The Asgard Council has announced a 3 point increase in spending towards the living standard and a city-wide celebration to reward the citizens of Asgard for their hard work and swift completion of ACME (Asgard College of Mechanical Engineering - and no, I didn't plan that acronym, but it's just too good to not use.
At the height of the celebrations, a new industrial project was unveiled - a vertical shaft mine. The mine will reach further down into Honour than has ever been explored and the eventual depth is not yet known, as digging will continue untill it is no longer possible. The mine will have little direct benefit as it digs further down, since the costs of hauling such small amounts of ore up such great distances will not be cost effective, but the mine has other purposes. It will be used to explore for new and richer veins of ore deep under asgard which, people hope, will eventually lead to new deep-surface mining networks. It will also be used in connection with the mechanical engineering school as a place of research, where the huge free fall and extreme depth can offer testing conditions otherwise unavailable in Asgard. The mine will be opened early next year, but is not expected to reach signifigant depths for another few years.
In other news, a system wide symposium on the future of industrial design and application has been planned at ACME and invitations have been extended to the experts in relevant fields from every nation in the system. Accommodations will of course be provided to the visitors, but transportation costs will not be covered.
Small watch-post bunkers are also being built in the mountains near the Hanabor border to help monitor the activities of the Hanabor fighters.
(the 1.1 surplus points I have will first be spent towards the watch-posts, which I expect to be very inexpensive, and then the remainder spent on the mine)

At the height of the celebrations, a new industrial project was unveiled - a vertical shaft mine. The mine will reach further down into Honour than has ever been explored and the eventual depth is not yet known, as digging will continue untill it is no longer possible. The mine will have little direct benefit as it digs further down, since the costs of hauling such small amounts of ore up such great distances will not be cost effective, but the mine has other purposes. It will be used to explore for new and richer veins of ore deep under asgard which, people hope, will eventually lead to new deep-surface mining networks. It will also be used in connection with the mechanical engineering school as a place of research, where the huge free fall and extreme depth can offer testing conditions otherwise unavailable in Asgard. The mine will be opened early next year, but is not expected to reach signifigant depths for another few years.
In other news, a system wide symposium on the future of industrial design and application has been planned at ACME and invitations have been extended to the experts in relevant fields from every nation in the system. Accommodations will of course be provided to the visitors, but transportation costs will not be covered.
Small watch-post bunkers are also being built in the mountains near the Hanabor border to help monitor the activities of the Hanabor fighters.
(the 1.1 surplus points I have will first be spent towards the watch-posts, which I expect to be very inexpensive, and then the remainder spent on the mine)