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Bolivar's Dream PBEM game

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  • #46
    Marquis, as far as I know, not. That's why I always suggest that the last unit blinking be one that you actually do not want to move (e.g. in your capital or in any other 'safe place').

    Turn played & posted.

    It's your turn, Yaroslav
    Attached Files


    • #47
      I have download the file, but there is a problem: The year is 2400 BC, and my last turn was in 2500 BC... Where is my lost turn? I see that I lost this because too many things were happening...

      Well, if doesn't matter there is my turn
      Attached Files
      Trying to rehabilitateh and contribuing again to the civ-community


      • #48
        I noticed that too. Alfonsus did it right (see the date in his save file). Either Marquis or ElAwr did something wrong during their turns. I let it go cos we're only in the first turn...

        Please guys do NOT hit return under any circumstance! Only ctrl-N. thanks.


        • #49
          A few comments about this scen

          I played this scen a little, and I have some comments. My goal is to help in the desing, no to hurt you, Jay. Sorry if I do it. (NADA Jay, que son comentarios bientiencionados, sobre un super-escenario. Seguramente sean idioteces, y lo último que quiero es molestarte; para nada es mi intención)

          1) Why are so many Wonders that expire with Pottery? It's a bug on rules.txt?

          2) Eagle Knigths and Atl-Atl are near-same units... But Atl-Atl are much better and much cheaper! (As I see it)

          3) Cubans tend to live only in his island. I, as Mexicans, can travel to Cuba and build a city in the litte island of the east without problems.

          4) The colombias not go to America-Central. This, with the AI poor management of Cubans, let a human player go easyly agaist American and conquer him. I suposse that American will be the same that Marruecos in Spanish Pride, but, withouth Mediterran Sea, it's to easy get out him.

          5) I see Riflemen barbarian attacking Cuba when nobody has discover Gundpower...

          If see more thing of interest I will comment to you.
          Trying to rehabilitateh and contribuing again to the civ-community


          • #50
            Turn played.

            I also noticed there has been a skipped turn. The turn I have just played is 2400 BC. It should have been 2450 BC.

            Maybe someone does not have the option "always wait at the end of turn" ticked under Game Options. If that box is not ticked, Ctrl-N will not work properly.
            Attached Files


            • #51
              Re: A few comments about this scen

              Originally posted by yaroslav
              1) Why are so many Wonders that expire with Pottery? It's a bug on rules.txt?

              Yes that's a mistake...

              Please people download the amended rules.txt from here. Sorry for the inconvenience
              Last edited by Jay Bee; September 3, 2001, 10:47.


              • #52
                Amended Rules.txt:
                Attached Files


                • #53
                  It's your turn, Waku (just bumping up the thread)


                  • #54
                    Attached Files


                    • #55
                      Thank you, Waku. As its a very small file, I would prefer it unzipped
                      Attached Files


                      • #56
                        joer... parece que se resiste Bolivar... debe ser su ascendencia vasca.
                        La independencia de los paises de sudamerica del reino de España la consiguieron en buena medida los españoles que allí se quedaron a vivir, aquellos que en buena parte fueron los responsables de los atropellos cometidos.
                        Espero no molestar a nadie con este comentario.
                        Ya me quedan SOLO 475 mensajes para llegar a los 500.
                        El pesimista tiene razón, el optimista es feliz


                        • #57
                          Originally posted by alf
                          joer... parece que se resiste Bolivar... debe ser su ascendencia vasca.
                          La independencia de los paises de sudamerica del reino de España la consiguieron en buena medida los españoles que allí se quedaron a vivir, aquellos que en buena parte fueron los responsables de los atropellos cometidos.
                          Espero no molestar a nadie con este comentario.
                          Ya me quedan SOLO 475 mensajes para llegar a los 500.
                          No, tienes razon, aunque alguno por aqui se niegue a reconocerlo...


                          • #58
                            Marquis, it's your turn now. Elawrence is temporarily out of this game.

                            Don't forget to download the new rules.txt (find it few posts above this one)


                            • #59
                              The gringos have gone again...
                              Attached Files
                              The first President of the first Apolyton Democracy Game (CivII, that is)

                              The gift of speech is given to many,
                              intelligence to few.


                              • #60
                                Jaydel Beastro leads the Cubans with an iron fist....

                                Yaroslav, it's your turn.
                                Attached Files

