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SonNES (Sonic's Never Ending Story)

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  • (Secert):
    More troops have been sent into Mexico(the part the Free World Controlls). Havy tanks, infantry and artillery have been moved into the area as well. Long ranged bombers have been moved into postion and new rescuits have helped even the odds against the CSA.

    Meanwhile Free World is supporting th Mexican rebels in Mexico City and giving them aid to fight the CSA.

    To CSA:
    If you do not withdraw from Mexico in one months time(in game time) we will be forced to declare war on you and free Mexico.
    Donate to the American Red Cross.
    Computer Science or Engineering Student? Compete in the Microsoft Imagine Cup today!.


    • OOC: wtf? How the hell did Greenland conquer Russian territory?


      Russian Canadian forces launch campaigns to retake the northern islands. After a few weeks, most islands were retaken since Greenland was blockaded and they were unable to send reinforcements, either through air or sea. The last big island should be in Russian Canadian hands in 3 days. Very few casualties on the Russian side.

      To Greenland:
      If you do not immediatly remove your forces, we will go to all out war! What you did was conquer Canadian territory! That is an act of war! We are obligated to take out the whole of Greenland because of your actions! What the hell is a matter with you? Provoking war! Apologize for your stupidity and warmongering ways.

      To NEU:
      We are still offended with the Scandinavian ordeal. We want them out of Northern Germany, Russian men died for their sorry asses, and we recieved no appreciation. We won't even consider helping until that happens, besides we still have them blockaded but they don't seem to mind. If the IEF and CSA pose as any sort of threat to Russia then we will of course do what needs to be done. But we will not enter a costly war just because of speculation.

      To Japan:
      That is not part of the treaty with ASEAN. I'm sorry but we do not feel Vietnam being annexed into Japan would be a good thing. They are a sovereign nation and it shall stay that way. We are grateful that you asked us of this. May there be many more years of friendly relations between our countries.

      To Indonesia:
      Release Malaysia. They are breaking the resolutions set in the treaty. You are condoning illegality. We let you by when you attacked our navy, we will not tolerate you annexing Malaysia. Deannex them at once or we will forcibly deannex them. YOu continue to get on our bad side, if Malaysia does not leave your nation immediatly, then war will suffice. And you will not survive it. Do not mingle in affairs that do not concern you.

      To Australia:
      Do you want to enter a neutrality alliance, so that we may not be forced into war by a possible conflict between the IEF, CSA and other nations? This alliance will act as a detterent against anyone trying to get us into the war. We would only enter if the war posed a danger and threat to our nations. Possible confederation even?...


      Also, southern China no longer is Vietnam's. It has been reunited with the rest of China, so that their culture may be best preserved and protected. Besides, the Chinese wish to be united not separated.


      • To IEF:
        Futher attacks on the NEU will not be tollorated by the Free World. Be warned we will no longer stand by and watch as you try and take over the world.

        To Japan(secret):
        We must act now before it is too late. THe IEF needs to be stoped before it it too late.
        Donate to the American Red Cross.
        Computer Science or Engineering Student? Compete in the Microsoft Imagine Cup today!.


        • To the Free World: The NEU has attacked me, tell them to withdraw. They shall not get Israel back, as that nation has been absorbed into the IEF. All other territories are to be given back to me, and I will giove Itlay, Britian and Spain back to him.
          Don't tell a twisted person he is twisted, he may take offence. (THAT MEANS ME!)
          Founder of the Mafia Poly Series (THATS RIGHT I STARTED IT)
          Nesing, come and see what its about in the Stories and Diplomacy threads.


          • From japan to Russia:

            Very well. For the sake of stability and friendship we will not annex vietnam. As you say, we hope that we can remain friendly in these troubled times.

            to Free World:

            So be it.

            To the world:

            the IEF, and their puppet child that they sponsored, the CSA, are an active menace to the world. Their despicable deeds are well known. The world has repeatedly given them chances to repent, but to no avail. The IEF and CSA cannot be reasoned with, so it is our duty to take action. Help us to rid the world of this plauge of an empire, that the people both inside and outside its borders can lead more safer, freer lives. When the IEF is willing to give up all of the territory they have conquered and give liberty of ideas and action to their citizens, then we will stop.

            to the IEF: Surrender. Comply with our demands. Our attacks won't cease until you agree.

            The remainder of japan has been completely mobilized. Japanese forces are attacking the IEF down the length of China and in the Pacific.
            Those walls are absent of glory as they always have been. The people of tents will inherit this land.


            • The Islamic Empire fires chemical warheads at Tokyo and other major Japanese cities. The Korean-Mongolian beachead has been smashed into by Islamic forces and the city of Seoul was quickly taken. The biological warfare has returned.

              In the Empire the government has quickly swung to the right. The Islamic Empire has released the following edicts restricting freedom of worship. However all people in the Empire are given citzenship, and the right to vote.

              In Africa the Islamic Empire waits for the go ahead to invade the Free World. We await their respnse to this unprovoiked attack.

              In the Americas, the CSA The Islamic troops begin comming in to help the Confederates with their invasion

              In NEU the Islamic troops have withdrawn and hold the borders.

              To NEU: We shall give you the slavic communities of the Balkans, if we have peace. Also we aks that all Muslims be allowed to settle with the Empire.

              To Free World: Do not attack us and help Japan in their unprovoked attack. We help you against the CSA, even their aggression and racsim have grown too much.

              To CSA: Surrender

              To Japan: Us surrender? NEVER. Allah shall have swift and infinite revenge
              Last edited by Sheep; December 22, 2002, 03:26.
              Don't tell a twisted person he is twisted, he may take offence. (THAT MEANS ME!)
              Founder of the Mafia Poly Series (THATS RIGHT I STARTED IT)
              Nesing, come and see what its about in the Stories and Diplomacy threads.


              • On the outskirts of Seoul IEF troops were given a warm friendly welcome by loads of pre-planted ordinance. Seol has been heavily damaged, but the caliphate troops in that entire have been temporarily stopped. japanese air force is duking it out with the IEF's, no clear victor yet, but the japanese navy pretty much unopposed is aiding the military with continual bombardments. Not restricted to conventional weapons either. in response to IEF's chem/bio warfare, japan has pulled the same out of stockpile and is hurling it at the IEF troops, as well as actively cooking up some of their own improved nasty bio/chem stuff. Fighting has so far been pretty back and forth, with the IEF's superior numbers offset by japan's navy and the prepared mines/traps/etc. that japan had laid down. Though japan high command doesn't know how long they can hold with the IEF's reinforcements arriving [hint hint to allies].
                Last edited by foolish_icarus; December 22, 2002, 19:47.
                Those walls are absent of glory as they always have been. The people of tents will inherit this land.


                • occ: Nukes aren;t allowed so I have been told.

                  TO NEU: Peace you shall have if you wish. We support the new pope and hope he doesn;t make the same mistakes as the last one. The Balkans are yours if you wish.

                  To Free World: I spit on you.
                  Last edited by Sheep; December 22, 2002, 03:27.
                  Don't tell a twisted person he is twisted, he may take offence. (THAT MEANS ME!)
                  Founder of the Mafia Poly Series (THATS RIGHT I STARTED IT)
                  Nesing, come and see what its about in the Stories and Diplomacy threads.


                  • TO IEF and CSA:
                    We the Free World have declared war on you. We will not stand by and watch as you take over the world.


                    The Free World Army in Mexico start making ground into CSA held Mexico with the help of Rebels with in the country, Heavy bombers with fighter escorts start bombing of troops postions .

                    In Africa it is harder due to the fact of the zeal by with the Islamic troops attack and the sucide bombings that indival citizens have taken upon them selves to do.

                    Gas mask are now standard issue for Affrican troops and gas masks are being issued to people in all major cities with in range of IEF chemical weapons.
                    Donate to the American Red Cross.
                    Computer Science or Engineering Student? Compete in the Microsoft Imagine Cup today!.


                    • The Great Mosque of Mecca and the Palace of the Caliph have been destoyed by apparent terrorists. The High Council met in emergency session coronating the new Caliph within a day. They have vowed Jihad on all persons attacking them.

                      The Islamic Army has swelled by new recruits eager for revenge against the infidels, and many people in the Empire have started to convert in an attempt to keep the angry mobs away from them

                      The Islamic troops in America start advancing into Mexico with help from the CSA.

                      In Africa the Islamic Hordes begin pushing the Free World back. Elimination Squads comming in after them burning whole villages that resist. A General Propaganda campaign has begun to try and get the Free World, the NEU and the Japanese to lay down their arms.

                      Biological wepons with Anthrax, Smallpox and Bubonic Plague begin reigining down on Free World and Japanese cities and towns. Soon there is a major epedemic, and hospital supplies (especially in the free World who relied on the Islamic hospitals) are begining to become very scarce. The Free World, European and Japanese air forces have bee knocked down with a combination of napalm air strikes, and EMP bursts from high orbit.

                      The Islamic Army have withdrawn from Antartica and a new Operation Heat up has begun. In a year the Ice mass will of melted. Islamic Navy forces are preventing all others from leaving, except for the Russians.

                      To Russia (secret) this is the time we can strike. You will gain all of Europe and Mongolia/Korea. This is my promise.

                      To CSA: Continue on my friend and soon the world shall untie for our just causes.
                      Don't tell a twisted person he is twisted, he may take offence. (THAT MEANS ME!)
                      Founder of the Mafia Poly Series (THATS RIGHT I STARTED IT)
                      Nesing, come and see what its about in the Stories and Diplomacy threads.


                      • OOC: Yes, Greenland attacked northern Canada because it wasn't very defended or populated. And yes, nukes are not allowed.

                        CSA taken more Mexico, CSA army is already bigger than one of FW and FW has to split army in two parts thus territorial gains are even bigger.

                        IEF has to split it's forces into thirds (Japanese front, European front and African front), thus isn't getting much lands or loosing it. CSA suggests IEF to concentrate on European front. Because FW has to fight in South America, it most likely wouldn't fight much in Africa, while Japan is quite small country.

                        After destruction of main mosque, Indonesia joined war on IEF/CSA side and invaded Japanese controlled Philipines.

                        Burma joined the war on FW/Japanese/NEU side and invaded Bangladesh. All other small states remained neutral.

                        Indonesia to Russia:
                        Sorry, we can't give up Malaysia now as we are in the war... Probably later, when the war will end.

                        Greenland to Russia:
                        Please give us Nunavut and Northwest Territories of Canada. They are of little importance to you, but people living there are ethnically close to Greenlandic people...

                        CSA to Free World:
                        Surrender. You would have to give whole Carribean and South America to us. But at least you'd save Africa. Otherwise you are doomed unless some other country would help you which they won't since they all are fighting with IEF.

                        CSA to IEF:
                        We could loose if we won't get Russia on our side... You are their friend, let's try do that. Cause if Russia would attack us, We are probably doomed as we wouldn't handle war on two fronts, while you'd have to fight on even more - 4 fronts, 5 if counting that Burma.

                        Indonesia to CSA, IEF:
                        We are on your side thus we would like to join your alliance.

                        Burma to Japan, NEU, Free World:
                        Would like to help you in the war...

                        Australia to Russia:
                        OK, we can keep neutrality in this conflict.
                        Attached Files


                        • OOC: I think both Sheep and Sonic are going too far. I very highl doubt teh CSA could continue to maintian having more troops than all of SOuth America (enhanced by strong anti-IEF sentiment). They would get few recruits from Mexico, and some but still not too many from the north and west, where not everyone would be happy with the enslavemetn of blacks. And Sheep is assuming he can just use chemical weapons here, biological there, make a big attack, and never lose a single battle. Also, how did he land in Britain and Italy when I had almost complete control of both the East Atlantic and Mediterranean?? And although it is a small area, he would have had big losses taking Israel because there were so many troops there. And about the airforces, with very little aircraft carrier presence nearby, those planes would've had to go pretty far to destroy almost all the NEU airforce everyehre. To go from Turkey to Britain, they would be fighting every inch of the way. I'll accept that I had heavy losses, but you couldn't destroy all (or nearly all) my forces.

                          To Russia: Sure you can have Northern Germany. We forgot about that and otehrwise wouldve given it to you long ago.

                          A significant portion of the Mediterranean navy was destroyed attempting to seize the Suez Canal.

                          ANother force has been sent as well as reinforcements to teh first group in Africa. The NEU now controls two samll strips of the coast. Greece has been retaken, but NEU troops went no further.

                          To NEU: We will accept a truce now for peace negotiations if you pull out of the Republic of Istanbul immediately.

                          To Japan, Free World (VERY SECRET): Wedo not plan on acually making peace with them.


                          • OOC:
                            Actually hispanics as I noted before were integrated into culture and they are not being fought against. They elected their members to parliament also. Mexico is not actually annexed, it is allowed to maintain it's way of life. It was never independent BTW, it was part of NATC for long and had about the same rights in NATC as it now has in CSA. Not much have changed for them because CSA is confederation each state including Mexican states has autonomy. Thus I doubt there should be much resistance in Mexico. Also, remember that CSA still has good army budget thus it could be smaller but more modern and still better. Also, Free World has to split it's army on two fronts.

                            Also, as you could see in map, I did not recognised all IEF conquerings, but Israel should be recognised I think since it is small strip of land and hardly defendable especially if Arabic navy would block coasts and cut of support.


                            • TO Greenland:
                              No they're not. Greenland hardly even has any people, much less much culture. Stay away. If you keep claiming those lands or even asking for them we will consider that a threat to Canada. Those are Canadian lands, and the people are Canada. If you wish to join them so badly maybe we'll send an army over to Greenland to formally unite your nation.

                              To Indonesia:
                              You do not seem to understand. Malaysia is breaking the agreements made by the treaty, therefore an act of war, and you are helping them. Release Malaysia or you will be in a much more costly war then what you are presently in. This is your last warning. Release Malaysia or we will take it by force, all out war. You will be in a world without allies once Russia declares war on you. Release Malaysia! Last chance.

                              To the world:
                              The present major war does not concern Russia and is not in Russia's best interests. If anyone dares to pose a threat to Novaya then they will recieve the full wrath of Russian Might. Therefore, leave us out of it.

                              To Australia:
                              We are glad you accept.


                              Russian military on high alert.

                              Bomber planes ready to launch campaigns against Indonesia. Submarines sent to the sector for possible conflict. The offensives will begin when word comes that Indonesia has refused to release Malaysia. Offensives will also begin to take Malaysia away from Indonesia if they do not comply.

                              Submarines and 2 carriers sent to Greenland, in the case they cause more trouble.


                              • TO Russia:
                                We realize that you think that IEF and CSA pose not treat to you, but the IEF wants to speard Islam all over the world and take it over. They are the Germany of WWII, and we must stop them now before it is too late. Help the World rid of these evil dictators before it is too late.
                                In Africa the Free World army has forified along the IEF border. Bombing runs into IEF major cities have begun to destroy industrail complexs.

                                In Mexico the Free World Army is having a tuff time, but is doing much better then the African army. New reinforcements have arrivaed. Bombing missions countiune day and night. Free World fighters are up in the air trying to gain air suppiority over Mexico. Also 8 carrier groups have been moved into postion to conduct airstrikes against the CSA army. And the Entire east coast of the CSA is now blockaded, with subs in patroill in the waters arround the CSA looking to sink merchant ships.
                                Donate to the American Red Cross.
                                Computer Science or Engineering Student? Compete in the Microsoft Imagine Cup today!.

