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JNES: Modern NES.

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  • Would that make Gofer the pope? An Jewish pope, too, by his flag! Awesome!
    "Bother," said Pooh, "Eeyore, ready two photon torpedoes and lock
    phasers on the Heffalump. Piglet, meet me in transporter room
    three. Christopher Robin, you have the bridge."


    • That is very awesome


      • Funny
        Why not?


        • Not all Israelis are Jewish, and not all Jews are Israelis.


          • BREAKING NEWS

            This just in! Six Pakistani men caught first defiling then slaughtering a cow. Late last night a local farmer was awakened by a loud disturbance. Upon investigation the man went out side and immediately slipped and fell in a pool of blood. He got up and saw six shadowed figures fleeing the scene. He chased after them and managed to knock one out with a shovel. He is being held for further questioning.

            The citizens are, to say the least, not happy at all. The cow, in the morning light, was found to be not only defiled in the most humiliating way, but butchered in a most inhumane way, its guts spread across the field while still alive. The people are demanding blood, but the government refuses to hand them the captive. But to assuage the masses, the Indian government has called on Pakistan to offer an official apology to the people and to punish the other five men, and the one in captivity that will be returned, in an appropriate manner.

            "This gross insult cannot go un-avenged. If the Pakistan government cannot control and punish its own citizens, then we will have to take matters into our own hands and take the power from the Pakistan government that it is unwilling to employ" says one outraged Indian.

            The Indian government is ordering that no action, violent or otherwise, be taken against Pakistan, Muslims or any visiting Pakistani tourist or diplomats. The government will be sending representatives to Pakistan to insure that the offenders are punished and the receive the apology on behalf of the people. India urges Pakistan to comply, not only to avoid further bloodshed and to prevent the ever widening gap between their two countries, but because it is the right, and just thing to do.

            "We hope that if Pakistan apologizes it will show the Indian people that Pakistan is not an enemy, and we can begin to rebuild our relationship and put the past where it belongs, in our past, not dictating our future." Says the emphatic President. "It seems that peace my indeed come form this heinous event." All political leaders urge peace and understanding, and the Dali Lama's tranquil presence seems to help in the move towards peace, even if other religious leaders seem to move towards war.

            "We hope that the Indian people will see that peace is the way. Violence only breeds violence and chokes happiness and peace as the vine chokes the tree." the venerable Lama offered in quote. May we all learn from his words.
            Last edited by ShVerni; January 21, 2005, 16:06.
            Why not?


            • Germany to India: mostly MFGs (=Manufactured Goods). I'm sure they will make your people happy (those who can afford them) and further set a sign of status.


              • I know not all Israelis are Jews, but certainly the majority of them are. And I suppose he could be a non-Israeli Jew, and it'd be almost as funny for him to be the Pope.
                "Bother," said Pooh, "Eeyore, ready two photon torpedoes and lock
                phasers on the Heffalump. Piglet, meet me in transporter room
                three. Christopher Robin, you have the bridge."


                • My opinion: Give the Jew (or non-jew) Vatican City. Why not let him be Pope too if he so desires?


                  • I
                    Last edited by ShVerni; July 1, 2011, 08:55.
                    Why not?


                    • Germany to India: money mostly


                      • India to Germany: That i have.
                        Why not?


                        • We offer whatever help we can in stamping out your rebbles, in excahnge from some land, weapons and tecnology, along with the traing we are alreadu reciving. Please forward your requests
                          Yeah, I don't really have any of those. My land is takne by the rebels, All my scientists went to Australia, my weapons, are being used to fend off hungry rebels, and I am unable to rain your men, so they haven't been trained in anything, except how to wait ot be trained.
                          Lysistrata: It comes down to this: Only we women can save Greece.
                          Kalonike: Only we women? Poor Greece!


                          • We'd like to follow Autrlias fine example and open our perverbial doors to those who wish it. We are looking to hire those skilled in the arts of war, both tactical and otherwise, and those skilled in production and tecnological innovations. Of course, we'd pay your way and offer a fixed, yearly salery if you choose to work for our government. That salery can only go up as you achive feats.
                            Honestly I rescind my previous requests for assistance, you snakes can rot in the deepest pits of hell. You're already raping my country, and I'm really not going to flip over, and let you go in for seconds.
                            Lysistrata: It comes down to this: Only we women can save Greece.
                            Kalonike: Only we women? Poor Greece!


                            • Americopr news flash!!!!!!!

                              Juan Kerry has announced, that He has created his own religion, and only true Americans will worship him the one and only savior of..fjasief034yutq038hetigodsagvasdfg

                              /\/\/\CONNECTION FAILURE/\/\/\/\/\/

                              NEO-AMERIKA [NEW FEED]

                              Hail good citizens of the world, we are the ruling majority of what was once Americorp. We are fighting for actual peace, but are kind of low on supplies. The anarchists have been trying to revolt, but keep accidentally blowing eachother up, due to lack of any real planning or organization. They havne't really come up with any one name, but we call them the anarchists.

                              There is also the issue of the psychotic religious groups who have all either killed htemselves, or gone out to kill everyone, convinced that the apocalypse is upon them. "The most prominenet of these is a group called the "Blue Oyster Cult". They claim no relationship to the band at all, even thoug the name has drwn much skepticism.

                              The last psycho group who has really been causing havoc is out of Northern Idaho, all of the right wing gun fanatic psychos have united to form the " Kaiser's Knights Kooperative"

                              The Juan Kerry supporters broke apart and assasinated him after they realized what a total psycho he was. We seek to restore America ot what it once was, only withoput the whole Juan Kerry, and Iraq war, and all of those mistakes.
                              We call outselves the Neo-Amerikans. We are the largest group, but not by much, we seek foreign aid, to take back Amerika and rebuild her glory. We are not wiling to make any compromises, but would greatly appreciate anything at all that could aid us in taking the power back from the psychotic rebel groups.

                              We are in a struggle to
                              Lysistrata: It comes down to this: Only we women can save Greece.
                              Kalonike: Only we women? Poor Greece!


                              • To: Neo-Amerika
                                From: Israel

                                I can only consider helping when the full update comes.

