To Britain (secret): I'm glad we could work out a deal. Once Pakistan is transfered to us, the oil shipments will begin.
No announcement yet.
cNES: A World Without Nukes
Swiss money porus into the new industries throughout the Arab world. In countries that are under anti-Swiss trading pacts, the Swiss government uses foreign owned companies to buy more stock.
The Swiss government announces that its army is now at meduim, and its air forces at small.Don't tell a twisted person he is twisted, he may take offence. (THAT MEANS ME!)
Founder of the Mafia Poly Series (THATS RIGHT I STARTED IT)
Nesing, come and see what its about in the Stories and Diplomacy threads.
July 1963
US President Kennedy has been assassinated. Segregationist extremists have been accused, but the assassin has not been captured yet. Southern whites are enraged at the idea that they would be accused of the assassination. The new President, Lyndon Johnson, has announced his support of desegregation and other reforms.
Japan to the US: What part of our actions do you not understnad? We have just declared war, we have made no invasion!
In Pakistan, thousands of people, especially Hindus, have gone to the streets protesting the sale to Iran. So far, 36 terrorist attacks have occurred (OOC: you asked for it!). Many Muslims are also protesting and demand their own independence as an Indian nation, not a return to the days milennia ago when PErsia ruled India.
Syria to Saudi Arabia: I'm sick of waiting, let's attack Israel!
Celebes has been completely conquered. Its government has fled to Australia and has requested protection from the British.
Thanks to Swiss money, the Industralization efforts of Saudi Arabia have been boosted up, Swiss capitals have been used also in modernizing the school systems and universities, so that in a few years those industries will be able to have also specialized workers.
To: Switzerland
From: Saudi Arabia
Great, this economical alliance will bring great wealth to both our countries. We will also sell you Oil at a cheaper price.
Saudi Arabia do not forget who helped us.
To: Iran
From: Saudi Arabia
Off course if we see you trying to betray us again, you would be kicked out immediatly. Saudi Arabia never forget who betrayed us in the past.
To: Iraq
From: Saudi Arabia
Watch closely every move the Iranian do, we must stay on high alert with them, even if they are now formally our ally, if you something suspiciuos we will intervene accordingly(/secret)
To: Lybia, Morocco
From: Saudi Arabia
Friends, even if you are not members of the GAA, we would like to invite you in a free trade with us.
From: Saudi Arabia
We would like to form a free trade zone between us, would you accept?
To: Kyiv
From: Saudi Arabia
Friends, we have just produced our first aircraft unit, and we would like to see how it works compared to the others, would you lend us some of your planes so that we can test it?
The first SA-1 was produced in Saudi Arabia using the designs of some engenniers from all the Arab world.
The new plane is going to be the main force in the newly borned Saudi Arabian Air Force.
The plane is a bit inferior to others, but it is very important because it is the first plane competely designed by Arab engenniers.
Saudi Arabia Stats: July 1963
Government: Monarchy
Ruler: King Fahd Ibn Abd-el Aziz
Capital: Ar-Riyad
Population: 16 Milions
Economy: Prosperous
Industrialization: Low
Army: Medium
Navy: Medium
Air Force: None
Alliance: GAA (Jordan, Syria, Egypt, Sudan, Tunis Sultanate, Iraq and Iran)
Trade Pact: Kyiv Confederation
Economical Pact: Switzerland
Saudi Arabia Projects:
Industralization to Medium-Low: 2.5 years
Air Force to Tiny: done
Air Force to Small: 2.5 years
Upgrade education system: 4 years"Life is pretty simple: You do some stuff. Most fails. Some works. You do more of what works. If it works big, others quickly copy it. Then you do something else.
The trick is the doing something else." — Leonardo da Vinci
"If God forbade drinking, would He have made wine so good?" - Cardinal Richelieu
"In vino veritas" - Plinio il vecchio
To: Syria
From: Saudi Arabia
The assasination of Kennedy might be a good timing for an attack, we agree with you(/secret)
From: Saudi Arabia
Friends, the recent turmoil in the United States might be a good time for us to strike against Israel, let's attack now, or we will never have such a good occasion again(/secret)
Saluti"Life is pretty simple: You do some stuff. Most fails. Some works. You do more of what works. If it works big, others quickly copy it. Then you do something else.
The trick is the doing something else." — Leonardo da Vinci
"If God forbade drinking, would He have made wine so good?" - Cardinal Richelieu
"In vino veritas" - Plinio il vecchio
Madagascar sends condolensces to the United States for losing its president. Industrialization continues at a quick rate here. By now, much of the country is one of the most developed of Africa. Bussiness and research (both commercial and military) are thriving. American soldiers have been helping train forces here.
I guess I'll be Italy
Commodore Giovanni has stepped into power over the Italian Penninsula, and immediately passes a law that allows only a 40% purchase of shares in any domestic company, other than that, Italy welcomes the business of their neighbors to the north.
Italian Newspaper:
The new president, Commodore Giovanni, has shown a greater appreciation for the ladies than any italian ruler since roman times, reports say that the Vatican is not pleased, but several of the Commodore's girlfriends areFirst Master, Banan-Abbot of the Nana-stary, and Arch-Nan of the Order of the Sacred Banana.
Marathon, the reason my friends and I have been playing the same hotseat game since 2006...
To Britain: Of course, the program may continue to be based in your nation. We will provide funding, research, and development support, and in return expect only that some of our people are among the first explorers of space."The Enrichment Center is required to inform you that you will be baked, and then there will be cake"
Former President, C3SPDGI
Libya and Morocco to Saudi Arabia: Sure.
GAA to Saudi Arabia: Agreed (both trade and war).
In Italy, several conservative Catholic political leaders have renounced the Commodore and demanded his resignation.
Syria, Egypt, Jordan, (I assume they would coordinate their attacks, let me know if you wouldn't have attacked yet Giovanni) and Saudi Arabia have all invaded Israel. After making some progress at first due to the element of surprise, they have reached a near stalemate. Teh Arabs have not yet advanced to the borders set up by the UN for Israel.
Israel to the US: Defend your friend and ally against the evil, dictatorial Arabs! (OOC: This could be an interesting alternative to Vietnam)
Israel to Iran: (SECRET): This is your chance to become the complete leader of the Arab community. Help us and you will be able to more than double your oil holdings and assert your international dominance!
OOC: civman, yes the attacks were to be coordinated, thanks
Saluti"Life is pretty simple: You do some stuff. Most fails. Some works. You do more of what works. If it works big, others quickly copy it. Then you do something else.
The trick is the doing something else." — Leonardo da Vinci
"If God forbade drinking, would He have made wine so good?" - Cardinal Richelieu
"In vino veritas" - Plinio il vecchio
Due to our alliance with Isreal, we have no choice but to declare war on the aggressors and move to assist in defending them."The Enrichment Center is required to inform you that you will be baked, and then there will be cake"
Former President, C3SPDGI
Kyiv to Saudi Arabia:
Certainly, we will lend you planes. If you like, we can even work closely together to develop better planes, we will both benefit from the competition and exchanged expertise. But if you want to keep that industry solely Saudi, we understand perfectly.
Kyiv to Wien:
We are annexing you. It’s a dangerous world; this is for your own good.
The Kyiv military is moving across the border to enforce the annexation. They are prepared to combat any resistance, but for the time being have been instructed to show the civilians courtesy and treat them as citizens as long as they cooperate.Those walls are absent of glory as they always have been. The people of tents will inherit this land.