The might of the Iroquoise is enourmous! The French decided to flee before the might of the Iroquois braves as they were demanded to withdraw from Iroquois lands and they did soundly and quickly. "Oh, brave Sir Robin..."
Under the protection of the great spirit, a band of Iroquois seized a fort near Big Water, which overlooks the places where the evil godless Hurons cross the lake to murder our children and rape our squaws.
Meanwhile, a raiding party scalped many Shawnees in the south and the Iroquois have killed many enemy braves in great battle. Great coo has been counted and many feathers have been clipped for the brave Iroquois warriors.

Under the protection of the great spirit, a band of Iroquois seized a fort near Big Water, which overlooks the places where the evil godless Hurons cross the lake to murder our children and rape our squaws.
Meanwhile, a raiding party scalped many Shawnees in the south and the Iroquois have killed many enemy braves in great battle. Great coo has been counted and many feathers have been clipped for the brave Iroquois warriors.