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Advanced Hellenistic Era NES

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  • Advanced Hellenistic Era NES

    This is based upon Foolish´s NES, but because of mod change and several innovations that were implemented I have started a new thread. Here I can edit the first posts to update player stats myself, which IMO is a very important point.

    Now here´s the Story:

    Phillip II, king of Macedonia, managed what neither Athens nor Sparta have ever done: The unification of Greece. In 338 b.c. he broke the last resistance during the decisive battle of Chaironeia, ending the Attic Federation as well as the Booitian one.
    He founded the "Corinthian Union", which consisted of all mainland greek except for the Spartans. One year later he turned east to the archenemy of the Greek: Persia! Just days before he could start the planned invasion he was murdered for political reasons.

    His son, Alexander, succeeded him as king of Macedonia and leader of the Corinthian Union. The young man took his father´s army and secured the homefront.
    To the north, he had beaten the savage tribes back over the Danube river. The city of Thebes revolted against the macedonian garrison, but Alexander swiftly defeated the insurgents, obliterated the city and sold the citizens into slavery. After that campaign was finished, noone dared to question his rule over the area; So he finally crossed the Hellespond near Abydos in early 334 b.c. in order to conquer the Persian Empire!
    The first true battle of this war took place on the banks of the river Granikos. Alexander fought - as always - in the first line of battle; His impetuous charge only succeeded because of the Persian inability to deploy the different troop types properly. However, during this battle Alexander saw himself in a fatal situation. Only his friend Kleitos´ quick action could save the warlord´s life.

    Now what would have happened if Kleistos hadn´t been there? What if Alexander the great would have fallen in the first battle of the Persian war?

    - Macedonia lost Alexander the Great - the army is leaderless and thus in great trouble
    - Athens and Sparta regain power because of the turmoils following Alexander´s death
    - The Persians were awakened, injured and insulted, but not slain
    - Greek colonies along Asia Minor´s west coast revolt against Persia, almost one third of the peninsula follows
    - Rome slowly rises in Italy, but finds itself surrounded by equally-sized kingdoms
    - Carthage expands into Spain, growing richer and richer, but also more and more decadent
    - Eqypt has broken apart from Persia, but doesn´t have access to the sea
    - Magna Graecia, a federation of Greek colonies in the Western mediterranean Sea, frequently switches sides in the local quarrals, resulting in bad reputation and resentment from all sides
    - Celtic tribes from the north ravage border provinces of Italy and Greece


    How to play:

    Simply chose a country and start ruling it!
    However, this is to be kept realistic. The mod will determine the outcome of battles and the mod will also do NPC diplomacy. Plus, he will put in surprises and events from time to time, which will have impact on gameplay...

    Another important issue is your economy:
    You will find a preset figure indicating you annual income; Of course you can influence this figure, but changing it is also a monopoly of the mod
    The better you explain your actions and moves, the better the outcome will be. Good roleplaying is required for this NES.
    Your wealth is measured in "talents". It was a very strong currency, meaning a single talent was worth a whole lot for one person. For example, a talent was enough to either buy 30 slaves or 20 horses.

    In this game, you can invest your money into basically everything you want. The more money you invest, the better the outcome. Examples are new colonies (20 ~ 150 talents), forts (10 ~ 50 talents), new trade routes (5 ~ 50 talents), searching for mineral resources (5 ~ 30 talents) in a certain area, improving training of your military (10 ~ 150 talents), funding new buildings/wonders (10 ~ 500+ talents), funding public baths, supporting the poor with free food, ...
    You can be very creative here, but please keep it somewhat realistic...

    Your army and navy is free for restructuring. You can divide it into different armies or merge it all into a giant one. Each army can be named and stationed wherever you want (again, keep it realistic). You will find a starting army that roughly represents the authentic figures of that time. With your annual income, you can train new troops, build new ships or hire mercenaries to fill your ranks; A price-list is issued below. When your military grows, your income will decline, and vice-versa. This is to represent upkeep. I have experimented with fix upkeep costs for several hours, but it didn´t work the way I wanted it to. So this is my solution to this problem...

    Price List (numbers you get for 1 talent)

    200 light infantrists (militia)
    - peasants drafted into the army
    - equipped with pitchforks, flails, clubs, bows and tools in general
    - no armour at all
    - good in desert and mountainous areas, bad vs. cavalry

    125 foot soldiers (regulars)
    - usual infantry regulars
    - equipped with spears, daggers, javalines, bows
    - lightly armoured (leather)
    - fast but vulnerable to cavalry; can evade heavy infantry

    70 horsemen
    - light cavalry
    - equipped with spears or swords
    - usually lightly armoured, leather shield or none at all
    - very fast, but vulnerable to spears (hoplites)

    80 hoplites [Athens, Sparta, Macedonia, Magna Graecia, Bosporian Greek, Crete]
    - heavy elite infantry
    - equipped with extremely long spears
    - heavily armoured
    - several lines deep formations; lethal to cavalry

    70 swordsmen
    - heavy infantry
    - eqipped with swords or warblades
    - lightly armoured to ensure speed and freedom of movement
    - good allround warriors, though vulnerable to distance weapons

    70 legionaries [Rome]
    - core of the Roman Legions
    - different troop types equipped with spears, javalines and short swords
    - good armour, metal shields
    - very disciplined and well-trained in a vast variety of tactics

    65 immortals [Persia]
    - Persian elites, used as the royal guards
    - Mixed force including swordsmen, archers, javaliners, pikemen and camel riders

    65 Hetaires [Macedonia]
    - Macedonian Compagnion Cavalry
    - equipped with spears and swords
    - armoured and shielded
    - fearsome charge!

    25 war chariots [Persia, Egypt]
    - horse-drawn armoured chariots
    - crew equipped with bows, javalines and spears
    - chariot equipped with scythes
    - very fast, deadly to infantry, needs flat terrain

    4 war elephants [Carthage]
    - trained elephants
    - crew equipped with bows or javalines
    - elephants may be armoured

    1 trireme (costs 3 Talents!!!)
    - mighty ram-equipped warship, very maneuverable
    - can carry troops
    Last edited by Micha; January 24, 2005, 06:32.
    Heinrich, King of Germany, Duke of Saxony in Cyclotron's amazing Holy Roman Empire NES
    Let me eat your yummy brain!
    "be like Micha!" - Cyclotron

  • #2
    Game Map - 285 b.c. (333 kB)

    --- updated ( Turn 11 ) ---

    PLAYER STATS (285 b.c.)

    Kingdom of Macedonia
    Ruler: Foolish Icarus
    Income: 96 talents per turn (+2 less corruption at gold mine)
    treasury: 64 talents
    Military Effectiveness: Good (78%) (+4% training)
    - "Alexander´s Army" - Illyria - 3,993 Hetaires; 757 horsemen; 158 swordsmen; 10,964 hoplites; 4,910 foot soldiers
    - "Macedonian Army" - Adrianopolis - 150 Hetaires; 12,000 foot soldiers
    - "Trapezunt Defence Force" - Trapezunt - 2,000 horsemen; 3,000 foot soldiers
    - "Attic Defence Force" - Athens - 7,500 hoplites; 1,000 swordsmen; 13,000 foot soldiers
    - "Expedition Force" - Herakleia - 500 hetaires; 500 hoplites; 6,000 foot soldiers
    - "Naval Force" - Macedonian Fleet - 85 light infantry
    - "Southern Guard" - Alexandrograd - 1,000 hoplites
    - [Moesia] "Eastern Moesian Tribes" - Illyria - 1,030 horsemen; 6,280 foot soldiers
    - "Macedonian Battlefleet" - Olynthos - 50 triremes
    - "Attic reserve fleet" - Athens - 35 triremes
    - "Pharos Fleet" - Alexandrograd - 40 triremes
    Empire Rating: Stable
    Tech Level:
    Discontent: minimal (2%)
    Secret Police: Adequate
    Government: Kingdom with supreme leader and subject nobles

    Persian Empire
    Ruler: Bipolarbear
    Income: 90 talents per turn (-16 lost satrapies)
    treasury: 0 talents
    Military Effectiveness: Mediocre (50%)
    - "Phrygian Army" - Phrygia - 1,500 horsemen; 4,200 swordsmen; 9,000 foot soldiers
    - "Army of the West" - Sidon - 500 war chariots; 1,000 swordsmen; 2,995 horsemen; 15,122 foot soldiers, 500 light infantry
    - "Mesopotamian Army" - Babylon - 900 war chariots; 4,000 foot soldiers
    - "Eastern Army" - Persepolis - 1,000 war chariots; 4,000 horsemen; 6,000 foot soldiers
    - "Assyrian Army" - Aleppo - 2,000 swordsmen; 2,000 horsemen
    - "Armenian Army" - Melita - 2,000 horsemen
    - "Pisidian Loyalists" - Iconion - 500 war chariots; 2,000 horsemen; 6,000 foot soldiers
    - "Army of Cappadocia" - Mazaka - 3,000 horsemen
    - "Tarsos homeguards" - Tarsos - 1,500 horsemen; 1,000 swordsmen; 10,000 foot soldiers; 1,000 light infantry
    - "Army of Egypt" - Gaza - 2,880 war chariots; 7,390 horsemen; 2,600 immortals; 1,468 swordsmen; 12,057 foot soldiers; 379 light infantry
    - "Cypros garrison" - Salamis - 1,000 light infantry
    - "Jerusalem immortals" - Jerusalem - 1,000 immortals
    - "Lower Cappadocian Army" - Tyana - 500 war chariots
    - "Attur Garrison" - Attur - 1,000 foot soldiers
    - "Persian Invasion Fleet" - Tyros - 43 triremes
    Empire Rating: Limited
    Tech Level:
    Discontent: Fair (26%) (+2% defeat, +5% revolts)
    Secret Police: Good
    Government: Multiple nations combined under the absolute rule of an emperor.
    - All subjugated provinces pay tributes!

    Ruler: NPC
    Income: 25 talents per turn
    treasury: 0 talents
    Military Effectiveness: Good (85%)
    - "Spartan Elites" - Sparta - 21,000 hoplites; 6,890 swordsmen; 4,500 horsemen
    - "Rhodos Defence Force" - Rhodos - 2,000 foot soldiers
    - "Spartan Fleet" - Argos - 26 triremes
    Empire Rating: Scattered
    Tech Level:
    Discontent: Significant (11%)
    Secret Police: Adequate
    Government: Alliance dominated by Sparta, limited suffrage consensus-democracy under a rigid code of law.
    - infantry cost 3 talents less per 1,000 men

    Ruler: NPC
    Income: 38 talents per turn
    treasury: 2 talents
    Military Effectiveness: Fair (53%)
    - "Lydian Army" - Sardes - 8,000 horsemen; 15,000 foot soldiers
    - "Army of Milet" - Miletos - 3,500 hoplites; 6,000 foot soldiers
    - "Southern Army" - Aspendos - 5,000 horsemen; 3,000 hoplites; 5,000 foot soldiers
    - "Asia Minor Army" - Ephesos - 2,500 horsemen; 4,000 foot soldiers
    - "Lydian Fleet" - Miletos - 47 triremes
    Empire Rating: Inadequate
    Tech Level:
    Discontent: Some (8%)
    Secret Police: Adequate
    Government: Kingdom

    Magna Graecia
    Ruler: NPC
    Income: 27 talents per turn
    treasury: 2 talents
    Military Effectiveness: Average (54%)
    - "Army of Sicilia" - Syracuse - 6,500 hoplites; 14,000 foot soldiers
    - "Army of Massilia" - Massilia - 2,305 hoplites; 5,640 foot soldiers
    - "Army of Nicaea" - Nicaea - 2,000 hoplites
    - "Adria garrison" - Adria - 6,000 hoplites; 3,000 horsemen; 6,750 foot soldiers
    - "Western fleet" - Tarent - 75 triremes
    Empire Rating: Inadequate
    Tech Level:
    Discontent: Some (7%)
    Secret Police: Adequate
    Government: Alliance of city state ruled by dictator, occasional aristocratic councils

    Ruler: Lord Nuclear (aka Nuclear Master)
    Income: 62 talents per turn
    treasury: 0 talents
    Military Effectiveness: Fair (68%) (+5% elite leaders)
    - "Carthage Defence Force" - Carthage - 25,000 foot soldiers
    - "Cyrenaican Army" - Cyrenaica - 58 war elephants; 6,582 horsemen; 10,370 foot soldiers; 2,120 light infantry
    - "Hispania Army" - Carthago Nova - 1,500 light infantry
    - "Carthagian volunteers" - Carthage - 5,500 light infantry
    - "Home Guard" - spread in core cities - 1,500 foot soldiers
    - "Cathage Battle fleet" - Carthage - 11 triremes
    Empire Rating: Indequate
    Tech Level:
    Discontent: Some (6%)
    Secret Police: Basic
    Government: Oligarchy with magisterial rule

    Roman Empire
    Ruler: Laurentius
    Income: 65 talents per turn (+5 less upkeep)
    treasury: 32 talents
    Military Effectiveness: Good (76%) (+1% training)
    - "Legion I Romana" (Publius Cornelius Scipio) - north of Padus River - 3,733 legionaries; 2,527 horsemen; 490 foot soldiers
    - "Legion II Italica" (Fluvius Camillus) - north of Padus River - 3,496 legionaries; 558 horsemen
    - "Legion III Latina" (Marcus Aemilius) - north of Padus River - 3,130 legionaries; 584 horsemen
    - "Legion IV Augusta" (Publius Cornelius Scipio) - north of Padus River - 4,021 legionaries; 86 horsemen; 440 foot soldiers
    - "Siege army" - Rome - 500 foot soldiers
    - [Magna Graecia] "Apulian Guards" - north of Padus River - 3,745 hoplites
    - [Liguria] "Ligurian Army" - Pisae - 14,565 foot soldiers
    - "Roman Fleet" - Neapolis - 73 triremes
    Empire Rating: Inadequate
    Tech Level:
    Discontent: Some (5%)
    Secret Police: Basic
    Government: Patrician Republic (Rome) dominates ally and subject states
    - cheaper colonies when land connection to capital

    Ruler: appleciders
    Income: 58 talents per turn
    treasury: 7 talents
    Military Effectiveness: Average (50%)
    - "Pharao´s Army" - Thebes - 1,365 war chariots; 7,899 horsemen; 4,000 swordsmen; 4,279 foot soldiers
    Empire Rating: Inadequate
    Tech Level:
    Discontent: Some (13%) (+5% war weariness)
    Secret Police: Adequate
    Government: Bureaucratic kingdom

    Bosporian Greek
    Ruler: NPC
    Income: 20 talents per turn
    treasury: 21 talents
    Military Effectiveness: Average (54%)
    - "Crimean defence force" - Chersonesos - 2,000 horsemen; 7,500 foot soldiers
    - "Army of Olbia" - Olbia - 3,500 horsemen; 12,000 foot soldiers
    - "Istros garrison" - Istros - 1,000 hoplites
    - "Tanais Garrison" - Tanais - 2,000 hoplites
    - "Crimean fleet" - Chersonesos - 15 triremes
    Empire Rating: Inadequate
    Tech Level:
    Discontent: Some (8%)
    Secret Police: Adequate
    Government: military alliance of city states, limited democracy

    Ruler: NPC
    Income: 26 talents per turn
    treasury: 1 talent
    Military Effectiveness: Average (55%)
    - "Cretean Army" - Crete - 2,000 hoplites; 5,000 horsemen; 12,735 foot soldiers
    - "Aegian Army" - Aegian Islands - 2,000 swordsmen; 6,500 foot soldiers
    - "Cretean Fleet" - Knossos - 28 triremes
    Empire Rating: Inadequate
    Tech Level:
    Discontent: Some (6%)
    Secret Police: Adequate
    Government: Tyranny

    Other Armies
    - "Celtian Horde" - Alpes - 6,020 horsemen; 3,320 foot soldiers
    - "Aquilejan Tribes" - Aquileja - 4,000 horsemen; 14,000 foot soldiers
    - "Southern Gauls" - near Genua - 3,846 horsemen; 10,115 foot soldiers
    - "Scythian Tribes" - Crim Peninsula - 7,000 horsemen; 14,000 foot soldiers
    - "Scythian Nomades" - North of Olbia - 14,500 horsemen
    - "Scythian Nomades II" - Northeast of Olbia - 8,500 horsemen
    - "Nubian Tribes" - Southern Egypt - 19,000 foot soldiers
    - "Lybian Nomads" - Western Egypt - 6,500 horsemen
    - "Arabian Tribes - Arabia - 12,000 horsemen; 7,500 foot soldiers
    - "Sinai tribes" - Sinai - 3,500 horsemen
    Other Navies
    - "Eastern Mediterranean Sea Pirates" - Beleares - 38 triremes
    Last edited by Micha; January 23, 2005, 18:15.
    Heinrich, King of Germany, Duke of Saxony in Cyclotron's amazing Holy Roman Empire NES
    Let me eat your yummy brain!
    "be like Micha!" - Cyclotron


    • #3
      Note that this is only a draw for a possible future NES and has nothing to do with the current one!
      AB-01MAC, ROMartillery, battlecatapults10100great dmg.
      CH-01MACcavalry, heavyCompanion cavalry1200356elite
      CH-02PERcavalry, heavyCappadocian cavalry1500256
      CH-03PER, CARcavalry, heavywar elephants20124fearsome
      CH-04PERcavalry, heavyScythed Chariots500225fearsomeonly flat terr.
      CH-05EGYcavalry, heavywar chariots500205only flat terr.
      CH-06Xcavalry, heavyMERC: Celtic horsemen90099high morale
      CL-01CARcavalry, lightNumidian cavalry1000185rangeddesert (++)
      CL-02ROMcavalry, lightEquites600103
      CL-03Xcavalry, lightMERC: Illyrian horsemen120099fasthills (++)
      CL-04PERcavalry, lightSatrapal Cavalry2000168low morale
      CL-05PERcavalry, lightPisidian cavalry1500187
      CL-06Xcavalry, lightMERC: Pisidian cavalry15001010
      CL-07MACcavalry, lightThracian Horsemen1000165flexible
      CR-01Xcavalry, rangedMERC: Thracian horse archers90099fast
      IH-01MACinfantry, heavyArgyraspid phalanx1200143shock
      IH-02ROMinfantry, heavyPrincipes600162ranged
      IH-03MACinfantry, heavyThureophoroi phalanx1600204shockflexible
      IH-04ROMinfantry, heavyTriarii600143elite
      IH-05PERinfantry, heavyImmortals2000356elite
      IH-06Xinfantry, heavyMERC: Spartan hoplites12001010elite
      IH-07Xinfantry, heavyMERC: Celtic axemen100088high morale
      IH-08Xinfantry, heavyMERC: Bastarnae Swordsmen90088anti-armor
      IL-01MACinfantry, lightHypaspists1000142flexiblefast moving
      IL-02MGR, BGR, MAC, LYDinfantry, lightIphikratean hoplites1200122long pike
      IL-03CARinfantry, lightIberian infantry1000101anti-spear
      IL-04ROMinfantry, lightHastati60071ranged
      IL-05Xinfantry, lightMERC: Iphikratean hoplites120088long pike
      IL-06PERinfantry, lightEastern infantry2000152low morale
      IR-01MGR, BGR, MAC, LYDinfantry, rangedGreek peltasts120081weak melee
      IR-02CREinfantry, rangedCretan Archers600101long range
      IR-03PERinfantry, rangedCilican javalinemen200081
      IR-04ROMinfantry, rangedVelites60081
      IR-05Xinfantry, lightMERC: Greek peltasts120066weak melee
      IR-06Xinfantry, rangedMERC: Cretan Archers70055long range
      IR-07Xinfantry, rangedMERC: Cilican javalinemen160077
      S-02ROM, MAC, CAR, PERwarshipquinquiremes20403
      S-03ROM, MACwarshippolyremes20504
      Last edited by Micha; January 22, 2005, 11:28.
      Heinrich, King of Germany, Duke of Saxony in Cyclotron's amazing Holy Roman Empire NES
      Let me eat your yummy brain!
      "be like Micha!" - Cyclotron


      • #4
        (Please Note: Due to a map change, the Province of Nabataea has been replaced by Palaestina)

        Originally posted by foolish_icarus
        325 to 321 BC

        King Antigonus of Macedon had worked long and hard to gain power and he was not about to let any of it slip away. The diplomatic situation was stable for the time being, but events threatened to once again throw the region into chaos sometime soon. Even more pressing was the situation at home. The countryside nobles stubbornly held onto every scrap of influence they could, sometimes perpetrating actions on the verge of open rebellion. They had been ironed out under Antigonus’ two predecessors, Philip and Alexander, but in the period of chaos following Alexander’s death they had picked up some of their “bad habits” again. Now it was time to rule . Following Philip’s example, which had lapsed during Alexander’s short reign and the period afterwards, Antigonus reintroduced the system of selection for officials : The king would appoint the most capable and loyal, to better control his populace and his wayward nobles. Antigonus also had a knack for playing enemy aristocrats against each other. The disobedient would be penalized, and the loyal would be rewarded at the disobedient’s expense. In this way power was moving more firmly into the hands of the throne and being executed by a more capable staff of bureaucrats.
        Antigonus also drilled the army rigorously and sent them on tasks to keep them both capable and firmly under his control.
        Macedonia is also sending delegates to treat with the barbarian tribes to the north, to discover their strengths, weaknesses, and relations with neighboring tribes in order to be able to exploit and manipulate any advantages in the future. In aid of this and other diplomatic relationships, Antigonus has expanded the embassorial corps, both to keeo a pulse on other nations...and to watch over things at home.

        Macedon to Graecia Magna :

        We both hold strategic positions in this world of ours, threatened by adversaries but also holding key tactical and trade locations. For the benefit of both of us, we suggest a military and naval alliance, to better cement our security.

        To Lydia :

        Hello. Persia stirs again, so shortly after she was last beaten. Do you want to be enslaved again? Do you want to be enslaved again? Persia already bites at Egypt, and has shown a ready inclination to come our direction. We propose and alliance to fend off against any enemies. Perhaps we could also increase our trade in order to strengthen the coffers of our kingdoms?

        To Athens :

        At odds with the rest of Greece, you are weak. Join an alliance with us, and Sparta will not be able to challenge you, and you
        Originally posted by bipolarbear
        Persia to Macedon and Lydia

        We only seek to take back wha tbelongs to the Persian people. We are in the midst of an inner turmoil, and we feel that to truly unite the people of Persia, we need all fo them. We do not wish to be violent. Should the Egyptian territories wish to form a strong alliance with Persia, we would much rather do so.

        Persia to Lydia, and Ionia

        Persia would like to appeal to to Ionia, and Lydia, to ally with them to promote worldwide peace. To show them our good faith, we would like delgates to attend a special Peace Festival on the wonderful Island of Cypros. To attract the countries to the Pece Festival, we have invited the world famous actor
        Morgan Freeman to atend hte conference.
        Originally posted by foolish_icarus
        Macedon to Persia : long as we don't have any redos of "Darius' Big Adventure" or "Big Adventure II: Xerxes Strikes Back"
        Originally posted by bipolarbear
        Persia to Macedon
        We will do all that is in out power to prevent such a travesty
        Originally posted by Micha
        NPC Diplomacy

        Egypt to Persian Empire
        Your power is on the decline, and soon your rule will have come to an end. We do not wish to ally with barbarians, and that is what you are!
        We will fight you wherever we meet, until either one of us is annihilated! And according to our seers, it will be your little kingdom that will sink into the dusts of time!

        News (not an update yet!)
        Pharao Echnaton IV. has managed to rally a rather big army around him. He openly states his intention to march deep into Persian territory, and the locals seem to support him in that.
        The small kingdom of Cyrenaica seems to have allied with him.
        The Satrap of Palaestina asks his Persian king for help, as he will be the first target of the Egyptian army.

        Carthage to Persia
        Seems as if you were in troubles? Well, we haven´t forgot your bloody war against Phonicia, our motherland, but we also see the advantages of allying with you in these times. While marching against Persia the kingdoms of Cyrenaica and Egypt are left defenceless, which raises a unique opportunity to strike.
        We demand yearly shipments of Indian and Mesopotamian luxury goods in exchange for a military alliance against Egypt and Cyrenaica.
        Originally posted by bipolarbear
        Persia t oEgypt
        You have shown yourself to be agaisnty peace, adn thereby anti communist. Die scum!!!!!!!
        Persia to Carthage
        sure thing buddy
        Persia to Satrap
        Yes, but only in exchange for money, providing we are successful
        Originally posted by Micha
        Persian Province of Palaestina to Persian Emperor
        We heard of a huge egyptian army approaching our lands, and we aren´t able to face this thread alone. We are a province of your empire, and we are loyal to our masters, but we won´t fight an enemy that is seven times stronger than us.
        If you don´t send troops, we don´t stand a chance against the egytians. In that case, we will have to switch sides and become an Egyptian province.
        The payment you desire is out of question. As a province, we already pay tributes to your majesty. We simply can´t afford to spend even more...

        In Asia Minor (Turkey), the province of Lycia reports several pro-Persian revolts against the Lydian intruders. On the West coast, the province of Ionia has joined the Lydian kingdom and killed all Persian officials. In Phrygia, the local Persian Satrap has managed to suppress the pro-Lydian movement, but he asks for a Persian army to support him.

        Lydia to Macedonia
        We are already fighting the Persians! We need help, for they are strengthening their fortifications in Phrygia and will soon strike against us!
        As for the trade: We have lost our supply of Eastern luxury goods and spices due to the war against Persia. We´d appreciate if you could provide us substitudes to that; Any other trade is already at its optimum. Also we need every ship for the war, so expanding our trade would require reallocating war materials to civil purposes, which is out of question right now...
        Originally posted by foolish_icarus
        Macedon to Persia :

        Call off your dogs in Lydia.

        to Lydia :

        We'll see what we can do.

        to far off Carthage (A SECRET envoy) :

        Greetings, O dwellors of the far side of the world. An opportunity exists for both of us. You have access to Persian ports and markets, and other kingdoms would pay dearly for access to the commodities they offer. You could smuggle goods out to our ships, which, being based more closely to the destinations (and on more friendly terms with the region) could more cheaply transport them to the buyers. Likewise we could act as a transferer of Egyptian goods to you and you could sell them to your end of the Mediterranean, so long as your navy turned a blind eye. In Each case we would both make a tidy profit.
        Originally posted by Micha
        Carthage to Macedonia (SECRET)
        Your offer sounds interesting. Really interesting. But you know this MUST be kept secret! Should the Persians discover the smuggle, we will deny any knowledge of it.
        On this term, we have a deal. May your cities prosper in peace.
        Originally posted by foolish_icarus
        Implement trade arrangements (secretly) as agreed with Carthage.
        Originally posted by Comrade Tassadar
        Peopleschen L'Respulika de Athenikia

        Knowledgius Aboveius Allius

        The Peopleschen L'Respulika de Athenikia would like to announce its neutrility in petty Earth politics.
        However we understand it is hard for you inferiors to control your lower brain functions, and thus we are going to assign an area where you may all fight. The winner of these battles may defend Athenikia
        Originally posted by bipolarbear
        Macedon to Persia :

        Call off your dogs in Lydia.
        For what reason?
        You tell us to without even a threat, or a corny excuse? To hell with you, until you give us a good enough reason.

        Persia to Palaestina

        Fine, but you must swear your allegiance to the Persian Empire regardless of wether or not we win or lose.
        Our troops that were being sent on Egypt are being diverted to defend your province.
        Originally posted by Micha
        Persian Province of Palaestina to Persian Emperor
        Thank you, great Emperor. As Satrap of Palaestina I renew my oath of loyality. Shal the Egyptians bath in their own blood!

        Palaestina is YOUR province, not independent. You are Persia, and all those provinces to the west belong to your empire. The thing is, they all have sworn loyality to the Persian emperor in exchange for protection against outside attacks. So in case any of these provinces is threatened by an external enemy, you HAVE to defend it, or they will look for another protector...
        Last edited by Micha; April 30, 2004, 16:27.
        Heinrich, King of Germany, Duke of Saxony in Cyclotron's amazing Holy Roman Empire NES
        Let me eat your yummy brain!
        "be like Micha!" - Cyclotron


        • #5
          For a turn, do we spend all the money we have in treasury and income, or can we only draw from the treasury?

          There should also be some type of seige unit.
          Those walls are absent of glory as they always have been. The people of tents will inherit this land.


          • #6
            I'm still playing as magna graecea and I will use 10 talents to expand army and 5 to improve daily life and 15 to treasury


            • #7
              Originally posted by foolish_icarus
              For a turn, do we spend all the money we have in treasury and income, or can we only draw from the treasury?

              There should also be some type of seige unit.
              Since the orders will be carried out at the beginning of the next turn, you can spend treasury + income for next turn.

              As for the siege unit:
              At that time, siege units were built when a city is under siege, not beforehand. So you can spend some money you feel adequate and roleplay building siege weaponry. The more money you spend, the better.
              Heinrich, King of Germany, Duke of Saxony in Cyclotron's amazing Holy Roman Empire NES
              Let me eat your yummy brain!
              "be like Micha!" - Cyclotron


              • #8
                Originally posted by icarii
                I'm still playing as magna graecea and I will use 10 talents to expand army and 5 to improve daily life and 15 to treasury
                With "expand" you mean better training? Because if you want to train more troops, you should specify the type and number you want

                Glad to have you on board, btw
                Heinrich, King of Germany, Duke of Saxony in Cyclotron's amazing Holy Roman Empire NES
                Let me eat your yummy brain!
                "be like Micha!" - Cyclotron


                • #9
                  OOC : I would also like the inclusion of spies/diplomats.

                  Macedonia to Persia :

                  You want threats? Since asking nicely didn't work, how about this: Our army will be marching through Lydia, at the request of her rightful rulers. If any of your hacks are there stirring up trouble, they will be crushed.

                  Spend :

                  5 talents on 1000 Light Infantry
                  8 talents on 1000 Foot Soldiers
                  12 talents on 1000 Hoplites
                  15 talents on 1000 Hetaires

                  All in the Army of Alexander.

                  2 talents to give farming implements to poor peasants.
                  Those walls are absent of glory as they always have been. The people of tents will inherit this land.


                  • #10
                    OOC: Secret Police copied over from your thread, foolish. Now I hope someone uses it

                    Btw: Why is it that noone wants to play as Rome? Strange, I thought it would be amongst the first to be chosen...
                    Last edited by Micha; April 30, 2004, 19:50.
                    Heinrich, King of Germany, Duke of Saxony in Cyclotron's amazing Holy Roman Empire NES
                    Let me eat your yummy brain!
                    "be like Micha!" - Cyclotron


                    • #11
                      Thankyou. I will certainly be using it
                      Those walls are absent of glory as they always have been. The people of tents will inherit this land.


                      • #12

                        The budget of the following years would equal something around a hundred talents, that´s what the treasurer said. The ruling aristocrates decided it would be best to expand into the vast lands of Hispania.
                        Patrolling soldiers reported a possible gold and silver source in the region to the East of the current Carthagian sphere of influence in Hispania. The natives seem to wear jewelry made of precious metals, and the climate is good for wine and oil.
                        However, some of the Iberian natives have already built a town at a strategical position on the coast, preventing our colonists to claim the land there.
                        So the Council of Cathage has decided to "urge" the local tribes to move elsewhere, meaning the army based at Gades will move east to scare away the native tribes.
                        Several ships are to be loaded with supplies and building material, and many low class citizens have been gathered for the colonization effort. The whole enterprise is expected to cost some 80 talents, if not more. But the new colony will probably turn out to be very profitable in the future. It´ll be named "Carthago Nova"...

                        - Move Hispania Army to future site of Carthago Nova
                        - invest 80 talents into the foundation of Carthago Nova
                        - invest 10 talents into the exploration of potential sites of colonization in Hispania
                        - bank 10 talents
                        - commence secret trade deal with Macedonia
                        Heinrich, King of Germany, Duke of Saxony in Cyclotron's amazing Holy Roman Empire NES
                        Let me eat your yummy brain!
                        "be like Micha!" - Cyclotron


                        • #13
                          Bipolar, could you please specify which armies you want to send to face the egyptians? When I receive your orders, I will do the update today. Also don´t forget to spend your money.

                          Lydia to Macedonia
                          We need help! Quick!
                          Heinrich, King of Germany, Duke of Saxony in Cyclotron's amazing Holy Roman Empire NES
                          Let me eat your yummy brain!
                          "be like Micha!" - Cyclotron


                          • #14
                            UPDATE - 335 - 330 b.c.

                            Middle East
                            The Egyptian Pharao´s "Army of the Nile" has engaged the small Persian garrisson in the Province of Palaestina; After a fierce fight the defenders were about to retreat, when - just in time - the Persian main force arrived. That army, though not using any special tactics, was simply overrunning the exhausted Egyptians, who then retreated along the coast. The battle claimed almost 4,000 Persian lives and about 3,000 Egyptians, though most of those were horsemen, which leaves the Pharao´s army without a decent charge force.
                            Now this army, rallied again by the Pharao himself in his shiny armour, is laying siege on the Persian harbour Tanys on the mouth of the Nile.
                            The Satrap of Tanys craves for help, he won´t be able to hold the city for long. The Cyrenaican army kept itself out of the fightings, which caused quite some tensions with Egypt. To prevent a conflict with its allies, that army had finally joined the Pharao´s siege force.

                            Most Persian provinces have sent their tributes to the great king, including:
                            15 talents from Babylonia; 22 triremes from Phoenicia; 1,500 horsemen from Assyria; 1,000 horsemen from Armenia.

                            Greece and Asia Minor
                            Despite the war raging just in front of their door, the city of Athens has stated her wish for neutrality and peace. A new forum has been created in northern Athens, attracting many philosophers and wannabes. Amongst the many, an old man has reclaimed the speaker´s pedestal: Demosthenes! The famous Anti-Macedon demagogue. Again a large part of the Attic population rallies around him, agreeing with his negative opinion of the "warmongering slaughterers of the north".
                            Another civil project in that area is the improvement of infrastructure. A major road from Athens over the ruins of Thebes up to Herakleia has been renewed, making travelling faster and helping the trade between the Attic cities. While rebuilding the old road, the workers have found a small copper deposite. It´s supposed to be worth 15 talents...

                            The Attic declaration of neutrality had serious impacts on Macedonia´s warfare. For one, Athens´ contribution to Alexander´s army was ordered home, which robbed Macedonia off 500 hetaires, 500 hoplites and 6,000 foot soldiers. On the other hand, many of Athens´ allies didn´t agree on the neutrality, since they see an unique opportunity to gain wealth and influence in fighting the Persian empire while it´s weak. So Most of the Ionian cities as well as those along the northern coast of Asia Minor left the Attic Federation, joining Lydia and Macedonia.
                            Meanwhile, the Macedonians have replenished their army with volunteers and crossed the Hellespond again. In Lydian territory, they were greeted by the greek population as if they were family members. This has boosted the greek morale to a level almost equalling that of the great Alexander´s time.
                            Several Persian troops were sighted retreating deeper into the mountains, while they wait for reinforcements.

                            Strangely the war against Persia doesn´t seem to harm Macedonia´s economy; In Pella the women wear big Indian gems and the men smoke finest opium from Eastern Persia... The same applies for Lydia... Mysterious...

                            In order to support the poorest farmers, two talents have been provided by the Macedonian king. Several dozens of horses have been bought for the local farmers, as that was the most needed thing for agriculture. Of course, those who received this help were praising the king, but many said it was way too little to really have an impact.

                            Western Mediterranean
                            Carthage has founded a new colony on the Hispanic coast called "Carthago Nova". Due to a quite generous payment, the new town already has some comforts, like public baths and a trade harbour. However, no fortifications have been built yet, leaving the settlement vulnerable to attacks.
                            Despite the efforts of the colonists, the local natives refuse to reveal the source of their jewelry, so the new town didn´t lead to the hoped-for gold rush.

                            All along the Hispanic coast brave adventurers are looking for new riches and hidden paradises, though with little success yet.
                            Northeast of Gades there is a quite big river running into the open sea. That area looks fertile for agriculture, and the surrounding mountains may hide metals like iron or even gold. But unfortunately the local tribes don´t seem to like foreigners, so a safe colonization there requires immense efforts by the military.

                            To the east, a huge Carthagian merchant fleet is shipping oriental luxuries from Persia to their homeports, where quite a big portion seems to disappear mysteriously. At the same time, more and more Macedon trade ships bring egyptian goods to Carthage, especially the needed papyrus. Coincidence?

                            Italian peninsula
                            The Romans have founded a colony on the Island of Corsica, called "Cales". This marks a turning point in Roman strategy, for it is the first peaceful expansion after the long wars against the Latinians.
                            To the south the tensions with the Samnites rise, while the city of Neapolis threatens to attack Roman territory if they won´t cease their aggressive expansion.

                            Southern Italy, especially Magna Graecia, watches the Roman actions carefully. Slowly there rises a common conclusion: The Romans will expand south, with or without local support. Discussions about whether to ally with or fight the legions of Rome are held throughout Apulia.
                            Acting wisely, the Counsil of Magna Graecia has decided to improve the training of their army, especially the leaders. With the money invested, a small private lycaeum militaricum could be founded, improving the army´s effectivity in combat. Though the impact isn´t too big yet, it´s an investment into a safe future, and thus welcomed by both the army and the population.

                            Also a general welfare fond has been created, supporting the poorest and improving general living conditions. The people really appreciate that investment, though the generals call it a waste of funds that are essential to the military...

                            NPC orders
                            - Persian "Syrian Army" has taken losses of 368 horsemen and 159 foot soldiers; "Army of the West" has lost 505 horsemen and 2,878 foot soldiers
                            - Sparta banked the money in order to save for a new military academy
                            - Lydia has trained 5,000 horsemen (70 talents), distributing amongst "Trapezunt Defence Force" (4,000) and "Asia Minor Army" (1,000)
                            - Rome has trained 2,000 swordsmen (28 talents), added to "Legion of Rome"; founded colony of "Cales" (75 talents)
                            - Egyptian "Nile Fleet" has moved north to support the siege of Tanys; "Pharao´s Army" has taken losses of 2,167 horsemen and 839 foot soldiers
                            - Egypt has spent 18 talents on building siege machinery, including rams and siege towers; They are added to the "Pharao´s army"
                            Last edited by Micha; May 1, 2004, 15:36.
                            Heinrich, King of Germany, Duke of Saxony in Cyclotron's amazing Holy Roman Empire NES
                            Let me eat your yummy brain!
                            "be like Micha!" - Cyclotron


                            • #15
                              Hi everyone,
                              My name is Laurentius Aelius and I got the powers of dictator from the senate and people of Rome.

                              Senatus Populusque Romanus

                              Que l’Univers n’est qu’un défaut dans la pureté de Non-être.

                              - Paul Valery

