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cAHNES: 1865

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  • To WCI(secret): Would you be interested in signing an alliance with Great Britain?

    To Russia: That is rather rich coming from a country which invaded an innocent country totally unprovoked. However, our allies in Germany may have more to say on this matter...


    • To Russia:
      Germany, invaded China to protect the Chinese people, and their Emperor. The Emperor of China and The Dalai Lama of Tibet both still rule their nations, as autonomous regions of the German Reich. Ethiopia will likewise be joined with Great Britian.

      The German Army now has ammassed to 45 armies. With draftes continuing this shall reach to 50 armies. These 50 Armies will be placed into 10 Army Groups with 500,000 men each. Currently there a 9 Army Groups. The next one will be trained in one year.

      Current Army Dispostion:
      3.5 Army Groups on Russian border
      2.5 Army Groups on Ottoman Border
      1 Army Group in Chin and Far East (400,000 near Russian border)
      .5 Army Group in Africa (150,000 near Ottoman border)
      1.5 Army Group in the rest of Continental Europe.

      The Western German Atalantic Squadron was fried upon by ships of the CS Navy. As a result the CSA and Germany are formally at war. The WCI, USA and Canada are asked to declare war against these slaveholders
      Don't tell a twisted person he is twisted, he may take offence. (THAT MEANS ME!)
      Founder of the Mafia Poly Series (THATS RIGHT I STARTED IT)
      Nesing, come and see what its about in the Stories and Diplomacy threads.


      • to britain and germany: we do not wish to start a world war, but we will not back down from our criticism of your unprovoked conquest of ethiopia.

        ooc: 5 million soldiers during the 1860's? uh uh. and you cant raise 1,200,000 soldiers in 2 years. your treasury, however large, would be drained by huge force.

        to russia: war will break out soon. what other countries can we recruit to stand against the german and british might?


        • To England: Agreed.

          To England, Germany, Italy, and US (SECRET): I think we should plan to reinstitue US control of the Southern states as soon as this Ethiopia mess is sorted out.
          WCI Navy to medium: 5 years.
          Attached Files


          • Given the complete and total disregard from the Southern States, it is my responsiblity to call the army of the United States into a mobilization against our former countrymen. By the years end the United States will have 2 armies at the least marching South. But the real number would be closer to five armies. Also in order to prevent a betrayal from the North Three armies will be sent to the Canadian border.

            To Britian: Thank you for the aid you have given this country to rebuild.

            To Germany and the WCI: Could you help insure Canadian Neutrality since it seems that the Southern States ignored our ultimatum to rejoin war is on the Horizion once again.


            • To WCI, Germany, Italy, United States (SECRET): I believe we need to catch them by surprise, much like in my Ethiopia campaign. Perhaps United States could lead the charge, get all of the CSA forces marching towards them, and then take the territory left behind. The CSA will not know what hit them


              • To England: (Secret) Just support us by making Canada remain neutral. The US can handle the South. Also any material support would be appreciated.


                • To Germany:
                  We warned you an attack by your nation on the CSA would mean war with the Russian Empire. As a result the Russian Empire has declared war on Germany. We will not tollerate this conitnued unchecked expansion of the German Empire. Perpare for war.

                  To Ottoman Empire:
                  We would sugest that you prepare for war with Germany, as it seems they are unwilling to listen to reason, and have declared war on them.

                  Russian troops have recieved 500,000 reinforce ments on the German Russian border. Russian troops have begun advancing in German controlled China.
                  Donate to the American Red Cross.
                  Computer Science or Engineering Student? Compete in the Microsoft Imagine Cup today!.


                  • The President has order a full scale attack aimed at the Capital of the CSA. The Army of Fanatics and Former Slaves begins a campaign of total annihilation of any railroads in the area. Meanwhile the army of the East has encountered slight resistance at the border and is currently moving on Washington DC. The Army of the West has suffered massive Casulties Attacking the city of Nashville but the City will fall in a matter of months.


                    • The Ottoman Empire begins a massive naval project to take 5 years. By the time it is completed, the Ottomans will have large, formidable modern fleets in the Meditteranean, Red Sea and Persian Gulf.

                      Much of Ottoman forces are sent to either the Balkans or to Egypt.


                      • I had a long post but it got lost. In short:
                        WCI attacks Russians in CHina, their invasion force will soon be destroyed.
                        Mexico and WCI invade CSA. CSA sends a small force to the heart of Mexico.
                        Canada and CSA plead to the world to oppose unprovoked aggression (i'll control them temporarily so thay can argue their cause). Canada offers alliance to Britain (SECRET). Canada urges Italy to attack Germany before they become a puppet like Siam (SECRET).


                        • To Canada (secret): We will sign a non-aggression pact

                          To USA (Top Secret): You have complete control of our Greenland fleet of ships for 2 years. However, we will charge an invoice for lost ships.


                          • Secret:
                            Aditional troops have been sent to China to attack the WCI held areas, and are almost at the area where they need to be to begin the attack. About 250,000 troops will come to the defense of the advancing army in German Controlled China and will try to cut off the supply lines of the WCI army that is attacking the main invasion force. THe largest force will attack the WCI force from the front, and the other will attack form rear.

                            On the German front the Russian forces have found the weakest spot of the German line and have started the attack. The troops were first bombarded with cannons, they the Russian Calavry chared the shocked troops, and have broken through the German line. Allthough they have not made much progress into German.

                            To Italy(secret):
                            Help us in our fight with Germany and we can make it wroth your effort. We can give you the German held areas of China or Germany colonies in Africa to you in exchange for your help. We can also pay you large sums of gold as well. We must fight to stop the futher expanition of the German Empire and if you are to prevent yourself from becoming a pond of the German Empire, now is the time to stop that.

                            To Canada and CSA(secret):
                            We will help in fighting off the unprovoked attacks upon your nation. We currently cannot send any troops to the your country as we are fighting off the German army in Europe and Asia. As soon as we can spare the troops we will send them to both of your nations to help in it's defense.

                            To Britain:
                            We will not oppose further expanistion of your nation if you stay out of the current war we have with Germany and sign a nap with us. We can also offer WCI past od China to you as well if you do not come to the aid of Germany.
                            Donate to the American Red Cross.
                            Computer Science or Engineering Student? Compete in the Microsoft Imagine Cup today!.


                            • To Russia (Secret): Your war with Germany is your problem, nothing to do with Great Britain. We will not sign a non-aggresion pact, but we will stay out of your war.


                              • Due to large number of people in Argentina dissatisfied with what they consider brutal colonialism by their government against the Australians, Argentina has sued for peace. However, the influence of the ‘manifest destiny’ colonists and businesses with interests in colonization has insured that the conditions for peace are very much in Argentina’s favor. They include such provisions as ceding all non-city lands on the eastern and southern coasts to Argentina, and UAAK cannot station any troops within 200 miles of border, and cannot have any navy ships within 400 miles of any Argentinian territory. So far there has been no response and diplomats seriously doubt the UAAK will agree, despite continued moderate victories by the Argentinean army that has led to a slow but steady advance.

                                SECRET— (first number active, second is reserve, third is production orders for next 4 years)
                                Argentinean military deployments:
                                Argentina mainland & vicinity: rifleman(10 thousand, 200 thousand, 100 thousand),
                                cavalry(5 thousand, 15 thousand, 6 thousand), marines[classic, not modern](4 thousand, 2 thousand, 3 thousand)
                                cannon(400, 200, 400) Frigates/Sloops(35, 20, 15) Ships-of-the-Line(20, 10, 15) Ironclads(3, 2, 8)
                                New Zealand: rifleman(14 thousand, 6 thousand, 8 thousand),
                                cavalry(1 thousand, 500, 600), marines(5 thousand, 3 thousand, 3 thousand)
                                cannon(75, 25, 100) Frigates/Sloops(15, 10, 10) Ships-of-the-Line(10, 5, 15) Ironclads(2, 2, 4)
                                New Guinea: rifleman(19 thousand, 8 thousand, 12 thousand),
                                cavalry(2 thousand, 1 thousand, 800), marines(8 thousand, 2 thousand, 4 thousand)
                                cannon(175, 50, 160) Frigates/Sloops(25, 5, 15) Ships-of-the-Line(15, 5, 20) Ironclads(3, 1, 8)
                                Tasmania: rifleman(3 thousand, 4 thousand, 2 thousand),
                                cavalry(1 thousand, 1 thousand, 300), marines(1 thousand, 2 thousand, 500)
                                cannon(50, 25, 260) Frigates/Sloops(10, 5, 5) Ships-of-the-Line(10, 5, 10)
                                Ironclads(2, 2, 8)
                                Australia: rifleman(40 thousand, 10 thousand, 40 thousand),
                                cavalry(8 thousand, 3 thousand, 4 thousand), marines(6 thousand, 2 thousand, 4 thousand)
                                cannon(225, 100, 250) Frigates/Sloops(20, 5, 20) Ships-of-the-Line(15, 5, 20) Ironclads(4, 3, 10)
                                Misc. Areas[mostly Pacific] : rifleman(20 thousand, 10 thousand, 20 thousand),
                                cavalry(3 thousand, 2 thousand, 1 thousand),
                                marines(7 thousand, 2 thousand, 5 thousand) cannon(150, 75, 200) Frigates/Sloops(25, 5, 25) Ships-of-the-Line(15, 5, 15) Ironclads(4, 4, 10)
                                Those walls are absent of glory as they always have been. The people of tents will inherit this land.

