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SonNES (Sonic's Never Ending Story)

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  • To ASEAN:
    We want the current government ousted. Russian soldiers will oversee the demobilization of ASEAN forces and will continue to oversee the country's army maintained at nothing more then medium, the air force nothing more then small, and the navy nothing more the small. ALso, any types of chemical or biological weapons are banned. Svalbard is lost to you forever, get over it. You shall not however remain ASEAN., Russian troops will withdraw from the ASEAN land, but the ASEAN group will split up back to its former nations, its military will be one but everything else will be separate entities. Russian advisors and troops will keep an eye on you. Russian aid will aid each nations economy, and will be protected by Russia if any nation tries to take advantage of you. Accept these terms or else we will give the final blow and formally annex ASEAN into Russia. Take it or leave it.


    • TO Japan: A yes vote from us of course.

      The NEU has taken a bit of NW Africa, securing their control of the Western Mediterranean.

      NEU forces have invaded and taken almost all of the islands in the mediterranean.

      The NEU is working on a major military builup taking 4 years. THe airfoce will be large, the army huge, and the navy large when it is complete. However, if there are serious losses in battle it could take a bit longer.


      • To CSA:
        Allow Mexico to join our nation. You have no desire to help those people, you are a racist nation and would oppress them. Be warned CSA.
        Donate to the American Red Cross.
        Computer Science or Engineering Student? Compete in the Microsoft Imagine Cup today!.


        • TO Japan(secret):
          We agree. THe IEF is a threat to all our nations. We cannot stand for their support of the CSA, and their racist policies. We want to avoid war, but if it comes down to it, we will help defeat them.

          After hearing that the Pope was executed, people through out the Free World are protesting the move, they also demand that the government end its alliance with such an evil nation. People all over the nation are hold protests against the IEF and the CSA, as racists and imperialistic nations wanting to oppress Blacks and Roman Cathlics and take over the world.
          Last edited by Jack_www; December 21, 2002, 00:01.
          Donate to the American Red Cross.
          Computer Science or Engineering Student? Compete in the Microsoft Imagine Cup today!.


          • from japan to IEF:

            it is felt that you are taking very unwise courses of action. Your support of the oppressive CSA, your conquest and possession of non-muslim and overseas territories, your lack of tolerance of non-muslims and forced conversions and indoctrinations as well as your often occurring wars of expansion are hurting the world as well as your own empire. We request, on behalf of much of the world, that you rectify these things. It would be in everyone's best interests.
            Those walls are absent of glory as they always have been. The people of tents will inherit this land.


            • ASEAN agreed with Russian offer, ASEAN collapsed (the small part of India ASEAN controlled became part of Burma and small part of China - part of Vietnam). However, not all countries wished to be independent and also insignificant. Philipines and Vietnam voted to join Japan, Malaysia - to join Indonesia. Indonesia and Malaysia formed Indolaysia.

              Last portions of NATC dissolves as Dominican Republic and Jamaica joins Free World, Isael and Iceland joins NEU, Greenland declares idependence as Republic of Greenland and also immidietly overtakes many scarcely populated and undefended former Russian controlled Canadian islands.

              CSA raises up percent of budget spent on defense to 30% and this way even more improves army, but hurts economy. It also continues invasion to Mexico.

              Grand Wizard of CSA to IEF:
              OK, I think we have already almost won current war (only a small portion of Mexico still remains, but it will be conquered extremely soon) so we should plan how would we act if NEU, Japan and Free World would hit us on united front. Although because of small navy we are not able to help you in Europe or Africa, we would strike South American part of Free World, this way forcing Free World to remove all of it's army from Africa and thus leaving you with only two enemies, which you would have at least a chance against (and if Russia would help us, then we would win).

              Grand Wizard of CSA to Free World:
              Why should we give you Mexico? Take it by force if you want it, Republic of ******s! BTW, our army is bigger than yours already and once we will reach 50% of GNP going to defense it will be the biggest in the world... Our glorious White Knights will then be a miserable thing for our enemies, especially if they are of worse race.

              CSA also changes it's national anthem from standart "Bonnie Blue Flag" (lyrics of the "Bonnie Blue Flag" here: ) to some racistic song (written at the bottom of post so you can read it if you want). Grand Wizard said that this is because Bonnie Blue Flag is pretty much outdated.

              Burma asks Russia to give back it's territories (Russia still owns some Burman territories)

              Greenland asks Russia to handle all Nunavut and Northwest Territories to it.

              And here is the new CSA anthem, which Grand Wizard had officially approved. Ths anthem probably shows even more racism since it is not only directed against blacks, but against most of outlanders, including Japanese...:

              A flaming cross
              Burning ****** infront
              Confederate flag
              Waving upon
              Deep in the woods
              American forest
              For God and States
              For States and God
              We are giving everything we’ve got

              And here beyond the moonshine let our souls unite
              Unite against the evil, ******s, jewish, commies, nips and spicks and krauts
              Let’s cooperate and burn them all in hell
              Let’s cooperate and burn them all in fire

              We’re knights of the Klan
              The glorious Klan
              We fight the darkness
              We’re knights of the white
              And all the world will be ours soon
              Our race and our Klan and our State
              From Alaska to Siberia, from earth to moon
              One race per one humanity we say
              And that race is white race

              And here beyond the moonshine let our souls unite
              Unite against the evil, ******s, jewish, commies, nips and spicks and krauts
              Let’s cooperate and burn them all in hell
              Let’s cooperate and burn them all in fire

              Attached Files


              • Oh, I incidentally uploaded wrong map...

                Here is the new one:
                Attached Files


                • OOC: The CSA and IEF don't know about the alliance, all of it was secret. The new fanatical warmongering CSA certainly doesnat have a well-developed intelligence agency yet, though it is possible the IEF might have figured out Japan was trying to make a big alliance. THus the CSA secret message to the IEF did not happen (unless SOnic or a bunch of other people disagree; this is just my opinion).

                  To the Free World: (SECRET) Ignore the CSA's claims. They are bluffing. Although right now they might have a bigger military, with the huge influx of anti-IEF volunteers you'll be getting in Latin America you'll easily outnumber them.

                  To Russia: (SECRET) The CSA has explicitly expressed plan to invade you. No doubt the IEF has similar plans. If you don't help us (plus our allies, but who they are is classified info you cant know until you ally, sorry, but trust that we do have strong allies) then we might lose this war and then by that time the CSA and IEF will be so strong no alliance will be able to defeat them. They are the Japan and Germany of WWII transported forward in time (OOC: acutally there is quite a striking resemblence). Just as Russia found she could not trust them then, so she will do the same now. Just as Russia allied with countries it may not like very much for the purpose of defending the world from evil fanatics, my she do the same now. In face

                  TO Australia and Indonesia: (SECRET) Ally with me and my alliance or you will doomed to become eitehr part of or pawns of the IEF and CSA.
                  NEU troops have taken all of IEF Europe. Greece has voted to join the Union. The Dardanelles and Bosporus are being very heavily guarded. Almost all of the IEF Mediterrean fleet has been destroyed, with surprisingly few losses. In Africa, NEU forces have lost a bit of ground and are currently doing all they can to resist fanatic attacks, including suicide bombers.

                  Over the past few years, Israel has been slowly building up its military. Now a part of the NEU, the NEU has sent extra troops to defend it.

                  To Free World and Japan (SECRET): This is a military plan I have created. However, if we get Russia on our side there might be huge changes to this:
                  1. The Free World and I will quickly gain control of the Atlantic.
                  2. I will seize the entire mediterranean coast plus Turkey. I will also try to take the Suez canal.
                  3. The Free WOrld will use a huge army to push the CSA all the way up out of Mexico and into TExas itself. The key will be knocking out TExas and killing the top government leaders, creating chaos in the rest of the states. In the north, the CSA is not very popular. Hopefully the entire nation will collapse.
                  4. The Free world will blockade the CSA in the West, and with Japan, try to dominate the Pacific (though it might be hard to control it).
                  5. With it cut off from the rest of the IEF, the Free World shall storm the rest of Africa.
                  6. The Free World will then cut off the Red Sea and guard the Western Indian Ocean.
                  7. Japan will take all of IEF China in a sneak attack, and give some of it to Russia if they don't ally with us to get them to.
                  8. Japan will try to, hopefully with Australia and Indonesia if we can get an alliance with them, block off the West Pacific so as few IEF ships as possible can get through.
                  9. Stage 2: I will march (hopefully with russia) towards Iraq. The Free World will guard their holdings and support a friendly faction in the civil war/collapse of government there will most likely be in teh former US. They will also try to liberate India, but still try to be friendly with muslim indians to avoid too much trouble in holding it. Japan will help them in India, and also take Tibet and Turkistan, hopefully with Russian help.
                  10. VERY IMPORTANT: NO ONE WILL ATTACK ARABIA, AND DEFINITELY NOT MECCA OR MEDINA. If we do this they will get so many new recruits we will have no chance, and Indonesia might join them.

                  As you see, naval dominance is central to my plan. We must cut the off from each other and themselves if possible.


                  • Free World Confederation

                    To IEF:
                    We are breaking all ties with your nation. We and our people cannot stand for what you are doing to people all over the world.

                    To CSA:
                    We are blockading your nation. We also do not reconigize your claims over Mexico.
                    If you advance any futher into Mexico, this will be a declaration of war against the Free World.
                    Anti-matter project 19 years
                    Army to Huge done
                    navy to large done
                    airforce to large 1 years.

                    New recuits have been flowing into the Free World Army wanting to free their own people in the CSA and Mexico.
                    A large portion of Free World Troops have entered Mexico that is still free and Free World Confederation promices to defend Mexico from the CSA.

                    Also underground movements have been started in the South, blacks all over the South involved. Also one group tried to kill the Head Wizzard, but this attempt failed and the person was captured.
                    Donate to the American Red Cross.
                    Computer Science or Engineering Student? Compete in the Microsoft Imagine Cup today!.


                    • Free World and CSA armies meets near Veracruz and Acapulco. War almost not started since at first CSA army thought troops are not Free World but Mexican. However their general was clever and said Mexicans can't have such big army, so they waited for orders and after an hour received order from Grand Wizard to stop offensive actions.

                      CSA economy fell to bad and because that Great Dragons' Lounge by 80% of votes constitutionally ceased Grand Dragon's decition to improve army. Army is now at fixed size of 125% of Free World army, current part of budget spent to army is about 25%.

                      Mexican integration into CSA have started, Mexican states now are CSA states and they elected their representatives to the Great Dragons' Lounge, this way first hispanics entered this parliament. Now after big part of CSA citizens are hispanics, Grand Wizard cancelled plan to prosecute them as non-whites. Although they still can't be Grand Wizards, they can be Great Dragons. Grand Wizard said that he, unlike typical imperialistic states, wants to incorporate culture of conquered nations into state culture, not vice-versa.

                      CSA to Free World:
                      You'll not be able to blockade us as we border our best friend - IEF - with who we'll be always able to trade.
                      We want no war now, we want to rebuild our army since last war... We will however help IEF if you'd attack them as we have MPP, they would also help us... Thus we suggest to demilirise Acapulco and Veracruz and allow people to go back to normal life... The cities would be neutral zone until we'll decide otherwise.

                      OOC, OK that message did not happened.

                      Attached Files


                      • To the Free World: (SECRET): WE still can and must get this war. i want you to send aid to mexican dissidents and get a rebellion in Mexico City. Then support them officially. This should be quite easy and the best way to end the atrocities the IEF and CSA have committed.

                        In NW Africa, NEU troops have held their ground but are having trouble continuing to do so. Around 1/5 of the original force sent has been destroyed.

                        NEU forces have advanced a bit further into Turkey, but are mostly staying near the Dardenelles and Bosporus. The NEU has officially declared that it recognizes the new Republic of Istanbul, a secular government now ruling Istanbul and its environs.


                        • Japan has annexed the Philippines, but is awaiting approval of Russia before any action is taken to incorporate Vietnam.
                          The Japanese military is getting into better shape, tactically, technologically, and numerically. A standby militia has been created and defenses in the home territories and the sea bases are being built.

                          From Japan to Russia:

                          Do you feel that it would be better for Vietnam to be independent or part of Japan? We value diplomacy and wish to keep our relations from becoming unfriendly, so we will take your wishes into consideration when deciding whether or not to annex Vietnam.

                          to the ********* residing in America and taking part willingly in the intolerable atrocities of the so-called CSA:

                          We don't recognize you as a country, your acts are abominable, and we will have nothing friendly to do with you until you shape up and act humane.

                          Japanese status update:
                          Navy: huge within 5 years
                          Air Force: huge within 5 years
                          Army: huge within 8 years
                          Intelligence: excellent within 9 years
                          Other projects:
                          currently have 4 sea bases in north Atlantic, 1 in Sea of Japan and 1 in Sea of Othosk. Extra planetary colonization: complete within 10 years. Armed space emplacements: working, complete (small) within 5 years, upgraded (medium) within 9 years. Upgrade to economy/industry to most effectively include sea bases: complete. Mongolian industrialization/modernization: within 6 years, [ Philippines and Vietnam (?) modernization: within 25 years]
                          -Salvage/Rebuilding of 2 former AS bases in Japanese Antarctic Territory: (Within 8 Years.)
                          Following are SECRET:
                          -Improved Personal Stealth Technology, with military and espionage applications. (within 13 years)
                          -Materials and genetic modification technology to provide for more complete exploitation of the ocean and more productive, widespread ocean colonies. (within 16 years)
                          -Personal human/computer integration which will allow faster intellectual processes as well as mechanized and social applications.(within 13 years).
                          -Antimatter Project (19 years) [with Free World]
                          Those walls are absent of glory as they always have been. The people of tents will inherit this land.


                          • To the CSA: Withdraw from MExico at once. This is sovereign paret of the Free World, another ally of mine. Continue attacking and we will be forced to act. We are sorry but we cannot allow this to continue.
                            Don't tell a twisted person he is twisted, he may take offence. (THAT MEANS ME!)
                            Founder of the Mafia Poly Series (THATS RIGHT I STARTED IT)
                            Nesing, come and see what its about in the Stories and Diplomacy threads.


                            • To IEF:
                              We are no longer allies. We do not trust you and want no dealings with you.

                              To NEU(secret):
                              We are considering going to war with CSA to free Mexico. We were hoping that they would attack our troops in Mexico, but they did not fall for the trap. We awaited what you have to say before we do so.
                              Donate to the American Red Cross.
                              Computer Science or Engineering Student? Compete in the Microsoft Imagine Cup today!.


                              • To the NEU: Withdraw at once.
                                To the Free World: We do not condone CSA attacks into Free World. (occ: I was asleep, common I didn't even get to reply to this one!)

                                70% of the Islamic Empire army is now in Africa and Antonila. They have taken back most of the territory that they have lost and force landings in Britian, Italy and Spain. The Islamic Air Forces conducting sorties all over Europe has knocked out the European Air Defences and European Air Force. Israel has fallen at the might of Allah.
                                Don't tell a twisted person he is twisted, he may take offence. (THAT MEANS ME!)
                                Founder of the Mafia Poly Series (THATS RIGHT I STARTED IT)
                                Nesing, come and see what its about in the Stories and Diplomacy threads.

