UPDATE - 305 to 300 b.c.
Middle East
With Alexandrograd developing into a large Macedonian city, Egypt is also benefitting from the increased trade. Much of the excess food produced by the Nile farms can now be sold directly to the Greek, with less taxes on it and without shipping costs, thus increasing profits for Egypt.
With peace at all borders, the pharao has ordered a huge training program for the army. Much of the income has been spent on improving overall performance of the troops, while many of the militias have returned home to add to the workforce pool.
The people of Jerusalem were flocking into the newly opened amphitheatre, where local actors played the great epic dramas of famous greek authors! After the play, Cappadocian oil-wrestlers were giving a show to the masses, earning much respect.
The centralization programs in Persia were progressing as more funding flew into the pockets of the local Satraps. Somehow they were selling more and more privileges for money... Curruption at it´s best
Also the secret police has been expanded, which discovered a Jewish secret society in Jerusalem planning assassinations of Persian officials in the region. Some followers could be arrested and executed, but the leaders escaped.
Meanwhile a national healthcare system was ordered by the great king, but calculations show that it would cost about 300 talents each turn to function... So the project was cancelled, the 11 talents allocated to it have been returned into treasury.
Also a training program for the huge military was ordered, but it showed only minimal effect as it was hopelessly underpayed.
An organized expedition to the Red Sea, however, has earned the Persian empire the entire Sinai coast and two passages through the desert. Wells used by the nomads there will help supplying travellars and troops, and although the land seems inhospitable, there are abundant copper deposits in the Sinai mountains to the West. Maybe they could be exploited at a decent cost, like founding a mining town there...
Altogether 23 talents have been paid in tributes; Phoenicia has built 14 new triremes; Egypt paid 17 talents in tributes.
Greece and Asia Minor
With a big ceremony the expeditionary navy of Lydia has been sent back to Pergamon. Only eight ships have survived the battles, another four of the captured black pirate ships have been added as a present. The Lydian king has sent back a shipment of thirty barrels finest Lydian wines to Macedonia, as well as a dozen of oriental belly dancers...
Another eight triremes were sent back to Athens, where they were greeted as national heroes, with celebrations all over the city.
A good laugh at the assembly has been the declaration of someone claiming to be "king of Athens" and generously cutting down his rations to feed the poor. Of course there´s no king of Athens, since it´s a democracy... The man´s rations however have been cut and redistributed amongst the most needy, feeding two beggars and their dog.
But also serious politics took place in Athens. So a new Agora (Market) was opened, the largest one in whole greece, located inside a huge hall of columns made of marble... The city is getting more and more beautiful with each year.
When Alexander´s army reached the small town of Lissos, the barbarians had already left. Looted and set on fire, the settlement was a shocking view for the Macedonian troops. However, the scenery stirred up hatred against the tribes and thus boosted the fighting morale.
Moving north, the army encountered the Western Moesians on the move. Obviously they were going to meet their Illyrian allies, so the Macedonian army leader decided to attack as soon as possible.
During night, the Greek catapults from the siege equipment fired rocks onto the barbarian night camp, killing hundreds of them in their tents.
Then the Macedonian cavalry started to raid. Especially the Hetaires proved to be invaluable, for they could fire arrows, charge into the enemy lines, pull back and repeat the whole thing.
Soon the majority of the barbarians has been killed, the rest was fleeing in chaotic disorder. The Eastern Moesian troops pounced upon the routed enemies with great valour and hunted them down one by one. Only a few thousand survived...
Meanwhile to the south, a new city was founded: Alexandrograd!
Situated at the fertile Nile delta with direct access to the Mediterranean Sea, it´s a strategically perfect place for a settlement.
The name was given in honour of the national heroe Alexander, who died at the age of 19 near Pergamon in today´s Lydia while fighting the Persians.
These two facts - the place and the symbolic name - make the city a magnet for immigrants from the entire hellenistic world. While the harbour and the temples were still being built, almost tenthousand people settled down there, Egyptians were creating farms on the flooding areas of the Nile banks and many Greek farmers were watching and learning those techniques.
Even some of Aristotle´s scholars opened up a new lyceum in the city center, named "lyceum Aristotleon" after their great teacher who died 20 years ago in Athens.
With massive funding from Macedonia and many private efforts, the city has already grown to a fairly large size, now accomodating about 40,000 people. Once the cultural improvements will be finished (requires more funding), Alexandrograd might become a local trade center and maybe even second-largest settlement in the kingdom of Macedonia...
The Lydian army has begun extensive military training, thus following the trend in these days...
Italian peninsula
The annihilation of the Elean garrison was a shock to the Apulians, but the condolences by Rome and the state burials given have eased the pain.
Near the cities of Capua and Neapolis, Roman citizens have founded the town of Beneventum. It´s the first of many planned settlements to spread roman culture into the conquered regions. With 50 talents allocated to the new town it got all the luxuries of Rome, some Senators say it was too much for a single settlement... But then, Senators tend to save the money of Rome for their own interests...
However, Beneventum will serve as a monument of Roman civilization in Samnium, and when time goes by, the locals will be totally integrated into the Roman society.
Equipped with the most modern and most expensive siege equipment in the known world, the Roman legions were laying siege on Perusia.
With constant attacks of the catapults and ballistas, soon most of the city walls have been destroyed or severely damaged. When the rams scattered what was left of the gates, the huge siege towers had already boarded the walls, disembarking hundreds of legionnairies into the Ethruscian capital.
The battle was bloody, at least for the Etruscians... After months of siege they were worn out, most injured or sick and with low morale.
About eightthousands have been enslaved and sent to Rome, the rest died defending their last stronghold. Only a few hundreds were able to escape into the hills. Now only the villages will still resist the Roman advance, with militia and traps opposing a ten-times larger and better trained and equipped professional army...
After Perusia was sacked (35 talents war treasury looted!) the three legions began clearing the area from the deadly traps. Meanwhile Legion I was ordered conquering the smaller towns and villages. It moved far north into the mountains, where it suddenly encountered an army of Aquileians who were pacted with Ethruria!
Surprised by that unexpected resistance, dictator Laurentius had to pull back to the top of a hill, where he could regroup for an attack.
With the Aquileians staying at the oher side of the valley, unwilling to move out, one side had to leave the tactically superior position in order to attack, or the legion would have to return home in disgrace.
At this time, help arrived from an unexpected side:
The Aquileian lines suddenly descended in chaos as their formation broke apart. Some groups ran downhills right into the Roman hail of arrows, while others simply dropped their weapons and ran away.
Soon the reason for all that became visible:
Fourthousand Ligurian horsemen were charging into the enemie´s rear, completely dissolving the order and command structure within the Aquileian army.
Then the Romans closed the bag and engaged the fleeing troops in the valley. The following slaughter might not be very heroic, but it´s certainly been a great victory for Rome!
After the battle, the Roman legion and the Ligurian cavalry merged and returned to the other armies for new orders.
Western Mediterranean
Carthage is again expanding its military forces, a new brigade of 100 war elephants has been created, and the whole Cyrenaican army is engaged in intense combat training, which is part of a very expensive campaign to improve the military´s overall effectiveness.
In addition, signal horns have been introduced as standard equipment of all brigades, adding another bid to the campaign.
With all these big things going on, only a small amount of funding has flown into the "Guardian of the West". The artisans have been somewhat bored, they only had to cover the knee parts of the statue in bronze plating. Nonetheless, the people are still supporting the project, and many tourists seem to be quite fascinated by the construction site alone, so international interest is still growing...
The Carthagian empire has been divided up into four provinces, each one under the rule of an elected official. Once this system is consolidated, it might improve the taxing methods and thus increase tax revenues...
NPC orders / Events
- Egypt spent 25 talents on military training
- "Western Moesian Tribes" lost 1,885 horsemen; 3,512 foot soldiers
- "Eastern Moesian Tribes" lost 258 horsemen; 1,090 foot soldiers
- "Alexander´s Army" lost 640 Hetaires; 415 horsemen; 64 swordsmen; 204 hoplites; 559 foot soldiers; 170 light infantry
- "Legion I Romana" lost 335 legionnaires; 280 horsemen; 1,009 foot soldiers
- "Legion II Italica" lost 105 legionnaires; 462 horsemen
- "Legion III Latina" lost 195 legionnaires; 44 horsemen; 252 foot soldiers
- "Legion IV Augusta" lost 207 legionnaires: 260 horsemen; 461 foot soldiers
- "Ethruscian Army" lost 4,575 horsemen; 17,441 foot soldiers
- "Aquilejan Army" appeared, consisting of 2,459 foot soldiers
- Sparta has trained 2,000 swordsmen (22t) and added them to "Spartan elites"
- Lydia has ordered military training for her army (25t)
- Magna Graecia has trained 2,000 hoplites (24t) and created the army "Apulian Guards"
- Bosporian Greek trained 2,000 hoplites (24t) and created the army "Tanais Garrison"
- Crete trains 2,000 swordsmen (28t) and adds them to "Aegian Army"
- New army "Sinai tribes" - Sinai - 3,500 horsemen
Middle East
With Alexandrograd developing into a large Macedonian city, Egypt is also benefitting from the increased trade. Much of the excess food produced by the Nile farms can now be sold directly to the Greek, with less taxes on it and without shipping costs, thus increasing profits for Egypt.
With peace at all borders, the pharao has ordered a huge training program for the army. Much of the income has been spent on improving overall performance of the troops, while many of the militias have returned home to add to the workforce pool.
The people of Jerusalem were flocking into the newly opened amphitheatre, where local actors played the great epic dramas of famous greek authors! After the play, Cappadocian oil-wrestlers were giving a show to the masses, earning much respect.
The centralization programs in Persia were progressing as more funding flew into the pockets of the local Satraps. Somehow they were selling more and more privileges for money... Curruption at it´s best

Also the secret police has been expanded, which discovered a Jewish secret society in Jerusalem planning assassinations of Persian officials in the region. Some followers could be arrested and executed, but the leaders escaped.
Meanwhile a national healthcare system was ordered by the great king, but calculations show that it would cost about 300 talents each turn to function... So the project was cancelled, the 11 talents allocated to it have been returned into treasury.
Also a training program for the huge military was ordered, but it showed only minimal effect as it was hopelessly underpayed.
An organized expedition to the Red Sea, however, has earned the Persian empire the entire Sinai coast and two passages through the desert. Wells used by the nomads there will help supplying travellars and troops, and although the land seems inhospitable, there are abundant copper deposits in the Sinai mountains to the West. Maybe they could be exploited at a decent cost, like founding a mining town there...
Altogether 23 talents have been paid in tributes; Phoenicia has built 14 new triremes; Egypt paid 17 talents in tributes.
Greece and Asia Minor
With a big ceremony the expeditionary navy of Lydia has been sent back to Pergamon. Only eight ships have survived the battles, another four of the captured black pirate ships have been added as a present. The Lydian king has sent back a shipment of thirty barrels finest Lydian wines to Macedonia, as well as a dozen of oriental belly dancers...
Another eight triremes were sent back to Athens, where they were greeted as national heroes, with celebrations all over the city.
A good laugh at the assembly has been the declaration of someone claiming to be "king of Athens" and generously cutting down his rations to feed the poor. Of course there´s no king of Athens, since it´s a democracy... The man´s rations however have been cut and redistributed amongst the most needy, feeding two beggars and their dog.
But also serious politics took place in Athens. So a new Agora (Market) was opened, the largest one in whole greece, located inside a huge hall of columns made of marble... The city is getting more and more beautiful with each year.
When Alexander´s army reached the small town of Lissos, the barbarians had already left. Looted and set on fire, the settlement was a shocking view for the Macedonian troops. However, the scenery stirred up hatred against the tribes and thus boosted the fighting morale.
Moving north, the army encountered the Western Moesians on the move. Obviously they were going to meet their Illyrian allies, so the Macedonian army leader decided to attack as soon as possible.
During night, the Greek catapults from the siege equipment fired rocks onto the barbarian night camp, killing hundreds of them in their tents.
Then the Macedonian cavalry started to raid. Especially the Hetaires proved to be invaluable, for they could fire arrows, charge into the enemy lines, pull back and repeat the whole thing.
Soon the majority of the barbarians has been killed, the rest was fleeing in chaotic disorder. The Eastern Moesian troops pounced upon the routed enemies with great valour and hunted them down one by one. Only a few thousand survived...
Meanwhile to the south, a new city was founded: Alexandrograd!
Situated at the fertile Nile delta with direct access to the Mediterranean Sea, it´s a strategically perfect place for a settlement.
The name was given in honour of the national heroe Alexander, who died at the age of 19 near Pergamon in today´s Lydia while fighting the Persians.
These two facts - the place and the symbolic name - make the city a magnet for immigrants from the entire hellenistic world. While the harbour and the temples were still being built, almost tenthousand people settled down there, Egyptians were creating farms on the flooding areas of the Nile banks and many Greek farmers were watching and learning those techniques.
Even some of Aristotle´s scholars opened up a new lyceum in the city center, named "lyceum Aristotleon" after their great teacher who died 20 years ago in Athens.
With massive funding from Macedonia and many private efforts, the city has already grown to a fairly large size, now accomodating about 40,000 people. Once the cultural improvements will be finished (requires more funding), Alexandrograd might become a local trade center and maybe even second-largest settlement in the kingdom of Macedonia...
The Lydian army has begun extensive military training, thus following the trend in these days...
Italian peninsula
The annihilation of the Elean garrison was a shock to the Apulians, but the condolences by Rome and the state burials given have eased the pain.
Near the cities of Capua and Neapolis, Roman citizens have founded the town of Beneventum. It´s the first of many planned settlements to spread roman culture into the conquered regions. With 50 talents allocated to the new town it got all the luxuries of Rome, some Senators say it was too much for a single settlement... But then, Senators tend to save the money of Rome for their own interests...

However, Beneventum will serve as a monument of Roman civilization in Samnium, and when time goes by, the locals will be totally integrated into the Roman society.
Equipped with the most modern and most expensive siege equipment in the known world, the Roman legions were laying siege on Perusia.
With constant attacks of the catapults and ballistas, soon most of the city walls have been destroyed or severely damaged. When the rams scattered what was left of the gates, the huge siege towers had already boarded the walls, disembarking hundreds of legionnairies into the Ethruscian capital.
The battle was bloody, at least for the Etruscians... After months of siege they were worn out, most injured or sick and with low morale.
About eightthousands have been enslaved and sent to Rome, the rest died defending their last stronghold. Only a few hundreds were able to escape into the hills. Now only the villages will still resist the Roman advance, with militia and traps opposing a ten-times larger and better trained and equipped professional army...
After Perusia was sacked (35 talents war treasury looted!) the three legions began clearing the area from the deadly traps. Meanwhile Legion I was ordered conquering the smaller towns and villages. It moved far north into the mountains, where it suddenly encountered an army of Aquileians who were pacted with Ethruria!
Surprised by that unexpected resistance, dictator Laurentius had to pull back to the top of a hill, where he could regroup for an attack.
With the Aquileians staying at the oher side of the valley, unwilling to move out, one side had to leave the tactically superior position in order to attack, or the legion would have to return home in disgrace.
At this time, help arrived from an unexpected side:
The Aquileian lines suddenly descended in chaos as their formation broke apart. Some groups ran downhills right into the Roman hail of arrows, while others simply dropped their weapons and ran away.
Soon the reason for all that became visible:
Fourthousand Ligurian horsemen were charging into the enemie´s rear, completely dissolving the order and command structure within the Aquileian army.
Then the Romans closed the bag and engaged the fleeing troops in the valley. The following slaughter might not be very heroic, but it´s certainly been a great victory for Rome!
After the battle, the Roman legion and the Ligurian cavalry merged and returned to the other armies for new orders.
Western Mediterranean
Carthage is again expanding its military forces, a new brigade of 100 war elephants has been created, and the whole Cyrenaican army is engaged in intense combat training, which is part of a very expensive campaign to improve the military´s overall effectiveness.
In addition, signal horns have been introduced as standard equipment of all brigades, adding another bid to the campaign.
With all these big things going on, only a small amount of funding has flown into the "Guardian of the West". The artisans have been somewhat bored, they only had to cover the knee parts of the statue in bronze plating. Nonetheless, the people are still supporting the project, and many tourists seem to be quite fascinated by the construction site alone, so international interest is still growing...
The Carthagian empire has been divided up into four provinces, each one under the rule of an elected official. Once this system is consolidated, it might improve the taxing methods and thus increase tax revenues...
NPC orders / Events
- Egypt spent 25 talents on military training
- "Western Moesian Tribes" lost 1,885 horsemen; 3,512 foot soldiers
- "Eastern Moesian Tribes" lost 258 horsemen; 1,090 foot soldiers
- "Alexander´s Army" lost 640 Hetaires; 415 horsemen; 64 swordsmen; 204 hoplites; 559 foot soldiers; 170 light infantry
- "Legion I Romana" lost 335 legionnaires; 280 horsemen; 1,009 foot soldiers
- "Legion II Italica" lost 105 legionnaires; 462 horsemen
- "Legion III Latina" lost 195 legionnaires; 44 horsemen; 252 foot soldiers
- "Legion IV Augusta" lost 207 legionnaires: 260 horsemen; 461 foot soldiers
- "Ethruscian Army" lost 4,575 horsemen; 17,441 foot soldiers
- "Aquilejan Army" appeared, consisting of 2,459 foot soldiers
- Sparta has trained 2,000 swordsmen (22t) and added them to "Spartan elites"
- Lydia has ordered military training for her army (25t)
- Magna Graecia has trained 2,000 hoplites (24t) and created the army "Apulian Guards"
- Bosporian Greek trained 2,000 hoplites (24t) and created the army "Tanais Garrison"
- Crete trains 2,000 swordsmen (28t) and adds them to "Aegian Army"
- New army "Sinai tribes" - Sinai - 3,500 horsemen