I should note that, as years go on, things will become less and less historical, so don't assume that people neccesarily die at the same time or that battles end the same way. This is especially true of events that you are a part of; the more influence you have, the less likely events are to follow a historical course.
That said, I've no problem with historical research - I encourage it, as you as a leader would certainly know more about various leaders than I tell you in this thread. Just don't count on history turning out the same way - say, Simeon dieing of a heart attack in 927, for example.
That said, I've no problem with historical research - I encourage it, as you as a leader would certainly know more about various leaders than I tell you in this thread. Just don't count on history turning out the same way - say, Simeon dieing of a heart attack in 927, for example.
