge into importance it would be Yavlinsky, or that woman from St. Petersburg, not Chubais.
                            "A person cannot approach the divine by reaching beyond the human. To become human, is what this individual person, has been created for.” Martin Buber


                            • Originally posted by Serb

                              1) They weren't a neighbors as you claimed earlier.
                              2) I prevented food from going in? News to me. As for the great hunger... nevermind you would never believe me anyway.
                              3) Stalin killed all Cossaks? News to me.
                              4) We did invade Finland. I admit it was an agression or in modern US terms a pre-emptive strike.
                              5) We invaded Baltics? News to me.
                              so you deny that you invaded those countries after stalin and hitler divided up easter europe into spheres of influence?
                              you deny that the commies intentionally starved ukraine and its population in the early 20th century?
                              you deny that stalin had purges against the anti communist cossacks?

                              then i cant help you. you are lost in your own propaganda.
                              "Everything for the State, nothing against the State, nothing outside the State" - Benito Mussolini


                              • Originally posted by lord of the mark

                                I thought is was down to about 45% based on recent polls.
                                Even if so (I'm not sure about 45%). It's pretty good percentage for a person who is not going to be re-elected for a third term. And when SPS got their 3-4 %, Putin had over 70%, I'm sure.
                                But I agree, Chubais isnt the threat. Possible threats are the fired PM, what his name, Kranayov?
                                Michail Kasiyanov aka Misha two percents (because 2% was his regular fee for any positive decision about business he supervised being a PM). If he would get 0.3% I will be greatly surprised. As political opponet he is even less dangerous than Chubais.
                                and the Communists (the real ones, not Rodina).
                                The support for the commies actually decrease on yearly basis.
                                In the unlikely event a liberal was to reemerge into importance it would be Yavlinsky, or that woman from St. Petersburg, not Chubais.
                                That woman is Hakkamada. And sure, SPS lost good share of its electorate when Chubais decided to join the party as one of the leaders. Not that I seriously believe they could have penetrate 5% barier. Their time is over. When people trusted those reformators, they f*cked things up, brought povetry for a majority of population, but became millionares themslves.
                                Last edited by Serb; March 17, 2005, 18:57.

