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SonNES (Sonic's Never Ending Story)

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  • taiwan has belonged to Japan since the war with SIM
    Those walls are absent of glory as they always have been. The people of tents will inherit this land.


    • my bad....


      • With the invasions of ASEAN from Russia, Islamic emphasis shifts back to North America.

        Within 3 months Chicago City was liberated. Islamic forces began pushing into NATC Canada and the US state of Washingtron. ASEAN forces have been completly taken out of Islamic Empire of Faith.

        Also in Texas, Islamic forces begin start liberating the people.
        Don't tell a twisted person he is twisted, he may take offence. (THAT MEANS ME!)
        Founder of the Mafia Poly Series (THATS RIGHT I STARTED IT)
        Nesing, come and see what its about in the Stories and Diplomacy threads.


        • OOC: I know this is taking other people's roles, but I can't resist it. I don't see any way this realistically wouldn't happen:
          After the execution of the pope, chiristians, especially catholics, worldwide call for war with the IEF. Mass protests in Italy have driven out the Muslims. Throughout Latin America, mass protests demand a war with the IEF. In the former US, the catholic minority has begun guerrilla attacks agianst the IEF.

          Mexico has withdrawn from teh NATC and asked to join the Free World for protection from Germany. Britain has sent troops to fight in Italy, and has called on the NEU to do the same. Italy's government in exile and Britain have asked to join the NEU. Canada has asked to form a Confederation with Russia.

          All NATC nations to Russia and Japan: Nothing will be able to stop the IEF if we don't stop them now. They are encouraging racism and forced conversion worldwide. They care nothing for anything but power. WE must all band togetehr to stop them now, or it'll stoon be too late.

          OOC: If all the NATC nations are allowed to join other countries, I will take the NEU. Also, I think with the growing size of the IEF, there would be some rebellions, especially in areas with very few Muslims.


          • To the Italian 'Government' is in exile: We executed the Pope as he would no co-operate with the Caliph in the pacification of Italy. Italy will never be retaken. it is ours.

            To Russia: The NATC is at our mercy (secret) Now we can have your revenge against the Germans and Scandinavians.

            The Islamic Empire, pulls futher troops from ASEAN to fight the Italians. British troops are drivemn from Italy with ease. A landing in Britian occurs, and London quickly falls. The British army is forced into retreat.

            In America: Candaian forces continue to fall back and the Islamic troops reach the Alaskan border with Canada. Meanwhile Islamic Execution Squads are created out of Islamic minorities in America. They have started executing anyonew who plots against the Islamic Empire.
            Don't tell a twisted person he is twisted, he may take offence. (THAT MEANS ME!)
            Founder of the Mafia Poly Series (THATS RIGHT I STARTED IT)
            Nesing, come and see what its about in the Stories and Diplomacy threads.


            • Italy to IEF: "Pacification"? You mean brainwashing and converting everyone you can and executing or jailing all dissidents, I assume. The pope should have been executed if he HAD cooperated! PS: This message and yours were forwarded to every naiton in the world.

              The cardinals have met in Paris. They have decided that Paris will be the temporary hope of the newly elected pope. They have also called for a worldwide declaration of war on the IED and the new pope has excommunicated the few Catholic bishops that have not called for some kind of action.


              • To Canada:
                We accept Canada's proposal of a Confederation.

                To Caliphate:
                You're getting alittle brutal there...


                Blockade of Scandinavia reinforced. They have been successful in preventing anybody and anything from exiting or entering Scandinavia or Scandinavia Germany.


                • CSA takes ASEAN controlled enclave in North America and also Californian peninsula. In CSA there are also minor protests against IEF, however they are not so big since Klan is predominantely protestant and also because IEF's help for CSA.

                  Indonesia sinks 3 Russian fleets which were near Indonesian coasts. Indonesian offcials said that Russia shouldn't use waters of sovereign state, Indonesia, for military purposes.

                  ASEAN officially started talking about surrender. They would like to retake all lands they lost from both Russia and IEF probably in exchange for some army size limitings, etc.

                  There is a little uprising started in India because of recent winnings against ASEAN, mass protests requires independence. Over 1,5 billion of Indian people makes about half of IEF...

                  CSA to NATC nations:
                  We will not support your actions against IEF as they are our allies. It will never be too late for us however, our army is already not much smaller than IEF. In the end, we'd try to keep army in about the same size as the other country with the biggest army (currently IEF), this way making it impossible to defeat us easily. Although that probably would hurt economy much, we would better be like Kim Il Sung's North Korea than be part of some other country.

                  Indonesia to NATC nations:
                  We will not join such a war because we are trying to maintain peace - our people still hates war after all what SIM done

                  ASEAN to NATC nations:
                  We are already fighting IEF, already fighting it.
                  Attached Files


                  • OOC: Yes civman, you can also control NEU if you want.


                    • THe NEU has announced that it is declaring war on the IEF! TEh Straits of Gibraltar are guarded by a huge pan-european navy. A joint effort has retaken london easily and much of the IEF fleet in the Channel and a significant part of the Atlantic fleet have been destroyed. Italy was also recaptured, but the Europeans suffered heavy losses, though there has been a great morale boost after the troops met millions of cheering italians.

                      Oh, and Italy and Britain were allowed into the Union.


                      • To NATC: We will halt this war and give you back all territories taken if you stop meddling in Texan affairs, and limit all armed forces to meduim.

                        TO NEU: We will give you Italy, if you agree to a MPP

                        To Roman Church: The Pope was killed for crimes agaiunst Islam. This is in retaliation of the Crusades some 8 centuries earlier.

                        To Russia: We are going to start ending this war we need to concentrate on our own empire.

                        To CSA: We will give you all territory in the former US, excepot for our territory currently held East of the first Great Lake

                        To ASEAN: We will accept a peace deal, if you limit your armed forces, and allow bangladesh a Muslim nation to join the Islamic Empire of faith pernamnently.
                        Don't tell a twisted person he is twisted, he may take offence. (THAT MEANS ME!)
                        Founder of the Mafia Poly Series (THATS RIGHT I STARTED IT)
                        Nesing, come and see what its about in the Stories and Diplomacy threads.


                        • Japan to IEF:

                          you should stop your conquests.

                          The buddhists in the IEF are passively appearing to convert to avoid being wiped out by IEF. They consider themselves still buddhists and their actions part of the buddhist way (or something like that, i'm not very familiar with buddhism).
                          Those walls are absent of glory as they always have been. The people of tents will inherit this land.


                          • OOC: The NATC has completely fallen apart. That stuff they have in the pacific is Autralia's...Canada has merged with russia..mexico and all other latin american countries want to join the free world.

                            To IEF: That is a pathetic excuse. Why not execute anyone whose ancestors were ever involved in a war that was not a muslim jihad...time to kill 99% of the population! Anyway, that's like punishing the current leaders of Germany (OK bad example pretend i had a better one) for what hitler did.

                            NEU to IEF: Not unless we get $500 trillion in reparations, a guarantee of independence for the northern US, and you ceasing all aid your giving to Texas.


                            • After NATC collapse CSA quite easily takes all still NATC held former USA and begings advancing into Mexico. CSA didn't recognised MExico as sovereign part of Free World. CSA's army was also improved by one level after many new territories joined.

                              ASEAN said it would agree with IEF peace offer but decided to wait Russian decition also before signing it.

                              Attached Files


                              • From japan [indirectly] to Free World, all nations not friendly with IEF (Australia? Indonesia? The diplomats will figure it out...) (SECRET)

                                IEF is a menace. if they refuse to stop supporting the brutal CSA and hand back all overseas territories and make peace with everyone and stop being expansionistic, will you help defeat them so that we don't have to live in constant fear of their irrational warmongering whims and brutality to all non-muslims?
                                Last edited by foolish_icarus; December 20, 2002, 23:31.
                                Those walls are absent of glory as they always have been. The people of tents will inherit this land.

