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Bolivar's Dream PBEM game

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  • #16
    As for the map, it's strange. It's nice. But in the South, the Andes seem to be moved too much to the west. Terrain is all wrong in the Cono Sur at least. And the southeastern areas of Brazil seem to need more jungle. I like the shape, I'll tweak it a little and send it over.

    The period between 1850 and 1950 saw the exponential growth in Latin America. Sound immigration policies (might want to have this like a seudo-pyramid wonder maybe, or Adam Smith's), foreign investment (again could be done as a wonder) and new industries caused Latin America to rise to great status in the world, in a time when nations like Brazil, Argentina and Chile could very much decide their fates as well as influence South America, as they rivalled the US in power and influence, although the US was still a strong economic portion.

    It was also a very turbulent time. In 1865, the Guerra del Paraguay was fought, in 1880s, the Guerra del Salitre, in 1884 there was a coup in Peru and in 1888 the Brazilian Empire was dissolved, in the 1870s there was the Conquista del Desierto, and between 1880 and 1910 Argentina and Chile were on the brink of war many times. Then in 1930 we had the Chaco War and such, as well as the turbulence and decline of Latin America after the 1929 crash and the emergence of conservatives who tried to rebuild from the pieces.

    For Argentina, you could have Julio Argentino Roca, Alfredo Palacios, Nicolas Avellaneda, Domingo Faustino Sarmiento and several others. In Peru, I think the guy who led the 1884 coup is very popular. Same for the guy who caused the Brazilian empire to fall.


    • #17
      No poblemo. Como vas detras de mi te mando el savegame por e-mail y si no puedes postearlo aqui se lo mandas a Abendua por e-mail tambien.


      • #18
        About the independence wars, you could have more alluding wonders. I dunno, those that make people happy types. For Bolivar, I dunno, maybe an "Ejercito de los Andes" wonder. Also, naval wonders you might want to adjudicate to Chile one of them at least.


        • #19
          Originally posted by El Awrence
          About the independence wars, you could have more alluding wonders. I dunno, those that make people happy types. For Bolivar, I dunno, maybe an "Ejercito de los Andes" wonder. Also, naval wonders you might want to adjudicate to Chile one of them at least.

          Don't forget this is a modpack-type scenario. The wonders are not adjudicated. They must be built. Anybody can build anything. Chile is not in.

          BTW, I was expecting you to ask me why I chose the civs I chose
          Last edited by Jay Bee; August 29, 2001, 17:57.


          • #20
            Ok, I wil take the colombians. I can play regulary during 1 and 1/2 week, but after that i can only play on weekends. Let me know if that´s a problem. Send me private message if you need my e-mail (guess its public, use that of "Alfonsus72").
            Some questions:
            When we start?
            are there any time limit to send the game file?


            • #21

              BTW, who is Abendua?


              • #22
                Originally posted by Waku

                BTW, who is Abendua?
                I'm surprised he hasn't posted to this thread yet He's a real old-timer. I know him from the "Addicted to Civilization" times


                • #23
                  Well, this is the final order:

                  Colombians -- Alfonsus
                  Argentinians -- ElAwrence
                  Americans -- Marquis de Sodac
                  Cubans -- Jay Bee
                  Mexicans -- Yaroslav
                  Peruvians -- Abendua
                  Brazilians -- Waku

                  You have max 2 days to play your turn. If after that time the turn hasn't been posted, you will be skipped and the next player on the list plays.

                  Hope this is okay with all of you, but I think it's the only way to get this thing 'stably' going

                  I'll start the game later tonite. Given yaroslav's problems I will post the save here and also send it to him by e-mail.

                  Good luck y'all!
                  Last edited by Jay Bee; August 30, 2001, 12:25.


                  • #24
                    THE GAME HAS BEGUN!!!!

                    Nextto play is Yaroslav
                    Attached Files


                    • #25
                      This is great, do not have Yaroslav's e-mail!!!!

                      Anyone can help?


                      • #26
                        My e-mail is:

                        Well, I download the file and "play" my turn... Well, I expect that I do all corecctly (I don't press ENTER when my turn off, I set the password, I save the game and I put the file there). I have 1 City and 2 two Units, not good! In 50 turns, the AI could build other city
                        And, I can't move my second unit: the computer did him the order go to... But I except that I can be a not very bad player for you!

                        Here are my file:
                        Attached Files
                        Trying to rehabilitateh and contribuing again to the civ-community


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by yaroslav
                          (I don't press ENTER when my turn off, I set the password, I save the game and I put the file there).
                          Tienes que pulsar CTRL+N antes de salvar tu turno Yaros


                          • #28
                            I'm here

                            Hi guys,

                            Looking forward to having fun with this.
                            Attached Files


                            • #29
                              Bienvenu Abendua!
                              Attached Files


                              • #30
                                Le pongo CRTL+N y no reacciona, ¿lo tengo que cargar como para 1 jugador o como para multijugador? y si es para multi ¿que tipo de conexión?. Lo siento, es mi primer PBM.....

