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SonNES (Sonic's Never Ending Story)

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  • OCC: Switzerland is mine or not?? In this link: it appears as a part of AS.

    To ALL: We occuppied the Anarchy that was in the Indian area, we started a process to clean all the atrocities. The small kingdoms are being reunified by our forces (GreenPeace forces & Omens) and starting peaceful treats to join our forces or become again the state of India. When the kingdoms are fixed, we'll make free elections. Sorry for some small erebus shoots but is difficult to show who is the strong here!

    To Lamaist Union: You're welcome!!!!!

    To Rouge Khmers: Your bloody acts forced us to occupy your territory and we put the dictators in prison. Now we start democratic elections to know if lao-cambodians want to join us, become two states (Laos & Cambodia) or become a new independent state (Angkor).

    We offered (whatever is the election) us to resconstruct and preserve Angkor Wat.

    To Philippines, Vietnam, Sri Lanka, "Burmania Desh" & Thailand: We offer us to enter in AS.
    Last edited by XarXo; December 13, 2002, 11:21.
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    • OOC: I don't think what Sonic said was that unreasonable, though it was stretching the limits. Oh well, it's already resolved.

      The NATC only recognizes the Democratic states (Indonesia, Kazakhstan, and any of the minor nations). $10 billion in aid is sent to Indonesia, and troops are sent to be used at Indonesia's discretion to fight Jemmah Islamyah.

      To INdonesia, France: Would you like to join teh Confederacy as special autonomous members?


      • Japanese messages

        to all new countries:
        Japan is open to trade and economic cooperation

        to China:
        Manchuria is ours. don't try anything.

        to Free Mongolia:
        Don't mess with Russia, it won't get you anywhere. We are open to having close ties.

        to Thailand, Philipines, Vietnam, Sri Lanka:
        perhaps you would like to join Japan as semi-autonomous protectorates
        Those walls are absent of glory as they always have been. The people of tents will inherit this land.


        • To China:
          We welcome any ties you wish to create with Russia, except for military alliances. We do not support any of your claims on territories that aren't yours. We will lend some aid to help rebuild your nation if you wish.

          To Free Mongolia:
          We partially recognize your independence and will mind our business when it comes to any affairs you wish to partake in. But if you do not remove your claims on Russian territory and apologize for the insult we will strike and unite all of mongolia as you seem to want so badly. Leave Russia alone! Mongolia is Russian, live with it. We could take your whole nation in a heartbeat, but we don't because, frankly, we don't care about Free Mongolia. But if you are so eager to make Russia care then we will, and we will with impunity. So back off.


          • The Caliphiate does not recognise any new countries that have been created from the break-up of SIM from its own territory.

            The following territories have been occupied by Caliphiate troops and reannexed to the Islamic Brotherhood. This has been done by blitzkrieg against the small armies assembled.

            Lamaist Union
            the Anarchy Outlands
            and those annoying purple dots.

            If anyone contests this, the re-occupation of lands wrongfly (and I think not realisticly) taken from the Caliphiate will be sought after.

            To Russia: I offer you the Mongols.

            To Free World: I urge you to occupy the Indian sub-continent, south of our combined front.

            To the new nations of Indo-China: I recognise your indepndence.
            Don't tell a twisted person he is twisted, he may take offence. (THAT MEANS ME!)
            Founder of the Mafia Poly Series (THATS RIGHT I STARTED IT)
            Nesing, come and see what its about in the Stories and Diplomacy threads.


            • To AS: Relinqusih your holdings in former Claiphiate territories these are not your areas to hold. If you do not accept this we will begin Operation Heat Up. And melt the ice caps, on which your homes are built, drowning all your people.
              Don't tell a twisted person he is twisted, he may take offence. (THAT MEANS ME!)
              Founder of the Mafia Poly Series (THATS RIGHT I STARTED IT)
              Nesing, come and see what its about in the Stories and Diplomacy threads.


              • OCC: Sorry, but how is possible that Uigurstan (China's Xinjian) isn't and independent state?


                (Your Country Intelligence Top Secret Meeting)

                Sir, we present you in these photographs something strange detected in the Antarctic Scientopia territories, a strange structure is being build in the walls of the two large ozone difussors, in the Antarctica one is near to be finished, while in the Svalbard one seems being build at the same time as the difussor itself. The second one has an incredibly fast rate, AI's and robots are creating this huge structure by prefactured Carbonium plates.

                We're waiting for more information reported by our spy satellites.


                The 9 resting Black Pitches construction restarted.
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                • can i be mongolia? and you give me a brief rundown of the world? sorry, dont want to read 7 pages...


                  • Mopngolia is occupoied by the Calipiate, be someone else.... Perhaps an Indo-Chinese nation
                    Don't tell a twisted person he is twisted, he may take offence. (THAT MEANS ME!)
                    Founder of the Mafia Poly Series (THATS RIGHT I STARTED IT)
                    Nesing, come and see what its about in the Stories and Diplomacy threads.


                    • OCC: Where's Morocco? SIM is really destroyed?

                      To Caliphate: We don't hold ANY FORMER CALIPHATE AREA (a former SIM area? Yes) We only offered a formal proposal to enter in AS to Lamaist Union.

                      In India we have a peacemaker campaing, they can be independent, join with the part that now is in Free World or enter in your associaton (indian people in an arabic state?). We are not in the "Anarchy" area of the turkish states. In this area the war is so small and we think that is your teritory (because they are islamics).

                      In Laos-Cambodia (or Angkor) the process is the same. We don't want these rouge khmers killing whatever what they want and destroying the treasures ofthe zone (and everybody in the countries and neighbours applaused our action).

                      You ended a war now, your people is dying by thousands as result of the nervous gases, and you want fight the one that offered all the vaccines FREELY?

                      Don't try anything, our domes are by far more resistent than all your weapons joined. And if you have anyone new and you use it upon us, we'll disintegrate it.

                      (This part, to ALL and specially NATC)

                      We want peace, the poeple and the earth is dying, also something new is affecting all us: The Yellowstone Supervolcano is starting some serious effects that can initiate a chain reaction. NATC must start a geotermic explotation of it to avoid any explosion. We offer our geothermal extraction technology to them if they need it.
                      Signature: Optional signature you may use to appear at bottom of your posts


                      • We have vaccines and the vacinees have been distributed. Why would we use these weapons without the protection for our people. The Caliphiate demands all territory once belonging it be recognised as its own again. Along with that of former SIM occupied China. The Arabic Caliphiate will have its reward for destroying the SIM government and not suffer for its actions.

                        TO AS: We do not support you in ALmistr and we have occupied the nation as it is oreiginally Caliphiate territory. Accept this or Operation Heat Up will begin.
                        Don't tell a twisted person he is twisted, he may take offence. (THAT MEANS ME!)
                        Founder of the Mafia Poly Series (THATS RIGHT I STARTED IT)
                        Nesing, come and see what its about in the Stories and Diplomacy threads.


                        • To Caliphate:
                          We gladly accept the territory of southern mongolia if you wish.


                          • We wish, they desreve to be part of Russian mongolia, and we are compensated for the advances into China and India from the last war.

                            AS noone has objected the Caliphiate declares that all territories in China and former Panturkistan to be Caliphaiet except for Southern India to go to Free World and Mongolia to go to Russia.

                            In Space missiles shot shot out all spy satelites over the Caliphiate from the AS. Being tracked for sometime the AS Satelite Program over the Arabic Caliphiate has been destryed.

                            The Arabic Space Shuttle: Allah's Wisdom has been launched. The Sattelite program of the Caliphaiate has begun and already all Sattelites that enter Caliphiate air space are destryed unless their purposes are identified. meanwhile deep within Arabic territory the Operation Heat Up continues unabatted.
                            Don't tell a twisted person he is twisted, he may take offence. (THAT MEANS ME!)
                            Founder of the Mafia Poly Series (THATS RIGHT I STARTED IT)
                            Nesing, come and see what its about in the Stories and Diplomacy threads.


                            • TO Caliphiate(secret):
                              We are now occupying Southern India, but we let the area have indepence as we have no desire to expand our borders. We though dont trust AS. We think they are up to something. We will support you in any action you deem nessicary to take. We also support your territorial claims over Asia as well.
                              Donate to the American Red Cross.
                              Computer Science or Engineering Student? Compete in the Microsoft Imagine Cup today!.


                              • Caliphate occupies Kazakhstan, anarchy and western parts of China and Mongolia, the government and eastern parts are still quite strong but would not be able to withstand another Arabic invasion.

                                After seeing Caliphate's advances, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Vietnam, Burman Empire and Philipines unites to form a new country - ASEAN (OOC: I could suggest this country for jdd), with the following stats:

                                Army: Medium
                                Navy: Medium
                                Air Force: Small
                                Intelligence: Bad
                                Economy: Medium
                                Government: democracy; confederation; mediocre left

                                ASEAN immidietly annexes parts in Southern China - China is very weak after war against Caliphate.

                                After AS sponsored elections, Cambodia and Laos votes for independence, while India - to stay part of AS.

                                Kazakhstan (government in exile to Indonesia) asked the world for help liberate the country. They asked mostly Russia and NATC. NATC, because they recognised Kazakhstani independence and Russia because about 50% of people in Kazakhstan are Russian.

                                The remaining part of Mongolia says they joins Japan. Now it is up to Japan to take it or not.

                                Jemmah Islamiyah is still quite strong in Indonesia. They organises a terror act in Jakarta, in which three members of new democratic Indonesian parliament are killed. Indonesia asks more funds to treat everything. But Jemmah Islamiyah also shows they still hev terrorists all over the world and three terror acts happens:
                                In Mecca sleeping gas were launched in the major mosque and several terrorists attempted to steal the sacred stone. However, Arabic police quite easily crushed them.
                                In Washington a truck with explosives rams FBI headquarters, killing 20 people, mostly bystanders.
                                In Rio De Janeiro lethal nerve gas were launched in hospital, killing 50 people.

                                OOC for jdd: you can take ASEAN in my opinon... Stats are above. As for world overview, you'd get in if you start playing - it is quite simple...
                                Attached Files

