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Cold War NES

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  • #31

    After the foundation of the German Democratic Republic on October 7th, 1949 and the introduction of the new national anthem one month later, the young country is now striving for international recognition.

    January 7th, 1950
    From this day on the DDR will have its own executive organ, an army to protect her borders against fascist and imperialist intruders. That organ will be the "Deutsche Grenzpolizei" (German border police).
    The National Front has also said to work on the creation of a permanent force similar to the Red Army of the SSSR.

    February 8th, 1950
    An assembly of the provisional parliament, called "Volkskammer" (People´s chamber), has agreed on the foundation of a secret police. The so-called "Ministerium für Staatssicherheit" (Ministry of State Security), more commonly known as "StaSi", provides a dense network of spies among the population. In the near future it will develop into a fearsome institution, a symbol of the almighty state, an instrument of repression and espionage. Very similar to the Soviet NKVD, it will be among the best intelligence networks in the world.
    The headquarters are to be set up in Leipzig, Saxony.

    Another point that was agreed on was the better involvement of the youth in affairs of politics and economics. Especially the Party-controlled mass-organization "Freie Deutsche Jugend" (Free German youth), referred to by the acronym FDJ, will play a central role in rebuilding the country after years of war and occupation.
    The FDJ controls the distribution of degrees, the allocation of the few places at the universities and the job allocation.
    Though membership isn´t compulsory, it opens many doors that otherwise would be locked.
    So the Party gains more and more power over the people...

    - increase Espionage/Secret Police (will rise further during the next years)
    - reduce discontent (Youth´s power and eagerness used by the party to solidate the state, plus counter-revolutionaries aren´t treated softly!)
    - set army level to "Tiny"
    Heinrich, King of Germany, Duke of Saxony in Cyclotron's amazing Holy Roman Empire NES
    Let me eat your yummy brain!
    "be like Micha!" - Cyclotron


    • #32
      Foolish: What´s the time progress like? For that period it should be broken down to at least half-year turns, for especially in the newly formed countries so much was going on.

      Also, what time do our orders cover now? I got it that we now have (last update time) 1.1.1950, so the stats represent that date. I´m asking because the DDR army was founded in January 1950, so I don´t know whether I should create it now or whether it´s already present
      Heinrich, King of Germany, Duke of Saxony in Cyclotron's amazing Holy Roman Empire NES
      Let me eat your yummy brain!
      "be like Micha!" - Cyclotron


      • #33
        6 months/turn.

        You'll get an army this update.
        Those walls are absent of glory as they always have been. The people of tents will inherit this land.


        • #34
          Can I take USA?


          • #35
            That would be really good
            Those walls are absent of glory as they always have been. The people of tents will inherit this land.


            • #36
              update tomorrow
              Those walls are absent of glory as they always have been. The people of tents will inherit this land.


              • #37
                January through June 1950

                Poloxia’s Government has initiated efforts to improve sanitation and the availability of light manufactured goods. Their propaganda department has also gone to particularly creative lengths.

                East Germany
                The “German border police” army force has been created by East Germany for its defense. A “Ministry of State Security” has also been fashioned to ensure, if not loyalty, then at least compliance from the population. Its ranks are growing in numbers and skill, and it gleefully prepares to terrorize all and any people suspected of going against the will of the Communist Party leaders, though no major incidents have as yet occurred. On the (somewhat) friendlier face of East German affairs, the FDJ (“Free German Youth”) program now controls many facets of civilian advancement, attempting to address the postwar needs of the state and providing yet another incentive to state in the Communist Party’s favor.

                Tito remains firmly in control of the country, but has recently let administrative regions function more by themselves in attending to their own matters.

                The Paasikivi Administration has declared a Neutrality Policy for Finland. So far both sides have respected this policy. This makes Finland a suitable site for the upcoming Summer Olympic Games in 1952. In addition the country is rebuilding what’s left of the war damage and expanding housing and schooling in needy areas. All these prospects have raised the spirits of the Finns and they are in general applying themselves industriously to the goals they have set for themselves.

                The State of Israel begins the construction of a series of fortifications around their borders, to be connected into a strong wall. Many Israelis see this as a positive step for the security of their fledgling state.

                The Chinese Government has reduced the tax burden on agriculture in order to provide relief for the peasants. This has eased their difficulties a little, but the shattered agricultural system is unproductive and in many areas food is scarce.
                The industrial sector has received a lot of attention, with workers and factories being organized to increase heavy industrial output. The plan is moving forward, but with capital and existing industrial capacity lacking, progress will be slow. Schools and technical institutes are being founded, with planners hoping to see positive results within a few years. Modernizing rural areas is proving especially difficult. The extensive task of re-unifying the country and rooting out dissidents and adversaries is proceeding apace with the expansion of the Communist Party’s spy network.

                Australian shipyards are operating at full capacity as the government has commissioned the construction of new combat ships. Some civilians question the pertinence of this, as the navy seems pretty close to its full strength as it is, but others support the policy as a safety measure in increasingly tense times.

                Due to a political deadlock in both the House and Senate, not much legislation has been enacted in the last 6 months.

                Other News
                North Korea invades South Korea! The fighting has been going on for less than a week, but already the North, with superior weapons, equipment, and logistical support (which some say has been bolstered by the Soviets) are advancing quickly and easily defeating the limited resistance that the South is barely able to field. North Korean soldiers and tanks are at this very moment passing through the outlying districts of Seoul. The United Nations is discussing the issue, but so far no consensus has been reached.
                Those walls are absent of glory as they always have been. The people of tents will inherit this land.


                • #38
                  June 1957

                  Cuba- laurentius
                  Navy: Infinitesimal
                  Air Force: Infinitesimal
                  Military Effectiveness: Embarrassing
                  Espionage/Secret Police: Basic
                  Common Living Conditions: Squalid
                  Economy: Backwards
                  Discontent: Some
                  Tech Level: very lagging
                  Manufacturing Base: Scattered
                  Nuclear Arsenal: NA
                  Nuclear Range: NA
                  Government/Society: United States puppet regime

                  Finland (Baltic League)- Pave
                  Army: Medium
                  Navy: Medium
                  Air Force: Medium
                  Military Effectiveness: Average
                  Espionage/Secret Police: Basic
                  Common Living Conditions: Good
                  Economy: Good
                  Discontent: Insignificant
                  Tech Level: parity
                  Manufacturing Base: Varied
                  Nuclear Arsenal: NA
                  Nuclear Range: NA
                  Government/Society: Mixed Market Republic

                  Poland (Oder S.R.)-
                  Army: Small
                  Navy: Tiny
                  Air Force: Infinitesimal
                  Military Effectiveness: Average
                  Espionage/Secret Police: Adequate
                  Common Living Conditions: Poor
                  Economy: Poor
                  Discontent: Minor
                  Tech Level: not quite Parity
                  Manufacturing Base: Limited
                  Nuclear Arsenal: NA
                  Nuclear Range: NA
                  Government/Society: Independent Communist Control

                  Ukraine/Byelorussia (Dnepr Confederation)-
                  Army: Small
                  Navy: Infinitesimal
                  Air Force: Infinitesimal
                  Military Effectiveness: Poor
                  Espionage/Secret Police: Basic
                  Common Living Conditions: Poor
                  Economy: Poor
                  Discontent: Minor
                  Tech Level: not Parity
                  Manufacturing Base: Limited
                  Nuclear Arsenal: few
                  Nuclear Range: local
                  Government/Society: Independent Communist Control

                  South Africa
                  Army: Medium
                  Navy: Small
                  Air Force: Small
                  Military Effectiveness: Average
                  Espionage/Secret Police: Basic
                  Common Living Conditions: Poor
                  Economy: Average
                  Discontent: Significant
                  Tech Level: Parity
                  Manufacturing Base: Varied
                  Nuclear Arsenal: NA
                  Nuclear Range: NA
                  Government/Society: Market Apartheid Parliamentary

                  Army: Medium
                  Navy: Medium
                  Air Force: Medium
                  Military Effectiveness: Average
                  Espionage/Secret Police: Basic
                  Common Living Conditions: Poor
                  Economy: Poor
                  Discontent: Some
                  Tech Level: Lagging
                  Manufacturing Base: Limited+
                  Nuclear Arsenal: NA
                  Nuclear Range: NA
                  Government/Society: Islamic/Military Coalition Rule

                  Army: Very Large
                  Navy: Medium
                  Air Force: Medium
                  Military Effectiveness: Average
                  Espionage/Secret Police: Professional
                  Common Living Conditions: Average with large pockets of poor+
                  Economy: Struggling
                  Discontent: Significant
                  Tech Level: nearing parity
                  Manufacturing Base: Sufficient
                  Nuclear Arsenal: few
                  Nuclear Range: local
                  Government/Society: Communist Bureaucracy

                  Australia- Easthaven I
                  Army: Small
                  Navy: Medium
                  Air Force: Small
                  Military Effectiveness: Average
                  Espionage/Secret Police: Basic
                  Common Living Conditions: Average
                  Economy: Struggling
                  Discontent: Minor
                  Tech Level: Parity
                  Manufacturing Base: Varied
                  Nuclear Arsenal: NA
                  Nuclear Range: NA
                  Government/Society: Republic

                  Army: Medium
                  Navy: Small
                  Air Force: Small
                  Military Effectiveness: Average
                  Espionage/Secret Police: Basic
                  Common Living Conditions: Average
                  Economy: Struggling
                  Discontent: Minor
                  Tech Level: Parity
                  Manufacturing Base: Sufficient
                  Nuclear Arsenal: NA
                  Nuclear Range: NA
                  Government/Society: Republic

                  Army: Large
                  Navy: Medium
                  Air Force: Medium
                  Military Effectiveness: Average
                  Espionage/Secret Police: Adequate
                  Common Living Conditions: Poor
                  Economy: Poor
                  Discontent: Some
                  Tech Level: Parity
                  Manufacturing Base: Varied
                  Nuclear Arsenal: NA
                  Nuclear Range: NA
                  Government/Society: Mixed Market Parliamentary

                  Yugoslavia- Illuminatus
                  Army: Medium
                  Navy: Small
                  Air Force: Infinitesimal
                  Military Effectiveness: Poor
                  Espionage/Secret Police: Adequate
                  Common Living Conditions: Poor
                  Economy: Poor
                  Discontent: Minor
                  Tech Level: parity
                  Manufacturing Base: Scattered
                  Nuclear Arsenal: NA
                  Nuclear Range: NA
                  Government/Society: Communist Control, socialized economy,

                  Egypt- 1889
                  Army: Large
                  Navy: Medium
                  Air Force: Medium
                  Military Effectiveness: Average
                  Espionage/Secret Police: Adequate
                  Common Living Conditions: Average
                  Economy: Struggling
                  Discontent: Some
                  Tech Level: nearing parity
                  Manufacturing Base: Limited
                  Nuclear Arsenal: NA
                  Nuclear Range: NA
                  Government/Society: Parliamentary Monarchy

                  Army: Medium
                  Navy: Infinitesimal
                  Air Force: Tiny
                  Military Effectiveness: Good
                  Espionage/Secret Police: Adequate
                  Common Living Conditions: Average
                  Economy: Average-
                  Discontent: Some, polarized
                  Tech Level: Parity
                  Manufacturing Base: Scattered
                  Nuclear Arsenal: SECRET: Few
                  Nuclear Range: SECRET: Local
                  Government/Society: Parliamentary Mixed Economy

                  Germany- Micha
                  Army: Medium
                  Navy: Infinitesimal
                  Air Force: Infinitesimal
                  Military Effectiveness: Average
                  Espionage/Secret Police: Professional
                  Common Living Conditions: Squalid
                  Economy: Backwards
                  Discontent: Some
                  Tech Level: Lagging
                  Manufacturing Base: Inadequate
                  Nuclear Arsenal: NA
                  Nuclear Range: NA
                  Government/Society: Socialist Party Dictatorship

                  Army: Small
                  Navy: Medium
                  Air Force: Small
                  Military Effectiveness: Average
                  Espionage/Secret Police: Basic
                  Common Living Conditions: Poor
                  Economy: Poor
                  Discontent: Some,
                  Tech Level: Parity
                  Manufacturing Base: Limited
                  Nuclear Arsenal: few
                  Nuclear Range: local
                  Government/Society: Unitary Republic

                  Great Britain- Jack_www
                  Army: Medium
                  Navy: Medium
                  Air Force: Medium
                  Military Effectiveness: Average
                  Espionage/Secret Police: Adequate
                  Common Living Conditions: Poor
                  Economy: Poor
                  Discontent: Some
                  Tech Level: Parity
                  Manufacturing Base: Limited
                  Nuclear Arsenal: few
                  Nuclear Range: local
                  Government/Society: Mixed Market Parliamentary

                  USA- Nuclear Master
                  Army: Large
                  Navy: Medium
                  Air Force: Medium
                  Military Effectiveness: Average
                  Espionage/Secret Police: Professional
                  Common Living Conditions: Average
                  Economy: Average
                  Discontent: Some
                  Tech Level: Parity
                  Manufacturing Base: Plentiful
                  Nuclear Arsenal: few
                  Nuclear Range: local
                  Government/Society: Capitalist Federative Democracy.

                  USSR- Sheep
                  Army: Medium
                  Navy: Small
                  Air Force: Small
                  Military Effectiveness: Average
                  Espionage/Secret Police: Professional
                  Common Living Conditions: Squalid
                  Economy: Backwards
                  Discontent: Some
                  Tech Level: near parity
                  Manufacturing Base: varied
                  Nuclear Arsenal: few
                  Nuclear Range: local

                  Mexico- bipolarbear
                  Army: Small
                  Navy: Small
                  Air Force: Small
                  Military Effectiveness: Average
                  Espionage/Secret Police: Basic
                  Common Living Conditions: Poor
                  Economy: Struggling
                  Discontent: Minor
                  Tech Level: near Parity
                  Manufacturing Base: inadequate
                  Nuclear Arsenal: NA
                  Nuclear Range: NA
                  Government/Society: Federal mixed-market state

                  Navy: Infinitesimal
                  Air Force: Infinitesimal
                  Military Effectiveness: Poor
                  Espionage/Secret Police: Limited
                  Common Living Conditions: Poor
                  Economy: Struggling
                  Discontent: Minor
                  Tech Level: parity
                  Manufacturing Base: Inadequate
                  Nuclear Arsenal: NA
                  Nuclear Range: NA
                  Government/Society: Constitutional Parliamentary Monarchy

                  Pacific Coalition (SE Asia)-
                  Navy: Small
                  Air Force: Infinitesimal
                  Military Effectiveness: Poor
                  Espionage/Secret Police: Limited
                  Common Living Conditions: Poor
                  Economy: Struggling
                  Discontent: Minor
                  Tech Level: lagging
                  Manufacturing Base: Inadequate
                  Nuclear Arsenal: NA
                  Nuclear Range: NA
                  Government/Society: Loose coalition, externally guided by US, Australia, New Zealand, Japan

                  Question for you guys:

                  How well do you like the map? Would you like me to do a bigger one from now on?
                  Attached Files
                  Last edited by foolish_icarus; January 1, 2005, 17:53.
                  Those walls are absent of glory as they always have been. The people of tents will inherit this land.


                  • #39
                    Could you show a zoomed-in map of the Mideast? I don't know what territory Israel occupied at the time.


                    • #40
                      Basically the same as now, minus the West Bank and Gaza
                      Attached Files
                      Those walls are absent of glory as they always have been. The people of tents will inherit this land.


                      • #41
                        Nice foolish, thank you!

                        I´d like to point out that DDR officials always resisted being called "Communists". The state rather proclaimed "Socialism".
                        It´s not a big difference in meaning, but a huge one in morale and propaganda effects. Please use "Socialist" when referring to DDR, thanks
                        Heinrich, King of Germany, Duke of Saxony in Cyclotron's amazing Holy Roman Empire NES
                        Let me eat your yummy brain!
                        "be like Micha!" - Cyclotron


                        • #42

                          Lieutenant Steve/Frenchy holds a cabinet meeting:

                          "Lieutenant Steve, zees dishwasher is a uzefull applianz"

                          "Frenchy! It will put hard-working polka-loving Poloxians out of work!"

                          "Dont you zee? We turn the deesh washeeng factoree into a deesh washer factoree!"

                          "No Frenchy that's a bad idea!"

                          "EET eez a good one, you just have zee bad 'aircut no?"

                          "Frenchy! You're DEAD!"

                          With that, Lieutenant Steve drew his sidearm, and shot Frenchy in the head.

                          Poloxia national news: Lieutenant Steve was shot today in a brave test to determine whether or not there is a Hell. If there is, Poloxia is certain that the Canadian Premier will someday meet him there. The wherabouts of Frenchy are unknown.

                          Mike Cyzinski has been named the New Chairman of Poloxia. He promises no radio addresses where he attempts to be funny.

                          Production changed in factories from washing dishes to Dishwashers. All dishes from the old system are being handled by the first 8 units off the line. The workers were proud that their machine outperformed the American unit, and have put in a request to Chairman Cyzinski that Poloxia refer to itself as the dishwasher capitol of the free world.

                          The chairman was still considering that self-reference when he decided to put an offer of trade out to all other nations looking for an alternative to shoddy American dishwashers.


                          ((Icarus, you pick whether the machines are actually better or just excellent propaganda))

                          Economy continues to improve with factory retooling

                          People are less discontent with the Government, and are beginning to develop a loyalty to Poland, rallying around their leader's death.

                          Still don't like Canadians so much.
                          First Master, Banan-Abbot of the Nana-stary, and Arch-Nan of the Order of the Sacred Banana.
                          Marathon, the reason my friends and I have been playing the same hotseat game since 2006...


                          • #43

                            August 9th, 1950
                            A remarkable day for the young nation, as the People´s chamber passed the "General electoral law". The equal, direct and secret elections will ensure a fair appointment of the leadership based on proportional representation. (At least this was the official text. Soon it became apparent, that almost 99% of all citizens usually "vote" for the Socialist Unity Party of Germany, including the almost 5% dissidents... strange, no? )

                            September 6th, 1950
                            Law of city rebuilding passed! The People´s chamber agreed on a program that favours the industrial centres of Chemnitz, Dessau, Dresden , Leipzig, Magdeburg, Nordhausen, Rostock and Wismar when it comes to rebuilding. This will boost the industrial capacity of the state, though many other towns will have to wait for help a bit longer...

                            September 27th, 1950
                            From this day on the women of the country, especially mothers, will enjoy absolutely equal rights in the society as men do. One focus is the protection and support of mothership as well as the promotion of women in industry.
                            This is seen as one of the best progresses made by communist countries during the 20th century, leaving all of the Western societies far behind in terms of equality and emancipation.

                            December 15th, 1950
                            A further step of the promised "Socialism" was the introduction of a general compulsory education of eight years. Following that the young people will have to pick up a vocational training or attend an EOS ("Erweiterte Oberschule", high school) for another four years.
                            Later it would become quite common for young men to be drafted into the military right after finishing school, more or less voluntarily
                            Heinrich, King of Germany, Duke of Saxony in Cyclotron's amazing Holy Roman Empire NES
                            Let me eat your yummy brain!
                            "be like Micha!" - Cyclotron


                            • #44

                              Yugoslavia marches on!

                              Marshall Josip Broz Tito denounces any rumours about not paying attention to the country on annual Communist Party meeting.

                              Hunt for informbiro agents continues:

                              Discontent in country decreases rapidly, as the Secret Police continues to hunt down any Informbiro agents. Everyone suspicious of collaboration with Informbiro is also arrested, as well as any potential capitalist sympathizers. Communist Party of Yugoslavia continues to defy Stalin's will claiming his vision of communism is wrongs, and that Federal People's Republic of Yugoslavia will pursue it's own vision of socialist utopia. Claims that a lot of innocent people are arrested are false, claims Tito. Each suspects is quickly set on trial and sent to reeducation camps. Some say that police effectiveness is increasing, but it remains the same for now.

                              Glory of socialism!

                              Tito puts every effort in state to rebuild country after long and terrible war. Railroads are being built all across the country, fields are being watered, and large construction efforts are being undertaken. People of Yugoslavia are ecstatic about this road to prosperity! Party predicts slow increase in manafacturing base during the next five years, following this trend.

                              Economy does well, Party claims

                              Party disproves any claims that economy in Yugoslavia is simply terrible. Foreign analyists forget the fact that glorious peoples of Yugoslavia do not need expensive capitalist opiates in form of unneccesary luxuries. Economy will increase slowly, during this decade, but only with help of foreign loans.

                              People's army is glorious, needs no additional funding

                              Despite the growing threat from Stalin, Marshal Tito claims that we do not need to increase our army. "Albeit small and poor in numbers and equipment compared to others, our army has spirit and courage. We drove the Germans away, defeating most fearsome army possible, due to vast number of heroic acts, and any our possible enemy must remember, while it can conquer us and occupy us, we will fight himr everywhere - in streets, fields, our hearts. It will be forced to withdraw as once Germans did, because our spirit is strong." *applause*
                              Party does not increase army size or funding in any way.

                              Living conditions adequate, says Party

                              Even as living conditions have not improved, Party claims that soon the ideals of socialism will increase that too, but not in the near future. Working spirit of the people will create better living conditions one day, but now, we must concentrate on greater goals, like economic revival. People must remember that we are swiftly eliminating unemployement with public works, and our industries shall gradually increase to employ more and more workers. Than, the conditions shall start improving along with the glory of the worker.


                              Relations with Stalin remain to be very hostile, with Stalin making subtle threats with Red Army and using Informbiro to accuse FPRY of abandoning communist path. Yugoslavia continues to ignore him and arrest each Informbiro member.

                              SECRET -Yugoslavia contines secret talk about defense pact with Greece and Turkey- called the Balkan defense pact. Initial reactions from these countries are reluctant, but positive. SECRET

                              Yugoslavia sends a formal request to UN to cede both A and B occupation zones to Yugoslavia. "It is our right to have these areas back in control of Yugoslavia, after so many years of Italian rule. Suffering endured during WW2 must now be repaid."

                              Yugoslavia takes neutral stance in matters of Korean war

                              SECRET - Tito secretly meets western ambassadors on the island of Brijuni near Yugoslav coast. Tito subtly shows that Yugoslavia does not consider itself a member of the Eastern Block and considers itself neutral. If West shows interest in Yugoslav matters in diplomacy (ceding both occupation zones to Yugoslavia and sending economic help in form of loans and equipment), Yugoslavia might reconsider its status as neutral and join the western cause. - SECRET

                              Yugoslavia sends request for loans to USA, Britain, Australia, Canada, citing the neccesity for economic recovery.

                              Orders (if you haven't realised them them from previous text already): -Start slow increase of manafacturing base (it will experience growth towards Limited but not reach it with continuous growth for at least next 5-10 years without help).
                              -Secret police receives a small increase in effectiveness.
                              -Discontenet decreases significantly
                              -Army the same
                              -Economy experiences the same growth as the previous turn, no major changes experienced
                              -living conditions decrease sligthly (redirection of materials towards industrialisation)
                              Note: I am not sure, but occupation zones are invisible on current world map. Should I post a larger picture of that particular area?
                              SMAC/X FAQ | Chiron Archives
                              The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all progress depends on the unreasonable man. --G.B.Shaw


                              • #45
                                It´s not a big difference in meaning, but a huge one in morale and propaganda effects. Please use "Socialist" when referring to DDR, thanks

                                Note: I am not sure, but occupation zones are invisible on current world map. Should I post a larger picture of that particular area?
                                You can if you want to, but I don't think it will change the map any. Due to oversight on my part, the map shows more or less (as far as its limited accuracy will allow) Yugoslavia's boundaries from the 80s.
                                Those walls are absent of glory as they always have been. The people of tents will inherit this land.

