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SonNES (Sonic's Never Ending Story)

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  • To Caliphate from Japan

    we would like to join in your space project
    Those walls are absent of glory as they always have been. The people of tents will inherit this land.


    • Update:

      Secret military plans:
      Cold Fusion: anywhere from 7-18 years (it's still in a relatively early phase of development).
      Armed spacecraft: prototypes created, mass production beginning, will have 10 armed spacecraft in a year.
      Improve Intelligence to Good: 6 years
      Build army to large: 1 year
      Build airforce to huge: 5 years


      • To ALL: We want to create a International Space Volume between planets, the reference will be that the volume where gravity acceleration is less than 0.001 m/s2 in any direction is inside this area. For maintain any kind of border, could be great create an international reference of gravity mesures and generate borders, this info is emited by radio in each planet in a common frequence. This will solve any claim in the space, and make possible to establish borders.


        Army/Air/Navy: Creation of robot units dependent of black pitches that can stay in air, earth, space or water (they have Dinamic Materials tecnology, so can absorb light gases to fly and expulse them to propulse). They have "MILELAMISH" (mdeium-level laser mirror shell) coverage, so can be used as mirrors for the black pitch erebus (not the big ones, the lasers of Antarctica are too much powerful, and "HILELAMISH", the high-level, still under development for adapt it to dinamic materials this is why is only used in the microsatellites). In space they can change their form to use solar wind to move.

        Each black pitch will control some hundreds (maximum 400).

        Time needed: 1 year for each 1 thousand.

        Creation of new 10 black pitches, 5 of them in space (are very expensive).

        Time needed: 1 year for each 2 black pitches (prototype clonning).

        Tecnology: Deveolping Encapsuled Antimatter Theory.
        Last edited by XarXo; December 9, 2002, 20:14.
        Signature: Optional signature you may use to appear at bottom of your posts


        • To Antarctica:
          No, we do not wish for any such alliance. We will defend Kamachtka ourselves if any such incident demands of it.


          Army upgrade from Very Huge to Gigantic: 3 years
          Navy upgrade from Large to Huge: 4 years
          Military aircraft in space capable of shooting down satallites: 26 years

          EMP defense shield, capable of covering russia in an EMP shield able to deflect and disrupt any foreign electronics attempting to enter russia, attack russia, or spy on russia (mostly for space equipment such as satellites):22 or so years (mostly theoretical phase)

          EMP offensive capable of sabotaging satellites or crafts in space.:20 or so years. (Mostly theoretical)

          Army: Very Huge
          Navy: Large
          Air Force: Huge
          Intelligence: Good
          Economy: Stable and Good

          Complete modernization of current and future forces: complete


          • To Antartica: The Tibetans are under our guidance. Any attempt to bring them under your control, will be met with force. In fact if you try and expand any more we will start Operation: Heat UP effectively melting Antatrtica.
            Don't tell a twisted person he is twisted, he may take offence. (THAT MEANS ME!)
            Founder of the Mafia Poly Series (THATS RIGHT I STARTED IT)
            Nesing, come and see what its about in the Stories and Diplomacy threads.


            • France, Germany remains independent, Scandinavia and Estonia forms one country - Scandinavian Republic, other countries joins NATC. Tibetian people after referendum agrees to join Scientopia but pro-Caliphate government refuses.

              SIM to Antarctica:
              We will help overthrew Tibetian government if you'd promise help fight the Caliphate if needed.

              SIM to Japan:
              We offer you to create an alliance - Pacific Union - which would be used to help defend both our countries by uniting our navies (Japanese Self-Defense Sea Force and the Sea Division of Mojaheeden Islamiyah).

              Current projects:
              Strategic Division of Mojaheeden Islamiyah and chemical weaponry - to be completed soon; 200 more planes given to the department
              Anti-Ozone plane - 1 year left
              SID (Super-infection disease) - a new project to create a disease which kills people in three days. It would spread through the air, but it would have a trouble, since it wouldn't restrict to enemy's nation and would probably kill whole planet. 5 years left.
              Army to huge - 2 years left.
              Air Force to medium - 1 year left
              Navy to large - 2 years left.


              • map:
                Attached Files


                • The Caliphiate seeing the results of the Tibetan referendum, has decided to forcibly annex the territory. The Tibetan government welcomes this move, as the Arabic 3rd Army, starts installing the Caliph's authority.

                  Thus ends the Caliphiate's dream of self-determination
                  Don't tell a twisted person he is twisted, he may take offence. (THAT MEANS ME!)
                  Founder of the Mafia Poly Series (THATS RIGHT I STARTED IT)
                  Nesing, come and see what its about in the Stories and Diplomacy threads.


                  • occ: Sonic Italy was either to join me or become independent. The EU colony in South America is part of the Free World now. The EU island above Russia is part of AS. And my territory in the Balkans seem to have shrunk, I should own it all up to Austria and the current RL Polish borders TY

                    The Caliphiate does not recognise the NATC authority over Italy. EIther the hand it ovber or make it indpendent.
                    Don't tell a twisted person he is twisted, he may take offence. (THAT MEANS ME!)
                    Founder of the Mafia Poly Series (THATS RIGHT I STARTED IT)
                    Nesing, come and see what its about in the Stories and Diplomacy threads.


                    • japan to SIM:

                      we agree to peacably coexisting though we believe your past terrorist actions were inappropriate and any such actions against Japan or Japanese interests will not be tolerated. In the meantime, however, we propose trading and economic cooperation.

                      main seabase stuctures finished, they are both civilian structures which will help with industry and economy as well as being military perimeter bases. Independant construction continues. Construction on 2 more sea bases in North Pacific begins.

                      Air Force is on the verge of becoming large, as is Navy
                      Army will be medium within 3 years.

                      Japan also begins to commission armed space defense force. however, due to number of other projects also operating, completion will not be for some time.
                      Those walls are absent of glory as they always have been. The people of tents will inherit this land.


                      • Free World Confederation

                        Due to all the international aid that has been recieved form both the Arab Caliphiate and Japan, our scientist have come up with a vacince for HIV. Alltought some testing needs to be done, we expect that the vacince will be made avaible to the public in about 2 years time. We would like to thank all who helped in the effort that made this day possible. We now hope that this will stop the spreading HIV dease in our country and help to improve the lifes if billions of people.
                        Donate to the American Red Cross.
                        Computer Science or Engineering Student? Compete in the Microsoft Imagine Cup today!.


                        • OCC: Oh great, as I imaginated I don't have greenland, yes? In exchange I ask for Svalbard.

                          To Svalbard (UE): We offer you to join AS (we will apply all the things that where previously in Greenland, except that due EU doesn't exist, the UE forces will join AS).

                          To SIM: Thanks, but invade is not our idea of making a paceful joining.

                          To Caliphate: We want you aprovation to Tibet joining, we detected a good acceptation in the inhabitants so... Why start a tension now? Is not your territory, also if you want we can create an alliance if somebody attack Tibet.

                          To NATC: We're expecting SONIC's decision to know the resolution of Greenland.

                          To France & Germany: We offer a proection pact, you admit Erebus over your countries and exchange we offer a defenside protection.



                          1 new Black Pitch

                          NC-2 now is finished, will be called "Krasnoyarska" (population view: Majority of russian people with some turkish people). AI's total count inrease from 14 to 16.

                          Population: 23.000.000
                          Signature: Optional signature you may use to appear at bottom of your posts


                          • AS To Switzerland: We offer you to join AS as a new Dome with 2 university districts. We compromise to create a subterranean dome for protect you people of any virii attack.

                            -The Cortex-

                            To SIM: You said that you stopped the antiozone plan, no? We have to start a diplomatic tension for something that is good for all us?


                            Army/Air/Navy : Finished the first 200 robots, they'll be called "Omens". They can talk, listen, change the color from mirrorly to black, dark green or dark blue, move on each terrain type, change the form or hide in a building.

                            They are spherical deformable elements, their normal radius are:

                            Small : 2 meters
                            Medium: 20 m
                            Big: 50 m

                            for each 100, there are 70 small, 25 medium an 5 big.

                            for each black pitch:

                            280 small

                            100 medium

                            20 big

                            A black pitch can put ALL their units inside.

                            8 small can be inside a medium
                            2 medium and 2 small inside a big.

                            So, each black pitch is a portable small scale erebus with a galaxy of mirrors that can stay in each point of the planet secretally (but, with the recent diplomatic resolution, not).

                            Actually we have 4 black pitches, 2 in space, 2 in earth.

                            We stopped the new 9 black pitches construction (too much expensive). We will start a new antiviral and antibacterial programs to solve some intrusions. All teh discoveries will be freely dispoable to:

                            - Free World
                            - Japan
                            - France*
                            - EU Svalbard**
                            - Germany*
                            - Switzerland*
                            - Tibet*

                            ** Claimed
                            * With a proposition to join.
                            Last edited by XarXo; December 10, 2002, 19:45.
                            Signature: Optional signature you may use to appear at bottom of your posts


                            • OOC
                              Italy voted to join NATC; it is up to NATC werether to annex it with forces or not to.
                              Corrected map however Caliphate's lands in Balkans aren't shrunk. In one of previous posts as far as I remember it was mentioned that NATC takes former Yugoslavia, that means only Greece and Albania is left for Caliphate in Balkans.
                              XarXO, you now have Svalbard in the corrected map

                              SIM to Antarctica:
                              Yes, we would like to ensure that you are going to stay friendly if you want us to cancell the antiozone aircraft project. Because given your scientific abilities, war against you would be hard to fight without such an airplane. Thus if we have no guarantees that war will not start (at least not soon), we couldn't halt trhat project.

                              SIM to Japan:
                              We agree with all your proposes, we obviously won't do any terrorism in your country if you stay friendly. You also can't condemn us for what we did in past, because then we could condemn you for kamikazes in WW2 as one of the first modern terrorists...

                              Germany and France currently does not agrees with Antarctican proposal, but France says they would think about it in the future.

                              Corrected map:
                              Attached Files


                              • SIM to Caliphate:
                                Please allow our ships to sail in the Mediterranean between SIM occupied islands of former Turcypria which democratically voted to join SIM (Cycladeas and Sardinia).

