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Gnome NES
Fifth Update:
The recent immigration of a nomadic group of gnomes has caught the attention of the more civilized locals. These nomads have the ability to build a weapon they call a "bow", which can cast a deadly projectile farther than any previous ranged weapon. However, these "bow" gnomes fare poorly in close combat, and are too few to provide any real military threat. Yet, anyway.
The POWARS continue to fortify and focus on their population this turn. While in the past the population has been content with their small corner of the yard, the expansion into the next tree has whetted their appetites for power and a very vocal portion of the population has begun loudly calling for expansion, and war if nessecary. These Expansionist gnomes have widely ranging opinions, from a desire for expanded trade and friendly contact with civilized and intelligent gnomes to outright war with the Barbecue Gnomes and the Nomad interlopers, who they see as encroaching on POWAR territory. Isolationist gnomes believe that further isolation will enable the POWARS to enjoy the relative peace they have historically had. With population pressure bringing this issue to the fore and large numbers of hormone-crazed young gnomes, the Persia Posse had better make some decisions soon, or face a schism within their nation, possibly resulting in civil war. Indecisive actions like fortifying borders (is this a preparation for war, or further isolationism?) may not be especially helpful.
In other news, Old City was improved to support a few more gnomes, the military's effectiveness was slightly raised, and the 10 gnomes put out to appease the population were ripped limb from limb by warmongering Expansionists who saw this as a governmental attempt to distract from the issues facing the POWARS.
12 gnomes died, while a whopping 212 gnomes were born, for a nice even gain of 200 gnomes. Three bees were captured.
The Twin Lake Gnomes' festivities were elegantly prepared for, the food was excellent, and the entertainment (expect for Mimery) was brilliant. The only hitch was, naturally, the massive Barbecue Gnome attack.
Fortunately, the military was already mobilized and on the lookout for the attack. On the other hand, the Legionaires were not as mobile as the raiders, and while the brunt of the attack was halted outside the city, a group of Twig Gnomes succeeded in avoiding the defenders and reached the city. They carried off as much smoked fish as they could carry, and then burned the storehouse behind them. They also wrecked the ant corral on their way out of the city.
After the raid into the city had returned to the main Barbecue Gnome force, the attackers began a fighting retreat. The Legionaires, smelling victory, charged. Had it not been for the officers, though, the battle-crazed warriors would have run straight into the ambush prepared for them by the Trash Gnomes.
The defenders returned to the city, fighting off small Trash Gnome forces on the way. Upon their return, the city elders were shocked to hear of the defection of the previously friendly Trash Gnomes. An angry outcry has broken out from the population, and retribution is demanded for the damaged storehouse and destroyed ant corral. Some loyalties waver, as a few gnomes begin to doubt their government's ability to protect them, but the majority are enflamed by patriotic passion.
129 gnomes were born, while 30 died in the attack. All ants escaped during the razing of their corral.
The Wall Gnomes had a moderately successful turn. While the recent agressions against the Twin Lake Gnomes raised many eyebrows around Brickbane, no serious dangers are foreseen, since any Barbecue or Trash Gnome attack would have to break through the Twin Lake Gnomes first.
The southern expedition was quite successful, reporting several good sites for cities. In particular, it was recommended that the anthill next to the flowers be taken to utilize the ants as workers.
Infrastucture in CFC has been greatly improved. The sling gnomes report that the system of bridges could be easily defended against a force not equipped with ranged weapons, and that the rope bridges could be collapsed to deter attackers.
An envoy of diplomats has arrived in Twin Lake City and awaits reception.
Tension stirs in Brickbane as rumors persist that the king is muttering nonsense and is no longer able to govern the kingdom. It is hoped that the transfer of power will be smooth, but until the new ruler is announced, the city Brickbane rests uneasily.
155 new gnomes were born, as 9 died.
The Clay Gnomes continue their very active tendacies with many new orders. The long-awaited throwing axe technology was finally completed, allowing the creation of throwing axes whenever desired.
Rope-making techology has been further refined, allowing stronger fibers, better knotting techniques, and longer ropes.
Many acorns have been split open and carved. Several gnomes have become quite proficent at splitting them exactly in half and hollowing them out. Acorn insides, it turns out, are extremely nutritious- a fact long known to the POWARS, who've been using them as food for a long time. However, the craftsgnomes report that it would be a lot easier to make these acorns the "correct thickness" if they knew what the correct thickness was, or at least what the acorns would be used for.
The adventurers reported that an old hermit gnome told them the full story; that the "Shilkkwerm", more properly "Silkworm", was a captive held inside the area of the house called "Master Bedroom", on a high plateau against the northern wall. It has been reported that the Silkworm can create a thread from its own body that has wonderful properties of strength. The hermit warns that while a rescue attempt may be difficult, it should be possible to at least contact the Silkworm, and his companions if they do exist.
The Trash Gnome shipment of food failed to arrive. Enough food was stored to allow life to continue normally, but new, more reliable sources of food may need to be found, as next turn food supplies will run out if the next shipment doesn't arrive. The Trash Gnomes profess no knowledge of the food.
35 gnomes were born, as 6 died. 6 more ants arrived from the Bush Gnomes.
A major coup, rooted in the military, rocked the foundations of the Trash Gnome government. In a daring nighttime raid, the Trash Gnome military officers, aided by a few Barbecue Gnome warriors, rallied and attacked the High Council. All seven Councilors were killed, and the military officers immediately elected one of their own to serve as Emporer of the Domain of Trash.
As the sun rose, the common gnomes found their beloved councilors strewn across the ground. A massive riot threatened to ensue, but the new Emporer and his military had already holed up in the Council Chambers. His agents were already spreading their messages of deception through the crowd, convincing as many as possible that the Council was outdated and weak, and that the new Emporer was the best way to bring the Trash Gnomes to their rightful place in the backyard.
Once the populace had been quieted, the Trash Gnome army moved south to support the Barbecue Gnomes in their raid against the Twin Lake Gnomes. While their planned ambush failed, their flankers caused minor damage to the retreating Twin Lake forces.
Much rumor and mystery surrounds the new Emporer. Is he benevolent, a great good to the Trash Gnomes? Or a warmongering fool who will bring destruction? Is he a simple puppet of the Barbecue Gnomes? Only time will tell.
162 gnomes were born, but 43 were killed in riots, battles, or mysteriously disappeared in the middle of the night. No ants were captured.
The Barbecue Gnomes continued on their path of destruction, ruthlessly attacking the Twin Lake Gnomes with the assistance of their new allies, the Trash Gnomes. While sustaining moderate losses, the Barbecue Gnomes carried off much food and gained their population's support by revenging themselves for the Battle of the Lawnmower.
Other than making war, the Barbecue Gnomes proved themselves exceptionally skilled at subterfuge, assisting with the assassaination of the Trash Gnome High Council. While only a little birdseed was harvested this turn, owing to the portion of the populace devoted to war, all but the largest birds have started avoiding this birdfeeder, after the ambushes prepared by Throwing Spear Gnomes.
90 gnomes were born, while 28 died. Eight ants were captured.
With no orders given, the Bush Gnomes entered a slight period of stagnation. While all gnomes were grateful for the period of rest, a few were disappointed that the ant cavalry was not created, since the ant cavalry had been so highly touted. Still, less work means more time for leisure...
286 new gnomes were born, while 11 died.
OOC: Sorry about the long delay, I'd been really busy.
Foolish, silkworms are native to China, so the silkworms are basically pets of the humans, not wild.
I feel malicious... I think the only people I didn't really screw with this turn were Micha and Lord Nuclear.
Also: Next update, I'm going to just give a total population count for each gnome nation, not city-by-city. Also, Population density will be given as a nationwide average that you can improve by founding new cities or improving old ones. It's just too confusing, and it will only get more so as more cities are added."Bother," said Pooh, "Eeyore, ready two photon torpedoes and lock
phasers on the Heffalump. Piglet, meet me in transporter room
three. Christopher Robin, you have the bridge."
Thanks, appleciders!
I´d love to keep the division in pop count, though density isn´t really THAT important to know for each city. I understand though that it´s a hell of a work for you to upkeep... (really, I do)
Will send orders upon response from the Twin Lake Gnomes.Heinrich, King of Germany, Duke of Saxony in Cyclotron's amazing Holy Roman Empire NES
Let me eat your yummy brain!
"be like Micha!" - Cyclotron
Hmm... I could keep a population count for each city, and just total the workforce\military. It's just getting too complex to figure out what's going on in each city."Bother," said Pooh, "Eeyore, ready two photon torpedoes and lock
phasers on the Heffalump. Piglet, meet me in transporter room
three. Christopher Robin, you have the bridge."
Yeah, but then, if someone ordered the invasion of a remote outpost of his enemy, it would be nice for you to see what forces are defending and which part of the army is on the other side of the map... But I can see your point and I do understand it.Heinrich, King of Germany, Duke of Saxony in Cyclotron's amazing Holy Roman Empire NES
Let me eat your yummy brain!
"be like Micha!" - Cyclotron
The Wall Gnomes
King Micha has retired! He assigned a firefly to the empty throne, though the counsil believes that decision was not made in full possession of his mental powers...
So the counsil issued a great competition in wall climbing. The gnome who exceeds the others in climbing height will be the new king or queen!
Meanwhile the counsil has taken power and discussed the issue of colonizing the flower field. Of course the anthill looks promising as a source of cheap labour, and rumours hint at Bush Gnome trials to use ants as war animals...
As soon as the new monarch is announced an expedition of 90 gnomes from Brickbane will leave for the Flower field next to the anthill in order to found the new colony of "Fata City". The name is an abbreviation of "Flowers and the anthill", thanks to the little gnome who won the naming competition (hard to believe he is only four....).
The Colonists will be protected by 20 flail gnomes and 10 slingers, all of them to be trained in Brickbane.
In C.F.C. a party of 15 gnomes will look into the possibility of domesticating pond skaters. These insects are huge, fast and can go over water. They would make an excellent navy force and fishing platform...
Also five Gnomes from C.F.C. will be sent to the Nomads with greetings and samples of our rope technology. They should try to learn about the foreigners and their techs, especially about that "archery"... All of those "diplomats" are to equip themselves with the weaponry they deem neccessary...
Since the Twin Lakers agreed to the exchange of slingshot technology for fishing rights and the techniques, another 35 gnomes from C.F.C. will start fishing the twin lakes. A part of that group will build smokehouses similar to those the Twin Lakers use, but all of them within C.F.C. for protection.Last edited by Micha; June 12, 2005, 11:46.Heinrich, King of Germany, Duke of Saxony in Cyclotron's amazing Holy Roman Empire NES
Let me eat your yummy brain!
"be like Micha!" - Cyclotron
Huh? Quitting?
I´m sorry man, you got that part completely wrong! Read the update, my king was too old and the population craved for a new monarch. Voilá!Heinrich, King of Germany, Duke of Saxony in Cyclotron's amazing Holy Roman Empire NES
Let me eat your yummy brain!
"be like Micha!" - Cyclotron
The Twin Lakes march, TO WAR!
The Twin Lake Gnomes have had enough, for too long the threat of barbarian raids have loomed over their heads, and now the traitorous Trash Gnomes were in league with the evil BBQ Gnomes also. The Twin Lakes will mobilize their forces, and march to the barbecue!
3 new officers.
30 new military units, Light Auxillery Infantry. Uses slings and short spears for extra ranged support from afar.
57 new Legionaires
4 new units, Military Entertainers. To increase morale these performers enterain the troops.
Military Strategy
The three new officers, 30 newest legionaires, 20 Aux, and 2 entertainers defend the homeland.
The rest of the military attacks the BBQ gnomes! there will be divided in three groups as this
3 officers: Main assault group-35 legionaires
2 officers: Rear assault group-20 legionaires
2 officers: Quick strike group-10 aux, 10 legionaires
Quick strike will hit first, killing whoever they can quick and getting out once the enemy starts organizing. After the attack they will feint to the east to try and get the enemy to follow them. They will then make their way around to join the Main assault group which will attack a hopefully lightly defended and disorganized city. The Rear Assualt group will start around the same time as the Main, and will attack from the bird feeder all the way to join the Main assault group. Entertainers will remain behind during the assault.
10 gnomes will fish
1/2 of remaining gnomes will repair damage, other half will breed.
Twin Lakes to Nomads:
Hello newcomers! Welcome to the land of Johnson's Lawn. We are the Twin Lake Gnomes, hailiing from the west. We can not offer you much right now as it is currently a time of strife for our people. The tribe of gnomes to your west, in the bushes, are horrible barbarians. They have enacted raids against many nations of gnomes, and are becoming quite a nuisance as they lured our former allies to their side! Our people are crying out for retribution because of a recent attack against us. We would gladly give you the technology for our spears and throwing spears, in addition to our undying friendship, if you would send gnomes to aid one of our assault groups or to help defend our city.
Twin Lakes to P.O.W.A.R.S.:
We see you too are having problems with the BBQ menace. It is in our best interests to fight them together.Last edited by Gamecube64; June 13, 2005, 15:59.I changed my signature