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SonNES (Sonic's Never Ending Story)

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  • #46
    Arab Caphiliate Response

    To S.I.M. : We will not condone the use of terrorism, we will remain neutral in this war.

    To UNA: We wish for you to withdraw from our brother's lands. Do so or the caphiliate will be forced to defend Islam.

    To Free World: We would like to assure you that we are your friend. Will you join us in a ROP and MPP. This can be named the anti-Rascist Alliance

    To China: Why are you backing those who mock you. The Chinese n Australia are treated like sub-Humans yet you support the regime who degrade your people.

    To Novya Russia: Do not intefere in the politics of Islam. We do not intefere in yours.

    To EU: Join us in the Anti Rascist Alliance

    To Panturkistan: Join our alliance. We offer ROP with you for access between Turkey and Central Asia. However the Grand Caliph will not ceede any Islamic soil to you.
    Don't tell a twisted person he is twisted, he may take offence. (THAT MEANS ME!)
    Founder of the Mafia Poly Series (THATS RIGHT I STARTED IT)
    Nesing, come and see what its about in the Stories and Diplomacy threads.


    • #47
      The EU begins spending more of its massive budget. Land Army size should be upgraded to medium in about a week.

      To China: That was uncalled for, prepare to face the consequences (sp?) for attacking SIM.

      EU bombers begin dropping bombs on the advancing Chinese army. Not many losses for UNA, and only a few planes shot down for the EU, but it was more of a message. Unprovoked attacks will not be accepted.

      TO SIM: You have my full support. With your permission, i would like to station land and air forces within your border to enable me to further punish the Chinese.


      • #48
        Aytollah Sahid Abdul-Muhamad seems to be quite annoyed by the Chinese attack. Currently Chinese forces have taken most of Burma and Thailand, bwcause these territories are non-muslim and people are not opposing there very much. However, attempts to invade southern Thailand (already repopulised with Muslims) and Bangladesh were unsuccesful. Everything was better for SIM in the souther front, where SIMs "suicide vessels" clearised most of Australian navy and it is currently down to medium (and is nearer small. SIM navy is also down to medium but it is nearer large). Currently not very large part of Land Division of Mojaheeden Islamiyah landed in city of Darwin, Australia. ALthough Australian army was able to stop that small part of SIM army ("Mojaheeden Islamiyah") from going further, they barricated themselves in city (Darwin). Bombing the city with planes or artillery would cost very many civilian lifes, while invading with land forces would probably end with disaster, since although the invaded forces are small, they've taken very good defensive positions in all the buildings, also in sewers, etc. from where they could ambush Australian troops. So the end decition what to do is to be made by UNA leader. Ayat. Sahid Abdul-Muhamad offered such peace treaty:
        What SIM does:
        1.Removes troops from Darwin and handles it back to UNA
        2.Demilitarises Chinese/SIM border regions and Southern Indonesia
        3.Allows currently arrested Australian and Chinese people to go back to homelands.

        What China and UNA has to do:
        1.Demilitarise Chinese/SIM border region (China) and northern Ausralia (UNA)
        2.China removes troops from occupied territories - Burma and Thailand - and handles them back to SIM
        3.UNA allows muslim to go back to SIM.

        Demilitarising would help to ensure that such war won't happen again, because it would take more time to prepare for that war. Land territories of 3 participating would become the same as they were before war again. Exchange of political prisoners would also lower tensions between countries.

        SIM to Arab Caliphate and Free World:
        As you see, we have abstained of using terrorism currentlya nd we hope this will help to end this war. However if not, your help would be appreciated, since racistic Chinese/UNA coalition needs to be destroyed.

        Japan to China, EU
        Yes, we are joining the peace keeping organization

        Panturkistan to China:
        Although we do not support radical kind of Islam promoted by Jemmah Islamiyah, the government of SIM, we would like to ask you stop helping UNA, a country in whcih many Turks were tortued and killed just because they aren't "aryans".

        Panturkistan to Arab Caliphate:
        We could join your alliance. Because the condition of the world has changed a bit and we are very unsure about our neighbor - China - even after we've signed non-agression pact with them, we decided that such alliance is needed.

        Bellow there is a map which shows current SIm advances to Darwin and Chinese advances to SE Asia.
        Attached Files


        • #49
          SIM to EU:
          We do agree to allw you to station your forces in our airbases. Probably Dhaka (Bangladesh) and Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia) now would be best dection to base air force at, also Colombo (Sri Lanka).


          • #50
            ((Off topic, but Ming blocked the thread I wanted to rant in))

            What do you mean my stories aren't civ3 related? I know of several times when the greeks ganked workers who, when added to a city, had a female head, I was picking up hot blondies from the north and you,(trickey) are all "Metaliturtle's stories aren't civ3 related at all " If you mess with the bull, you'll get a pile of bullsh*t in your face... don't mess with the bull.
            First Master, Banan-Abbot of the Nana-stary, and Arch-Nan of the Order of the Sacred Banana.
            Marathon, the reason my friends and I have been playing the same hotseat game since 2006...


            • #51
              I protest against calling Slavs "orthodox".
              Poles (with Pomeranians), Czechs, Slovakians, North Luzyczans, South Luzyczans, Slovenians, Croatians, Bosnians aren't orthodox.

              Aethiopia is Christian!!! Grrr
              And so, more and more, is Africa south to Sahara.

              Why should Iran fall to Panturks?
              "I realise I hold the key to freedom,
              I cannot let my life be ruled by threads" The Web Frogs
              Middle East!


              • #52
                OOC: Metaliturtle attempted a threadjack, let this be the last of topic post in this topic. Metalilurtle, please instead use the other, poll topic, since nobody in this topic said nothing against your stories (everything was said in the poll topic)
                Herreson, as the history in the first post says, Iran joined Panturkistan after Arab invasion, in which it lost northwest part of country. Iran better wanted to be part of Panturkistan than Arab Caliphate since AC is quite radical sunni and Panturkistan is seccular, thus it lets freedom to choose religion.
                As for Slavs, I do obviously know that they are not only orthodox and thus it is written "mostly orthodox" in explanation. I wasn't able to add different groups for christian slavs and orthodox slavs.
                The group is "African" not Christian, animist, etc. I created it because ussually blacks stands for each other in various lobby things and etc. much more than so does for example Christian from Congo and Christian from Latvia, also because of their geographical location.

                (Herreson, you can continue discution via PMs if you want)


                • #53
                  The South African government has colapsed after massive riots orchestrated by an underground black-rights group. Approximately 4,000 blacks have been killed, most by police, and 56 whites hae died. However, the blacks have seized the Presidential Palace and killed the president, declaring the new republic of SOuth Africa. Tehy wish to join the Free World.

                  UNA, needing to focus on South Africa, has quickly signed SIM's treaty. Also, there is a major political upheaval taking place in Australia, and they have become immersed in domestic issues.

                  OOC: I'll be on vacation wo/a computer from this evening until sunday.


                  • #54
                    Confederation of the Free World

                    To Arab Caphiliate:
                    We accept your mpp and rop. We must fight racism were every it exists in the world.

                    To South Afirca:
                    We accept you into the Free World Confederation. We are now sending in troops into South Africa to protect you From the UNA.

                    To SIM:
                    We might be able to help you in the near future, but await futher developments in the international area before doing so.

                    To UNA:
                    South Africa is now apart of the Confederation of the Free World. Do not attack South Afirca or it will be considered an act of war on the Free World. If you want to talk about the future of South Africa we would be more then happy to do so, but do not attack South Africa.
                    Last edited by Jack_www; November 27, 2002, 17:08.
                    Donate to the American Red Cross.
                    Computer Science or Engineering Student? Compete in the Microsoft Imagine Cup today!.


                    • #55
                      Ayat. Sahid Abdul-Muhamad of Jammah Islamiyah, the government of SIM has signed peace treaty with UNA and immidietly demilitarised southern islands (as Australia demilitarise northern Australia). Darwin was handled back to Australian forces, however city is quite damaged after some fights took place there. About half of SIM army was redirected to a spot on current Chinese/SIM boundary (Southern Thailand). That part of army immidietly held defensive positions and it seems they just tries to stop advancing Chinese army (and they does that well, since that place is without many paths and it is very narrow peninsula). AT the same time, two surprise attacks on China were launched. Troops from Sri Lanka invaded almost undefended south India, while troops from Phlipines taken Hainan Tao island. Ayatollah Abdul-Muhamad placed a new peace offer for China:

                      1.China demilitarises South China and India, SIM demilitarises isles near coasts of China and northern Indochina.
                      2.India handles overtaken South India back to China, China handles overtaken Burma and North Thailand back to SIM. Hainan Tao island remains under SIM control, but is demilitarised.

                      Here is the current map:
                      Attached Files


                      • #56
                        The Arab Caphiliate Speaks out

                        The Grand Caliph of the Arab Caphiliate has stopped all oil exports to the UNA and the Chinese Empire. They will not continue until peace has reigned for 3 years on the fronts with our Islamic brothers S.I.M.

                        The Grand Caliph has also called for the UNA to sign the pece offered by the S.I.M. government. The Islamic Brotherhood is to be strengthend through conflict and faith in Allah.

                        In response to the Chinese non-reply to the SIM offer Arabic Air Forces have started bombing Panturkistan, close ally to the Chinese regime and traitor of the Islamic religion. The Army of the Caphiliate has also started moving accross the border into Panturkistan. The Panturkistani government can either except the caphiliate as their nerw overlords, allowing Panturkistani law to continue or the Cphiliate will actively annex the Panturkistan territory.

                        Already the Arabic 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th and 3rd Army has secure most of Turkey, occupying the Panturkistan Western Capital of Ankara and seiging the city of Instanbul. Along with this goes 60% of the Panturks Airfileds and the Arabs have captured many planes intact by this surprise attack. The culmination of the Western Campaign was the enciclement of the Panturk 2nd Army 100 miles west of Ankara. 100,000 Panturks captured.

                        In the East the Arabic 1st, 2nd, 4th, 5th and 6th Armies have started rolling accorss the desert. Many people have welcomed the Caphiliate troops as liberators. The armies of the Caliph are fast apporaching the eastern capital of Kabul and the Kazakistan strongholds.

                        UPDATE IN STATS

                        Arab Caliphate
                        Capital: Cairo
                        Land Army - Huge (growing due to conscrption laws due to war.
                        Air Force - Small (captured planes have increased the Air Force)
                        Navy - Tiny (Yet to really face battle with Panturks)
                        Intelligence - Good
                        Economy - Growing (due to war industires)
                        Government - Islamism; unitarian; center

                        Some 200,000 Pantrurk servicemen have been capturted by Calpihite forces

                        Republic of Panturkistan
                        Capital: Ankara (occupied), Kabul (under threat) govenment moved to Kazakistan
                        Land Army - Small (losing personell from deaths and POWs
                        Air Force - Tiny (60% loses, 40% of that captured undamged by Arab forces)
                        Navy - Small (Yet to really face battle with Arab Navy)
                        Intelligence - Losing Ground (as the government is being forced to flee Eastward, the Intellegince is losing coherency
                        Economy - Shattered (with most of Turkey in the West gone, most of the Industrial capcity of the Panturks has gobne with it.
                        Government - Democracy controlled by army; federation; moderate right (failing rapidly as the government flees Eastward. Constution failing rapidly)

                        I WILL RELEASE A MAP SOON
                        Don't tell a twisted person he is twisted, he may take offence. (THAT MEANS ME!)
                        Founder of the Mafia Poly Series (THATS RIGHT I STARTED IT)
                        Nesing, come and see what its about in the Stories and Diplomacy threads.


                        • #57
                          occ: Each army is about 150,000 men.
                          Don't tell a twisted person he is twisted, he may take offence. (THAT MEANS ME!)
                          Founder of the Mafia Poly Series (THATS RIGHT I STARTED IT)
                          Nesing, come and see what its about in the Stories and Diplomacy threads.


                          • #58
                            Here is the map...
                            Attached Files


                            • #59
                              Panturkistan moved it's capital to Alma Aty (Almaty), Kazakhstan and immidietly called all the world (especially China and EU) for help. Istambul citizens themselves overthrew the weak government and in fear of Arab invasion now requests to join the European Union along with Thrace territory.
                              Jammah Islamiyah, the government of SIM, said that Arab Caliphate's actions are the good thing to do, but also claimed that China should also be attacked.


                              • #60
                                The EU sends troops to Alma Aty. But instead of supporting the current governement, they began soreading European proganda, futher puching those people to join the EU.

