I don't understand what anything in the chart is supposed to mean. Is it there mostly for your own referance, and to give us a general understanding of the concepts and signifigance of ratings?
No announcement yet.
Solar System NES
Foolish, how in-depth can I go in asking about the moon I'm on? Is it tide-locked, what's in that atmosphere, how big is it actually, how much gravity, escape velocity, that sort of thing?"Bother," said Pooh, "Eeyore, ready two photon torpedoes and lock
phasers on the Heffalump. Piglet, meet me in transporter room
three. Christopher Robin, you have the bridge."
Anyways, here's a general outline of what I was thinking of for my nation. I guess you'll have more specific things that need determining, but untill then...
Nation: To be determined
Capitol City: Asgard
Typical physique: Hardy, pale skinned.
Priorities: Mechanics and the quality and durability there of.
Opposed to: Robotics, Automation
Cities: Few cities but densely populated, with structures that burrow into the earth more than they rise into the sky, often acompanied by subterranean streets and passageways. Geothermal energy is the prefered method of heating and generating electricity followed by nuclear and then synethetic gases.
Biggest Industry: Mining, usually done by large human-driven machines.
Military: Relatively small standing army, but a strong militia culture. Small hand-held flamethrowers and larger incinerators are standard weapons - both for their offensive purposes and their practical use in melting ice and snow (a frequent problem on Veratis 5).
Society: The government is centralized and led by elected officials and the economy is planned by various city commitees which ensure that the needs of their citizens are met.
Culture: Hardworking and minimalist, an appretiation for craftsmenship and solidarity.
EDIT: I should also add that most food is grown in greenhouses on the surface of the planet and while meat is eaten is is comparitevly rare due to the difficulty in raising livestock in Viratis 5's climate.Last edited by General Ludd; June 29, 2005, 09:09.Rethink Refuse Reduce Reuse
Do It Ourselves
Okay, I updated the introductory posts, most of it is now finished. Stuff that still needs to be done are the specific rules for those of you that want to know how and why they work and some general hints that go along with that. Also the rest of the system stats. None of that is immediately crucial, so we can begin playing. I think I made the basic rules pretty clear, but it's hard to be objective about that because I designed them afterall, so go ahead and ask questions.
Oh, in the next few days I will also link to an online version of the stat spreadsheet, so you don't have to download it. But I will also continue to attach zips every update, as there may be a lag with the online version.
Micha, Sea habitats are indeed possible; there will be some penalties to your stats to start off with, but also maybe some advantages as you will find, and in any case nothing that can't be overcome.
appleciders, you have a great degree of latitude in designing the specifics of your moon. I'll come up with specifics if you want, but I suspect you'd rather have control over that yourself. Rocky terrain is like Mars, or the more barren parts of our own earth. Lith is like the moon or a rocky asteroid. The two terrain types are similar, but rocky is slightly "better".
General Ludd, "Honor" is actually a bit more hostile than that on most of the surface, but in the depressions, Mars-canyon sized things, conditions are a little more hospitable. And good outlineThat's pretty much all I need to start, but of course come up with as much as you like.
Those walls are absent of glory as they always have been. The people of tents will inherit this land.
Well, some of the planets have indigenous lifeforms, according to the stats. I thought they weren´t brought in by humans? But I´d also be interested in more info about my planet (the water one)... Like what climate there is, how deep the ocean is, what lifeforms live there, what ressources are there etc...Heinrich, King of Germany, Duke of Saxony in Cyclotron's amazing Holy Roman Empire NES
Let me eat your yummy brain!
"be like Micha!" - Cyclotron
Ah, I missed that. Fossil Fuels could be a super-rare commodity, then.Last edited by General Ludd; June 29, 2005, 14:00.Rethink Refuse Reduce Reuse
Do It Ourselves
Yep, I would love to be able to design my own moon. I'll also put up some background information on nation J, using the same format General Ludd did, sometime today.
Last edited by appleciders; June 29, 2005, 13:51."Bother," said Pooh, "Eeyore, ready two photon torpedoes and lock
phasers on the Heffalump. Piglet, meet me in transporter room
three. Christopher Robin, you have the bridge."
Diameter: 5280 km
Gravity: .47 standard gravity
Escape velocity: 4.9 km/s
Atmosphere: Approximately 1/2 standard atmosphere of primarily ammonia with traces of carbon dioxide.
Orbital period: 16 standard days.
Notes: Uhtuhnt is tide-locked (for the uninitiated, that means the same side of Uhtunht always faces Honor). Uhtunht also possesses large polar carbon dioxide ice caps.
Nation: Republic of Uhtunht
Capital City: Novy Kosmograd
In favor of: Computers, robotics, automation, mathematics, isolationism.
Against: Large government, organized religion.
Cities: Few and far between. Novy Kosmograd, the site of the ruined spaceport and current site of a major solar energy collector, is the largest, consisting of a large warren of tunnels that stretch far below the surface. Most of the population lives in small subterranean farms, evenly spread for hundreds of miles around Novy Kosmograd. Other cities are mostly transportation hubs that interconnect the small farming communities.
Industry: Farming is the largest industry, closely followed by ice mining. Farms are highly automated family-owned affairs, with the same property staying within one family for generations. This allows family property and improvements to build up, rather than being split on the death of the owner.
Military: Minimal standing army (no one to fight), and naturally no navy, with no seas. More effort has been spent on maintaining the air force and space travel.
Government: An elected body of twenty-one officals known as the Council make all nationwide decisions, while local councils make local decisions.
Heritage: Uhtunht was first settled by a group of Russians, but the Russian culture and language survived only as place-names as other groups moved in, seeking the low gravity and good tunnel-farming. After the missiles, a self-proclaimed prophet seized control of the government. His short but bloody reign instilled a hatred of theocracy in the people of Uhtunht.
Foolish, I can't seem to get that second zip file to open. The spreadsheet in excel is fine, but what program did you create the other one in?Last edited by appleciders; June 30, 2005, 11:58."Bother," said Pooh, "Eeyore, ready two photon torpedoes and lock
phasers on the Heffalump. Piglet, meet me in transporter room
three. Christopher Robin, you have the bridge."
Life: Most of the useful stuff was seeded. There was and is indigenous life on a few of the planets (on III and IV) that mostly consisted of microbes and the alien equivalents of simple plants and primitive animals (think flatworms, and at the most advanced, maybe...lobsters). Viable ecosystems existed in the highlands of IV and the seas and shores of III, elsewhere on those planets there was life, but very fragile. Most native life is of no use to you, and indeed some carry hazardous diseases. When your research facilities become much more advanced you may be able to learn something from their alien physiology but for the time being adapted earth crops and animals provide far superior food products and materials.
All settled planets currently have at the very least modified varieties of microbes and super lichens, with biospheres the most concentrated around the main settlements. Fossil fuels are reasonably abundant in the seas of III and also present but scarcer and harder to get to in some of the regions, mostly highlands, of IV. However none of these sources have been very well tapped since the cataclysm, and most petrochemicals are manufactured artificially.
III has some deep ocean areas, mostly shallow (few hundred meters or less) and a bit of area that is submerged tidally where an interesting hybrid land/water ecosystem has developed. Climate is harsh on the surface--great variations in temperature, periodic storms, basically like the harshest places on earth, except for relatively fertile areas on the shores. The atmosphere is not breathable, but can support native or specially engineered life. You all have a fair amount of latitude in designing the specifics of your homeplanet.
The second zip file is a short word document, I put it there so I could replace it with another file if needed later on, because it only lets you edit in new attachments if you had one originally
Did I miss anyone's question?Those walls are absent of glory as they always have been. The people of tents will inherit this land.
That is indeed an excellent reason why I couldn't work that file. Thanks!
Will you be posting stats for each nation, Foolish?
Will Bipolarbear or Lord Nuclear be playing in this NES?"Bother," said Pooh, "Eeyore, ready two photon torpedoes and lock
phasers on the Heffalump. Piglet, meet me in transporter room
three. Christopher Robin, you have the bridge."