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Cold War NES

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  • Cold War NES


    Comprehensive Nation Simulator (CNS).

    Military Effectiveness (combination of training, equipment, ability to project force and respond quickly. Measures whether your military is capable of defending on home front only or able to move across the globe) : Embarrassing, Poor, Average, Good, Exceptional

    Espionage/Secret Police : Local, Limited, Basic, Adequate, Professional, Extensive, Ubiquitous, Illuminati [strength of spies, intelligence gathering, counterespionage, both internal and external]

    Common living conditions (how well the average person lives, includes social infrastructure such as schools and hospitals, availability of goods and consumer items) : Abysmal, Squalid, Poor, Average, Good, Very Good, Exceptional, Utopian

    Military levels :

    None, Infinitesimal, Tiny, Small, Medium, Large, Very Large, Huge, Enormous, Outrageous

    Economy (Speed of upgrading and/or building) :

    Primitive, Backwards, Poor, Struggling, Average, Good, Thriving, Exceptional, Glorious, Awe Inspiring

    Discontent (Amount of unhappiness, different forms of governments can handle different amounts of unhappiness, and it will be manifested in different ways) :

    Insignificant, Minor, Some, Significant, Worrisome, Open Revolt


    Tech Level (Just to generally keep track of how advanced things are, projects, don’t need to be too specific)

    Manufacturing Base (This is on an absolute scale, so small countries will only be able to have moderate ratings. This includes physical infrastructure, such as power plants and assembly lines, NOT to be confused with social infrastructure, which is covered in Common Living Conditions ) :

    Primitive, Scattered, Inadequate, Limited, Varied, Sufficient, Plentiful, Extensive, Burgeoning, Awesome

    Nuclear weapons (destructive power of your arsenal.)

    Few, Handful, Some, Many, Frightening, Catastrophic, Apocalyptic

    Nuclear range (how far you have the potential to deliver a nuclear attack from a basing site) :

    Local, International, Intercontinental, Global

    Government/Society :
    Blurb, e.g. “Absolute despotism enforced by a merciless secret police force. Despite this, the population is annoyingly upbeat and optimistic” etc. Can also include miscellaneous information, such as social mobility, etc., whatever you feel needs to be noted.

    Army: Small
    Navy: Tiny
    Air Force: Infinitesimal
    Military Effectiveness: Average
    Espionage/Secret Police: Basic
    Common Living Conditions: Average
    Economy: Average
    Discontent: Minor
    Tech Level: parity
    Manufacturing Base: Inadequate
    Nuclear Arsenal: NA
    Nuclear Range: NA
    Government/Society: Mixed Market Republic

    Army: Small
    Navy: Tiny
    Air Force: Tiny
    Military Effectiveness: Average
    Espionage/Secret Police: Basic
    Common Living Conditions: Poor
    Economy: Poor
    Discontent: Significant
    Tech Level: Parity
    Manufacturing Base: Limited
    Nuclear Arsenal: NA
    Nuclear Range: NA
    Government/Society: Communist Control

    North Korea
    Army: Small
    Navy: Tiny
    Air Force: Infinitesimal
    Military Effectiveness: Poor
    Espionage/Secret Police: Adequate
    Common Living Conditions: Squalid
    Economy: Backwards
    Discontent: Significant
    Tech Level: Lagging
    Manufacturing Base: Inadequate
    Nuclear Arsenal: NA
    Nuclear Range: NA
    Government/Society: Communist Controlled Collectivized Economy

    South Korea
    Army: Small
    Navy: Tiny
    Air Force: Infinitesimal
    Military Effectiveness: Poor
    Espionage/Secret Police: Basic
    Common Living Conditions: Squalid
    Economy: Backwards
    Discontent: Significant
    Tech Level: Lagging
    Manufacturing Base: Scattered
    Nuclear Arsenal: NA
    Nuclear Range: NA
    Government/Society: Republic Strong Centralized Government

    South Africa
    Army: Small
    Navy: Small
    Air Force: Tiny
    Military Effectiveness: Average
    Espionage/Secret Police: Basic
    Common Living Conditions: Poor
    Economy: Average
    Discontent: Significant
    Tech Level: Parity
    Manufacturing Base: Limited
    Nuclear Arsenal: NA
    Nuclear Range: NA
    Government/Society: Market Apartheid Parliamentary

    Army: Medium
    Navy: Small
    Air Force: Tiny
    Military Effectiveness: Average
    Espionage/Secret Police: Basic
    Common Living Conditions: Poor
    Economy: Poor
    Discontent: Some
    Tech Level: Lagging
    Manufacturing Base: Limited
    Nuclear Arsenal: NA
    Nuclear Range: NA
    Government/Society: Islamic/Military Coalition Rule

    Army: Large
    Navy: Small
    Air Force: Tiny
    Military Effectiveness: Poor
    Espionage/Secret Police: Adequate
    Common Living Conditions: Poor
    Economy: Poor
    Discontent: Significant
    Tech Level: Lagging
    Manufacturing Base: Varied
    Nuclear Arsenal: NA
    Nuclear Range: NA
    Government/Society: Communist Bureaucracy

    Army: Small
    Navy: Small
    Air Force: Tiny
    Military Effectiveness: Average
    Espionage/Secret Police: Basic
    Common Living Conditions: Good
    Economy: Good
    Discontent: Minor
    Tech Level: Parity
    Manufacturing Base: Varied
    Nuclear Arsenal: NA
    Nuclear Range: NA
    Government/Society: Republic

    Leader: Foolish_Icarus
    Army: Small
    Navy: Small
    Air Force: Small
    Military Effectiveness: Average
    Espionage/Secret Police: Basic
    Common Living Conditions: Good
    Economy: Good
    Discontent: Minor
    Tech Level: Parity
    Manufacturing Base:
    Nuclear Arsenal: NA
    Nuclear Range: NA
    Government/Society: Republic

    Army: Medium
    Navy: Small
    Air Force: Tiny
    Military Effectiveness: Average
    Espionage/Secret Police: Basic
    Common Living Conditions: Poor
    Economy: Poor
    Discontent: Some
    Tech Level: Parity
    Manufacturing Base: Varied
    Nuclear Arsenal: NA
    Nuclear Range: NA
    Government/Society: Mixed Market Parliamentary

    Army: Small
    Navy: Tiny
    Air Force: Infinitesimal
    Military Effectiveness: Poor
    Espionage/Secret Police: Adequate
    Common Living Conditions: Poor
    Economy: Struggling
    Discontent: Significant
    Tech Level: parity
    Manufacturing Base: Inadequate
    Nuclear Arsenal: NA
    Nuclear Range: NA
    Government/Society: Communist Control

    Army: Medium
    Navy: Small
    Air Force: Infinitesimal
    Military Effectiveness: Poor
    Espionage/Secret Police: Basic
    Common Living Conditions: Poor
    Economy: Poor
    Discontent: Some
    Tech Level: lagging
    Manufacturing Base: Inadequate
    Nuclear Arsenal: NA
    Nuclear Range: NA
    Government/Society: Loose Monarchy

    Army: Small
    Navy: Infinitesimal
    Air Force: Infinitesimal
    Military Effectiveness: Good
    Espionage/Secret Police: Adequate
    Common Living Conditions: Average
    Economy: Average
    Discontent: Some
    Tech Level: Parity
    Manufacturing Base: Scattered
    Nuclear Arsenal: NA
    Nuclear Range: NA
    Government/Society: Parliamentary Mixed Economy

    Army: Tiny
    Navy: Infinitesimal
    Air Force: None
    Military Effectiveness: Poor
    Espionage/Secret Police: Basic
    Common Living Conditions: Poor
    Economy: Struggling
    Discontent: Some
    Tech Level: Lagging
    Manufacturing Base: Inadequate
    Nuclear Arsenal: NA
    Nuclear Range: NA
    Government/Society: Western Federative Republic

    Army: Tiny
    Navy: Infinitesimal
    Air Force: None
    Military Effectiveness: Poor
    Espionage/Secret Police: Adequate
    Common Living Conditions: Poor
    Economy: Poor
    Discontent: Significant
    Tech Level: Lagging
    Manufacturing Base: Scattered
    Nuclear Arsenal: NA
    Nuclear Range: NA
    Government/Society: Communist Party Controlled

    Army: Medium
    Navy: Medium
    Air Force: Medium
    Military Effectiveness: Poor
    Espionage/Secret Police: Basic
    Common Living Conditions: Average
    Economy: Struggling
    Discontent: Some
    Tech Level: Parity
    Manufacturing Base: Limited
    Nuclear Arsenal: NA
    Nuclear Range: NA
    Government/Society: Unitary Republic

    Great Britain
    Army: Medium
    Navy: Large
    Air Force: Medium
    Military Effectiveness: Average
    Espionage/Secret Police: Adequate
    Common Living Conditions: Average
    Economy: Struggling
    Discontent: Some
    Tech Level: Parity
    Manufacturing Base: Limited
    Nuclear Arsenal: NA
    Nuclear Range: NA
    Government/Society: Mixed Market Parliamentary

    Army: Large
    Navy: Large
    Air Force: Very Large
    Military Effectiveness: Good
    Espionage/Secret Police: Basic
    Common Living Conditions: Very Good
    Economy: Glorious
    Discontent: Minor
    Tech Level: Parity
    Manufacturing Base: Extensive
    Nuclear Arsenal: Some
    Nuclear Range: International
    Government/Society: Capitalist Federative Democracy.

    Army: Very Large
    Navy: Medium
    Air Force: Medium
    Military Effectiveness: Average
    Espionage/Secret Police: Adequate
    Common Living Conditions: Average
    Economy: Struggling
    Discontent: Significant
    Tech Level: No new projects
    Manufacturing Base: Plentiful
    Nuclear Arsenal: Handful
    Nuclear Range: International
    Government/Society: Statist Totalitarianism; Centrally planned collectivized economy
    Last edited by Tassadar500; July 2, 2004, 16:36.

  • #2
    Reserved for Map.


    • #3
      Reserved for Current Turn.


      • #4

        EDIT : Note that I forgot the "Manufacturing Base" rating for Canada, which should be 'Varied', and the stats alltogether for Cuba, which should be roughly similar to Yugoslavia or thereabouts.
        Those walls are absent of glory as they always have been. The people of tents will inherit this land.


        • #5
          WE WILL BURY YOU!
          Those walls are absent of glory as they always have been. The people of tents will inherit this land.


          • #6
            I take Finlandia on my control!
            The Chuck Norris military unit was not used in the game Civilization 4, because a single Chuck Norris could defeat the entire combined nations of the world in one turn.
            - Chuck Norris Facts


            • #7
              Drug Josip Broz Tito takes command of Federal People's Republic of Yugoslavia.
              Last edited by Illuminatus; July 8, 2004, 07:26.
              SMAC/X FAQ | Chiron Archives
              The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all progress depends on the unreasonable man. --G.B.Shaw


              • #8

                Army: Large
                Navy: Small
                Air Force: Tiny
                Military Effectiveness: Poor
                Espionage/Secret Police: Adequate
                Common Living Conditions: Poor
                Economy: Poor
                Discontent: Significant
                Tech Level: Lagging
                Manufacturing Base: Varied
                Nuclear Arsenal: NA
                Nuclear Range: NA
                Government/Society: Communist Bureaucracy
                Discontent should be Insignificant. The warm afterglow of the revolution was still there, and the society overall was indeed an improvement.

                But I have no idea what I am doing.
                (\__/) 07/07/1937 - Never forget
                (='.'=) "Claims demand evidence; extraordinary claims demand extraordinary evidence." -- Carl Sagan
                (")_(") "Starting the fire from within."


                • #9
                  Mind if I give this a shot? It'd be my first NES.

                  I'll go Australia.
                  Everything changes, but nothing is truly lost.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Urban Ranger

                    Discontent should be Insignificant. The warm afterglow of the revolution was still there, and the society overall was indeed an improvement.
                    It's more of a challenge this way
                    Everything changes, but nothing is truly lost.


                    • #11
                      Maybe it's too much of a challenge this way
                      (\__/) 07/07/1937 - Never forget
                      (='.'=) "Claims demand evidence; extraordinary claims demand extraordinary evidence." -- Carl Sagan
                      (")_(") "Starting the fire from within."


                      • #12


                        • #13
                          Ah, most excellent. Let us summon the spirit of Nuclear Master and begin the NES!

                          Some general guidelines :

                          If you do nothing else, do orders. These have to do with your stats and possibly military movements. They represent your government's and population's efforts. It's usually a good idea to provide descriptions and justifications for your orders in real world terms.


                          I don't know what NM's rules are regarding PM diplomacy. It is usually allowed, but discouraged, because things are more interesting if everything occurs in the thread. NM will answer non-player-country diplomacy. Try to make your messages obvious so they're easy for him to spot.


                          Can take any form you desire---omniscient, newspaper, third or first person, etc---or you don't even have to do them if you don't want to.


                          NM will periodically make updates with results for actions, maybe random events, battle resolutions, et al. The degree to which he take specific control of actions depends on what he sees fit to do.
                          Those walls are absent of glory as they always have been. The people of tents will inherit this land.


                          • #14
                            I would like to take Poland


                            Poloxia {CHANGED}
                            Leader: Lieutenant Steve 'n Frenchy ((Metaliturtle))
                            Army: Small
                            Navy: Tiny
                            Air Force: Tiny
                            Military Effectiveness: Average
                            Espionage/Secret Police: Basic
                            Common Living Conditions: Poor
                            Economy: Poor
                            Discontent: Significant
                            Tech Level: Parity
                            Manufacturing Base: Limited
                            Nuclear Arsenal: NA
                            Nuclear Range: NA
                            Government/Society: Communist Control
                            First Master, Banan-Abbot of the Nana-stary, and Arch-Nan of the Order of the Sacred Banana.
                            Marathon, the reason my friends and I have been playing the same hotseat game since 2006...


                            • #15
                              ((Yeah I got these guys from the movie Good Morning Vietnam if you're wondering, basically I'm going to try to play a ruler with quasi-split personalities!))

                              "I want to hear a nice, Polish, polka!"

                              "Oh but ov corz Lieutenant Steve! I love a good polka as much as zee nex gai."


                              "Ahhh Lieutenant Steve let uz go find zee wimminz!"

                              "Oh Frenchy, first we need our prophilactic kits! Nothing is more painful than VD"

                              "Maybe KP Lieutenant Steve! Maybe KP!"

                              "It's a good thing we live in Communism Frenchy, in a capitalist pig country like Canada, the dishes are done ONLY by Polish slaves from Poloxia! Here, clean dishes are provided for us by one dish cleaning factory that handles all of our dish cleaning needs!"


                              Orders sum up:
                              Discontent lessened due to new dish-cleaning factories
                              Economy slightly improved by additional work.
                              Military Commanders more likely to go ape when fighting Canadians due to predjudice about inefficient dishwashing practices.
                              First Master, Banan-Abbot of the Nana-stary, and Arch-Nan of the Order of the Sacred Banana.
                              Marathon, the reason my friends and I have been playing the same hotseat game since 2006...

