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SonNES (Sonic's Never Ending Story)

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  • occ: Good idea Sonic with the people. Okay mass convesions did not happen, but some light ones did. My economy has been downgraded to Growing.....

    The Islamic Empire of faith welcomes any former part of NATC to the Empire. We also recognise the new government of Australia and hope that close ties can be forged with us.

    In Antartica, the Islamic Empire has found remnants of AS society. They have proposed a truce and have said that the AS can have ownership of the Islamic Empire's territory in Anatartica, if AS gives technology help and allows bases for Islamic troops in Antartica.

    The Islamic Empire's Caliph, and his High Council votes on action against the NATC. If the NATC continues to intefere in Texan politics, then the Islamic Empire will invade.

    The Islmaic Ambassador to Texas has given the Texans the following note 'If the NATC does not back down in 2 hours (RT) then we will invade the North Atlantic Treaty Confedeartion.

    Throughout the world muslim populations continue to protest to their governments for action against ASEAN and NATC. In ASEAN there is a small uprising in Bangaldesh, Islamic forces moving in and annexing the territory.

    To Russia: (secret) Silence Scandinavia now by any means. Soon war will come.
    Don't tell a twisted person he is twisted, he may take offence. (THAT MEANS ME!)
    Founder of the Mafia Poly Series (THATS RIGHT I STARTED IT)
    Nesing, come and see what its about in the Stories and Diplomacy threads.


    • Islamic forces begin invading ASEAN. In Australia, Australian Army with Islamic help defeats ASEAN forces. Thailand automatically leaves ASEAN and declares its independence. Islamic Empire recognises this and moves troops in from occupied Bangaladesh.

      The Islamic Empire begins a massive blitz campaign through ASEAN. Before too long the ASEAN army retreats from Indo-China, but the Islamic forces don;t make a crossing as other campaigns call for attention.

      The Islamic Empire, tired of its ally Texas being pushed around, has invaded the NATC. Italy has quickly fallen, and has been annexed to the Islamic Empire. The Pope has been executed for crimes against Islam, a executionable offense.

      In America, The Islamic Army blitzes its way into Qubec, capturing Montreal. Qubec City has been put to seige, and Toronto has been raized to the ground, during feirce fighting.

      In the West Islamic forces have begun to cut Canda off from the rest of the NATC. Washington State has been captured, and Seattle put to the flames. The NATC army has been split between Canada, those stuck in Britain, and Mexico.

      Texas fights for its survival as massive NATC offensives begin. Islamic troops are fighting with their Texan counterparts in Houston, Dallas-Fort Worth and the capital Austin. However NATC losses are beginng to munt and the failures elsewhere are beginning to place strain on stretched NATC resources.

      TO ASEAN: Surrender and we will return all but Thailand that is suppossed to be independent, Bangladesh and you Australian foothold to you.

      TO NATC: Surrender. Mexico, Britian and Canada are to be independent countries. Italy part of the Islamic Empire. Accept this or be converted to Islam, through force
      Don't tell a twisted person he is twisted, he may take offence. (THAT MEANS ME!)
      Founder of the Mafia Poly Series (THATS RIGHT I STARTED IT)
      Nesing, come and see what its about in the Stories and Diplomacy threads.


      • To the Islamic Empire of Faith(secret):
        If you conitnue to support the Texas republic with its racist policies, then we will have to break all our alliance with you. We cannot stand for how Texas treats blacks and people of other races.

        In many Cities in the Texas republic blacks start to roit. They are very angry with how they are treated and demand the consitution be changed to give blacks equal status with whites.
        Donate to the American Red Cross.
        Computer Science or Engineering Student? Compete in the Microsoft Imagine Cup today!.


        • To the Free World: We do not support The Texans racist policies, but we do not wish to see the NATC bully an ally either.....
          Don't tell a twisted person he is twisted, he may take offence. (THAT MEANS ME!)
          Founder of the Mafia Poly Series (THATS RIGHT I STARTED IT)
          Nesing, come and see what its about in the Stories and Diplomacy threads.


          • OOC: OK, so this is how people idea will implemented:
            As noted before, every country will get people of it's kind all over the world to rule. If country will collapse into smaller units, then each smaller unit will get some smaller "kind" (nation, race, religion) of people to command. If several empires would peacefully join into one, all people groups would also be joined together and ruled by the newly formed country. If certain part of one country would join other country people's group wouldn't change. If certain part of the world would be conquered by force, people would remain in their former group. If it would happen so that whole country would be conquered by force, people of it would be made part of other close group (not the conqueror's one). Conqueror could conduct genocide or conversions, but it would be very slow (genocide faster, however after that conqueror would have to move his citizens from other places to the territory)

            Here is the map of people groups, colors represents colors of respective nations on the map, dots mean noticable minorities:
            Attached Files


            • The Islamic minorities in the Caucuas region begin an insurrection asking to join the Islamic Empire of Faith. The Islamic Empire of Faith has stated that unless the Russian government would allow it then they would not accept. Meanwhile all throughout the Empire, more and more people start attending Islamic Mosques, as The Empire's law dictates you must attend a mosque every Friday. In schools, schoolchildren are taught about Islam, and many children are being indoctrinated with Islamic beliefs.
              Don't tell a twisted person he is twisted, he may take offence. (THAT MEANS ME!)
              Founder of the Mafia Poly Series (THATS RIGHT I STARTED IT)
              Nesing, come and see what its about in the Stories and Diplomacy threads.


              • Lone Star Republic to NATC:
                We have to declare a war on you for your secret undercover spies, political pressure, also we want to help our allies. As for hispanics, currently we have nothing against them...

                White Knights - army of Lone Star Republic - invades Mexico and NATC held USA (with the support of IEF army). Blacks who protests are arrested and put into special prisons in which conditions are much worse than in white prisons. However, white civilians, not the police, is probably the most horrible oppressor of blacks. Because Lone Star Republic constitution says that whites has rights and says not a word about blacks, that means constitutionally blacks are not defended by neither laws or police. Thus many gangs comes into streets horribly robbing, raping and killing blacks, and police has no rights to arrest those gangs.

                ASEAN sustains damage and retakes lost land and more (because IEF fights on 3 fronts (American, European and Asian), from here comes that only about one third of IEF army is on Asian front, and ASEAN army is bigger than one third of IEF army, thus it is in the dominant position). Thailand yet again retaken (because independence was just supported by IEF troops; in fact people there are no muslim (they are budhist) so they supports ASEAN). Also ASEAN launched a surprise attack to South India from Sri lanka. However, such a mobilisation to front left other ASEAN territories - it's territory in North America and Svalbard - completely undefended.

                Scandinavia by parliament decition, which was probably forced by Russian blockade, joined NEU

                Attached Files


                • To Russia: I need your help against ASEAN. NEU Scandinavia can wait.

                  To ASEAN: You have defied us for the last time.

                  To NEU: We will support you if you take out Britian.

                  Islamic troos fresh from victories in Europe (they aren't needed there no more) Invade the ASEAN peninusla. Once again the Thai Kingdon is reestablished as a sovereign state, and bangaladesh is reabsorbed into The Islamic Empire. India is liberated and Sri lanka falls after a blockade cuts off all supplies.

                  Propoganda is directed towards the people of ASEAN and they start riots (ooc: I know this is over stepping my boundaries but hey it makes a good story) These intensify as the ASEAN army once again withdraws from the mainland.

                  In America, with the Islamic Empire largely directed against the forces in ASEAN, NATC forces move on to the offensive. The Islamic Empire conducts a plebeisite and the Southerners join the Lone Start Republic. This forms the Confederated States of America. Meanwhile Chicago falls to a NATC attack as Islamic troops retreat towards the Eastern Coast. The only high point is that Qubec is completely conquered.

                  In Texas, Houston, Austin, and Dallas fall. The CSA government is moved to Richmond, Virginia
                  Don't tell a twisted person he is twisted, he may take offence. (THAT MEANS ME!)
                  Founder of the Mafia Poly Series (THATS RIGHT I STARTED IT)
                  Nesing, come and see what its about in the Stories and Diplomacy threads.


                  • occ: Kentucky, Delaware and West Vignia and North of that is still in Islamic hands. The CSA is confined to thoise stated that left the union in 1861. Virginia, Tennesse and Missouri, and south. As well as Colorado and Oklahoma
                    Don't tell a twisted person he is twisted, he may take offence. (THAT MEANS ME!)
                    Founder of the Mafia Poly Series (THATS RIGHT I STARTED IT)
                    Nesing, come and see what its about in the Stories and Diplomacy threads.


                    • OOC: well, you shouldn't say what Lone Star Republic looses or that it changes name... I recognise that now because I wanted myself to change the name to Confedation of American States some time before, but I won't recognise talks for other people later...

                      IN GAME NOW:

                      American States Confederation retakes some of lost lands and advances more to the west, however the southern front isn't so lucky. After all new states joined, CSA hosted elections for new Great Dragons' Lounge (parliament). Army also became much bigger as all the clans in new states were incorporated into it. It is now extremely huge (here is armies rating:
                      Tiny, Small, Medium, Large, Huge, Very Huge, Imperially Huge, Extremely Huge, Too Huge, Gigantic, Ultra Gigantic, Grand Gigantic, Hyper Gigantic, Extreme (bigger is not possible). Air force is now small and navy medium.

                      ASEAN looses some land, however it crushes the northern part of Thailand. Although two thirds of IEF army which are currently in Asia are a bit bigger than ASEAN army, no noticable territorial gains will be done unless more forces will be moved (which would lead to loss of US territory) or Russia would join the war. knowing that, ASEAN sent a message to Russia:

                      Please do not interfere to the conflict, we will then remove our territorial claim on Alaska and Antarctica.

                      Sri Lankan Tamil separatists after bettle between IEF and ASEAN there defeats the remains of both armies and declares independence of Sri Lanka as Tamil State.

                      If I understood correctly, the newest map would look like that:
                      Attached Files


                      • Grand Wizard of CSA also sent this note to IEF:
                        We thank you for conducting referendums in your states but we would like to ask you to send some more troops to your US territory since otherwise if you loose that territory CSA's days are probably also counted.


                        • To CSA: We cannot spare many more troops

                          To Tamil: We recognise your independence, and I ask you rto join my war against ASEAN

                          To Asutralia: I ask you to help me against ASEAN as they invaded you and I helped you.

                          To NATC: Stop this war. Sign a treaty giving us back our land, and Qubec and recognise the soveriegn right of the Confederated States of America to do as they please
                          Don't tell a twisted person he is twisted, he may take offence. (THAT MEANS ME!)
                          Founder of the Mafia Poly Series (THATS RIGHT I STARTED IT)
                          Nesing, come and see what its about in the Stories and Diplomacy threads.


                          • The current make up of IEF forces. 65% against ASEAN, 30% against NATC in America and 5% in the Empire.
                            Don't tell a twisted person he is twisted, he may take offence. (THAT MEANS ME!)
                            Founder of the Mafia Poly Series (THATS RIGHT I STARTED IT)
                            Nesing, come and see what its about in the Stories and Diplomacy threads.


                            • OCC: Sheep, in Antarctica there AREN'T any remannants of AS, when Cortex dissolved they leaved Antarctica to Chile, when ALL the people died in the domes when all the erebus shooted themselves. There aren't any survivors of AS except cortex, only in India there are the rest of the domes under construction, but stones doesn't speak.

                              So: Svalbard, Antarctica and Switz people in the domes DIED, this is, aprox 70 millions of people (yes...) .



                              So they decided THAT?

                              Yep, no communication with "outers".

                              We start a new human history here...

                              Yes, this is great and sad.

                              Ok so..

                              OCC: Bye people
                              Last edited by XarXo; December 20, 2002, 14:05.
                              Signature: Optional signature you may use to appear at bottom of your posts


                              • To ASEAN:
                                What? I'm sorry, we did not recieve any such message...


                                Russian forces in Russian China launch offensives into ASEAN. Submarines patrolling ASEAN waters being sinking ASEAN ships at port. Russian bombers begin massive bombing campaigns into the heart of ASEAN. Many tank Divisions and infantry divisions spearhead across southern Burma and northern Thailand all the way to Rangoon Burma, splitting the ASEAN forces in half. The ASEAN forces invading Caliphate are now without supply lines and air support. Russian airforce has total air supremacy.

                                A second offensive is launched into Vietnam.

                                15 airborne divisions are dropped in northern Cambodia as a major amphibious landing and invasion is carried out in southern Vietnam, near Vinh Loi.

                                The Russian forces, with superior technology, training, and air support, cut through ASEAN forces like a hot knife through butter.

                                After a massive bombing run on Svalbard, 5 airborne divisions were dropped in. Russians now have control of Svalbard.

                                Russian forces take Taiwan and Hainan with little difficulty.


                                Reinforcements sent to Russian Germany to defend and begin building invulnerable defenses.

                                Scandinavian border reinforced.

                                Alaska reinforced.


                                To Caliphate:
                                Just leave the Russian people alone. Ignore the Caucasus. Too small of a insurrection force to be considered significant.

                                To ASEAN:
                                You now have your war you've been wanting so badly...
                                Attached Files

