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cAHNES: 1865

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  • cAHNES: 1865

    NOTES: This is the sequel to cAHNES: 1811. If it had not died, today would be 1865, so that is when this NES begins. All members of cAHNES: 1811 will be able to claim their former country if they wish to do so. Also, be warned, this post is very long and you may not want to read it all.

    In 1840, the Post-Napoleonic Peace, which began in 1828, with the end of the Post-Napoleonic Wars, came to a sudden end. In that year, wars broke out throughout the Americas and Europe. In Europe, the war was between Germany, Italy, Russia, and Britain, and Spain, France, Poland, and Morocco. The war began with a skirmish between Germany and Poland. When Russia backed up Germany, it looked to be simply yet another of the many partitionings that Poland has endured throughout history. However, Spain and her puppet France protested, and invaded Germany when they refused to pull out of Poland. Italy, wishing to take the southern half of the peninsula from Spain, and Britain, hoping to take Spain's African colonies, sided with GErmany and Russia. Morocco was offered control of some of Spain's African colonies in exchange for support against Italy and allied with Spain.

    In the Americas, a series of at first unrelated wars broke out in 1840. First, Canada wanted to annex Quebec and Alaska. Although the majority of Quebecois and Alaskans agreed, there was a strong minority of dissenters, and civil war plagued Canada's new provinces. Meanwhile, in Latin America, another crisis was unfolding. Spain had attempted to recolonize the island of Cuba. All of the Latin American nations and the WCI protested, but NATO defended Spain. In late 1839, though, the American president died suddenly, and the new president sided with Cuba. In 1840, after Spain refused to leave Cuba, the Latin American nations and the US declared war on Spain and France, their ally. Colmbia seized French Guiana and the US invaded Florida. In response, Louisiana attacked the US, but found that their civil war-torn ally in the north remained neutral! Facing new attacks from Mexico and the WCI who backed up the US, Louisiana was hopeless. The third and final war in the Americas was relatively small. In November 1840 Mexico and Columbia invaded Honduras and Costa Rica, whose governments were in shambles. Brazil and Argentina used this as an excuse to settle border disputes and declared war on Columbia.

    In Europe, Poland surrendered in 1841. France was partitioned by Italy, Germany, and Britain, while Britain took all of Spain. Morocco was split between Britain and Italy. Britain also took France and Spain's Asian and African colonies, except for a small area in AFrica that was taken by Germany. By 1844 the war had ended. and Britain was reestablished as a superpower and Germany and Italy became forces to be reckoned with.

    In the Americas, the civil war in Alaska and QUebec ended in 1842 with a decisive Canadian victory. In the main conflict, the US, Mexico, and the WCI won. They partitioned Louisiana, ending the country's life in 1843, just before its 40th birthday. Spain, faced with invasion at home, lost Florida to the US. Cuba and France's Caribbean colonies also joined the US. In South America, Mexico and Columbia easily defeated Honduras and Costa Rica. The war between Columbia and Brazil and Argentina never became a major conflict; in 1842 they met in Caracas and agreed to new borders favorable to all parties.

    Thus ended the Wars of Resolution, for they resolved the unresolved problems from the Napoleonic era and Napoleon's death. After this war, the world enjoyed another long period of piece. During this time, the only areas of conflict were Africa, where the European powers began to expand their colonies, and Columbia and Brazil, where military dictators seized power. It was a period of peace trade, and rebuilding.

    But all good things must come to an end. In 1852, the peace began to dissolve. What started as a small rebellion of an Indian tribe in Western Canada exploded into a full-scale declaration of independence of 39 tribes in Western Canada, most in the the area just north of the WCI border. They declared themselves independent as the Republic of Western Canada. Obviously, Canada was not happy about this, and invaded the new republic. In 1853, a bit into the invasion, the WCI decided to recognize Western Canada, as did Mexico. The US decided to stay neutral, but some northern egalitarianists and abolitionists supported the Westerners. However, at that time, the US would stay neutral.

    The war in Canada, which many Canadians expected to only last a few months, was a atalemate. The Westerners had the advantage of being the defenders, and were aided by the WCI. In 1855, the WCI (and Mexico) and Canada finally officially went to war.

    At this point, the war cahnged from a relatively small war to a major war. Coumbia and Brazil had been allied ever since military dictators ahd taken control of the two countries in 1847. Columbia and Mexico had been rivals since 1848, and Columbia used Mexico's support of West Canada, a "rebellious, lawless, and injust regime," according to Columbia, as an excuse to invade. Brazil backed their ally up, and by the summer of 1856 the allied forces had taken the Yucatan peninsula and were heading for Mexico City.

    That summer, with the Columbians pushing ever further into Mexico, and Canada starting to break into the West Canada/WCI defenses, when all hope seemd to be lost for the West Canada-WCI-Mexico alliance, they suddenly received aid from Britain, Russia, and Argentina! New leaders were elected in Britain who recognized West Canada and invaded Canada! Russia, their loyal allies who also hoped to retake Alaska, also invaded. Argentina sympathized with the plight of the West Canadians and hoped to return democracy to Brazil and Columbia. As Argentinian forces advanced, Colubmian and Brazilian forces in Mexico retreated to help defend the homeland.

    In 1857, the US came to the verge of a civil war. Both slavery and the war surrounding them divided the nation, with the Republican north antislavery and antiCanada and the Democratic south proslavery and proCanada. With the election of a Republican to the presidency, many states were comtemplating secession. However, two things stopped them. The first was that the Democrats still had control of the Senate. SEcondly, they had an ideologically dilemma. How could they support their own right to secede but oppose that of Western Canada?

    In early 1858, the war became truly a world war. Germany, Italy, and Turkey allied against Russia and Britain. Using their advantage of surprise, Germany and Italy quickly seized British France, Italy invaded Spain, and Germany and Trukey invaded Russia. This caused Britain and Russia to have to withdraw most of their troops from Canada.

    A year later, 12 states seceded from the US and formed the CSA. They had lost the SEnate in the 1858 election, and developed a philosophy that would justify their right ot rebel but not West Canada's. They declared war on the US, Mexico and the WCI. The US made alliances with Canada and the WCI and declared war on Canada.

    For 5 years the war raged on. The CSA, Canada, Columbia, Brazil, Germany, Italy, and the Ottoman Empire, or the Great Alliance (GA), fought the USA, West Canada, the WCI, Mexico, Argentina, Britain, and Russia, called the Free Allied Nations (FAN). AS the war progressed, it became more global. In 1859, Russia and Britain found an ally in Persia, who was eager to get revenge for earlier wars with the Ottomans. In Africa the Zulus and in Asia Siam helped Germany seize British colonies in 1860 and 1861. In 1861 the wars in South America and Canada ended. In South America, Argentina surrendered and gave up quite a bit of land to Columbia and Brazil. Mexico also made peace with Columbia, forfeiting a small area of land. In Canada, WEst Canada finally fell. Some of the southernmost tribes joined the WCI, and the rest fell to Canada.

    By the winter of 1861-2, it had become clear the Great Alliance was winning. Spain had fallen, as had most of the BRitish colonies. Ottoman forces had pierced Persian defenses and marched into the Caucasus. Northern Scandinavia and POland surrendered to Germany. In North America, Washington and then Philadelphia had fallen to the CSA, but the Yankees fought on from their new capital in Boston. Canada, finished with its Civil War, invaded the US and fought to a stalemate with the WCI. In the Southwest, the WCI was losing ground to the CSA.

    That winter, all nations sent delegates to Rio de Janeiro to create a peace treaty. By the summer of 1862, they had found reasonable temporary terms for a cease fire. Although some fighting continued, most ended before the delegates finally developed a treaty all nations could agree to on February 3rd, 1863.

    The Treaty of Rio de Janeiro can mainly be seen in the map below, but there are a few other things to mention. First, the CSA, Zululand, and Siam gained recognition from all nations. The US was forbidden from having a navy beyond trading ships or an army larger than medium. Britain was forbidden from further colonization of Africa.

    In South America the war was know as the Argentine War. In North America it was the Great Civil Wars. In Europe it was the War of the Colonies. Everywhere, though, it was called the Great War.

    Now it is 1865. Two years have passed since the Treaty of Rio De Janeiro. The popularity of the German leaders furing the war has made them elected to rule for life, essentially as dictotors. In Italy similarly glorified leaders have been given so much power they will be entrenched and also be like dictators. In Britain, new leadership has come to power, who knows what new policies they will pursue? The two great alliances have fallen apart, and only small remnants of the once omnipotent blocs remain.

    Other notes: The white areas of teh map are controlled by small kingdoms/chiefdoms. TEch level is early-mid Industrial, except when stated to be something else.

    Canada (dark blue)
    Large army
    Medium navy
    Ruler: trickey
    Allies: CSA
    Friends: Columbia, Germany
    Enemies: USA, WCI
    War: None

    WCI (purple)
    Large army
    Small navy
    Confederate Republic
    Ruler: civman2000
    Allies: Mexico
    Friends: USA
    Enemies: Canada, CSA
    War: None

    USA (sky blue)
    Small army (limited to medium by Treaty of Rio de Janeiro)
    No navy (limited to none by Treaty of Rio de Janeiro)
    Ruler: ??
    Allies: None
    Friends: WCI, Mexico
    Enemies: Canada, CSA
    War: None

    CSA (brown)
    Medium army
    Medium navy
    Confederate Republic
    Ruler: ??
    Allies: Canada
    Friends: Columbia, Germany
    Enemies: USA, WCI, Mexico
    War: None

    Mexico (pink)
    Medium army
    Small navy
    Ruler: ??
    Allies: WCI
    Friends: USA
    Enemies: CSA, Columbia
    War: None

    Columbia (green)
    Large army
    Small navy
    Military Dictatorship
    Ruler: ??
    Allies: None
    Friends: CSA, Canada, Brazil
    Enemies: Mexico
    War: None

    Brazil (pale blue)
    Medium army
    Medium navy
    Military Dictatorship
    Ruler: ??
    Allies: None
    Friends: Columbia
    Enemies: Argentina
    War: None

    Argentina (lavender)
    Large army
    Small navy
    Ruler: foolish_icarus
    Allies: None
    Friends: None
    Enemies: Brazil
    War: None

    Britain (orange)
    Medium army
    Large navy
    Ruler: ??
    Allies: None
    Friends: None
    Enemies: None
    War: None

    Germany (red)
    Large army
    Large navy
    De Facto Benign Dictatorship
    Ruler: Otto VII (Sheep)
    Allies: Italy
    Friends: CSA, Canada, Siam, Zulus
    Enemies: Russia
    War: None

    Italy (pale yellow)
    Medium army
    Medium navy
    De Facto Benign Dictatorship
    Ruler: ??
    Allies: Germany
    Friends: None
    Enemies: None
    War: None

    Russia (puke brown)
    Large army
    Small navy
    Ruler: Jack_www
    Allies: None
    Friends: Persia
    Enemies: Germany, China
    War: None

    Ottoman Empire (gray)
    Large army
    Medium navy
    Semi-theocratic Monarchy
    Ruler: ??
    Allies: None
    Friends: None
    Enemies: Persia
    War: None

    Ethiopia (medium blue)
    Medium army
    Small navy
    Ruler: ??
    Allies: None
    Friends: None
    Enemies: None
    War: None
    Other: Tech is mid middle ages

    Zululand (dark green)
    Medium army
    Small navy
    Ruler: ??
    Allies: None
    Friends: Germany
    Enemies: None
    War: None
    Other: Tech is early-mid middle ages

    Persia (blue-green)
    Medium army
    Small navy
    Ruler: ??
    Allies: None
    Friends: Russia
    Enemies: Ottomans
    War: None

    China (yellow)
    Large army
    Medium navy
    Ruler: ??
    Allies: None
    Friends: None
    Enemies: Russia, Japan
    War: None
    Other: Tech is late middle ages. Isolationist

    Japan (maroon)
    Small army
    Medium navy
    Ruler: ??
    Allies: None
    Friends: None
    Enemies: China
    War: None
    Other: Tech is mid-late middle ages. Isolationist

    Siam (light green)
    Medium army
    Small navy
    Ruler: ??
    Allies: None
    Friends: Germany
    Enemies: None
    War: None
    Other: Tech is late middle ages.

    Union of Australian Aboriginal Kingdoms (UAAK) (sea green)
    Large army
    Small navy
    Confederacy of Limited Monarchies
    Ruler: ??
    Allies: None
    Friends: None
    Enemies: None
    War: None
    Other: Tech is late ancient-early middle ages. Britain, Siam, and Germany are vaguely aware of its existence but have no contact, and no one else has heard of them. Very primitive and isolated.

    I'm at school right now, the map will be posted when i get home.
    Last edited by civman2000; December 4, 2002, 09:16.

  • #2
    I'll be the WCI.

    To Canada and the CSA: Let's be friends. I'll stop supporting the US in exchange for a pledge of friendship from you and reopening trade. (To teh CSA only): Would you interested in building a transcontinental railroad with me?


    • #3

      Is no one interested ?
      Attached Files


      • #4
        What happened to Qubec. I was Qubec. and I want Qubec once more.
        Don't tell a twisted person he is twisted, he may take offence. (THAT MEANS ME!)
        Founder of the Mafia Poly Series (THATS RIGHT I STARTED IT)
        Nesing, come and see what its about in the Stories and Diplomacy threads.


        • #5
          I will be the Second German Reich, seeming as you took Qubec from me.
          Don't tell a twisted person he is twisted, he may take offence. (THAT MEANS ME!)
          Founder of the Mafia Poly Series (THATS RIGHT I STARTED IT)
          Nesing, come and see what its about in the Stories and Diplomacy threads.


          • #6
            I would like to be Russia again.
            Donate to the American Red Cross.
            Computer Science or Engineering Student? Compete in the Microsoft Imagine Cup today!.


            • #7
              The German Leadership, headed by the Fuher and Chancellor, Otto von Bismark, would like to sign a Non-Aggression Pact with the British people and if they wish. Thsi will ensure that German and British boys do not die in a needless war once again. Also we would like to continue the Rome-Berlin Axis. Italy wouldf you remain my ally?

              The German Chancellor later on was named the First Emperor of the Second Reich. This Bismark dynasty took the throne in Berlin, the Imperial Capital. Outside the crowds waived and cheered for the beloved Emperor Otto VII. (Otto's I to VI were in the First Reich) The Second Reich, the global German Empire has been proclaimed.

              German Prjects:

              German African and Indian colonisation : 3yrs (20% of the Werhchmact will expand the German territories in the sub-continent and Africa)
              German Werchmact (Army) to Very Large (currently at 15 armies of 150,000 men each, going to 20 armies) : 4yrs
              German Naval Programme: (Large to Very LArge (300 ships to 450ships 25 capital ships to 30) : 5yrs
              Don't tell a twisted person he is twisted, he may take offence. (THAT MEANS ME!)
              Founder of the Mafia Poly Series (THATS RIGHT I STARTED IT)
              Nesing, come and see what its about in the Stories and Diplomacy threads.


              • #8
                To Germany (secret): The CSA and Canada are getting too powerful for you to be able to trust them. Ally with me and we can stop them from being able to cahllenge your supremacy.


                • #9
                  Russian Empire

                  To United States:
                  We wish to form an alliance with you. We see the growing power of CSA and Canada and wish to help in your fight against them.

                  To Great Britain(secret):
                  We also wish to from an alliance with your country. We must work togather to contact the German threat. We also wondering if you can help in expainding our navy?
                  We also see that there is much to be gained by expaining into China. Would you care to help us and we can both set up spheers of influence over China.

                  Russian ports are now constructing more ships for the navy. They are now running at full capacity and will be producing 40 ships a year, thus the Russian navy will expand to medium in 4 years.

                  Also Russian army is stationing a large portion of its forces along the Chinese border, about 300,000 men and 1200 cannons. 150,000 of them are the best Calvry units of the Russian Empire.
                  Donate to the American Red Cross.
                  Computer Science or Engineering Student? Compete in the Microsoft Imagine Cup today!.


                  • #10
                    i'll play. If its alright, i'll be argentina
                    Those walls are absent of glory as they always have been. The people of tents will inherit this land.


                    • #11
                      im in for sure...just gotta go read the first post now....damn thats long civman


                      • #12
                        ((Ive got Canada (gotta love playing your home country ))

                        To Germany: Hello my good friend, many thanks in the war not to long ago. I have come up with an idea tha could greatly benfit both of our nations. Free trade. We will freely let our people exchange items, putting no tax in thir revenues, and no restrictions. What do you think?

                        Also, would you care to exchange some of your sturdy German WorkHorses for our Canadian fur?


                        • #13
                          Argentina's main focus is on economic/industrial/scientific development. Significant amount of budget is on civil projects and domestic improvements. Small amount of money is being used on improving military, both army and navy are slowly being upgraded.
                          Those walls are absent of glory as they always have been. The people of tents will inherit this land.


                          • #14
                            The German Kaiser Otto VI has relesed the following statement.

                            'The fate of the German people lay with their friends in Canada and the Confederated States of America. Everywhere we will continue to fight tyranny, tyranny that we suffered many years ago at the hands of Napoleon Sheep, and then the might of Russia and Spain. We continue our alliance with Rome and continue our commitments with Richmond and Winnipeg.

                            In Europe Russia tries to encircle the great German people with an alliance with Britian. I call upon the British people to remain neutral as the Russia people are in the worng.

                            In Asia and Africa the German Reich and its allies continues to expand. We call upon the enlightened Emperor of Japan to sign accords with the German people in the hope that we may one day have our rightful place in the sun.
                            Don't tell a twisted person he is twisted, he may take offence. (THAT MEANS ME!)
                            Founder of the Mafia Poly Series (THATS RIGHT I STARTED IT)
                            Nesing, come and see what its about in the Stories and Diplomacy threads.


                            • #15
                              to brazil from argentina

                              it is time to put our past conflicts behind us. Being paranoid and hostile to one another helps neither of us. If we can work together then our nations will prosper. Let us open up trade between our nations once again and enjoy the rewards cooperation will bring.
                              Those walls are absent of glory as they always have been. The people of tents will inherit this land.

