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Age of Feudalism: Europe 1000 AD

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  • #76
    If you finish your education, Im very aware of level of historical education in your country. The Nazi is a symbol of German Nationalism, and it is specific only to Germans, Mussolini, and his team was fascist, and Franco was Authoritarian, and his ideology was totally diffrent then Nazisz, and Fascizm (for example Fascizm was not anti-Jewish) But I do not want to be your teacher because you dont pay me for it

    You could name me Polish Nationalist and I wouldnt say anything - I would only think that you are... ehhh nevermind Im to intelligent to argue with you

    And Rand - your arguments are to heavy and I have no choice but come back to game to defend Polish Honour. Maybe we will make an allince
    "We, in Poland, dont know the idea of peace at any price. There is only one thing in life of people, nations, and countries that is priceless. This thing is honor!" - Jozef Beck, Polish Foreign Minister. 5 V 1939


    • #77
      Look before Geo bans us both from this thread get one thing straight you stupid Pole. There is such thing as a synonym. A synonym is one word that is used to describe another. Therefore when I say Nazi I mean your a fanatical, zealous, overpatriotic little punk. I suggest that if you can't learn to take a little I suggest you leave.

      I'm to intelligent to argue with you
      RIGGGHT. And I suppose all that Eastern Bloc education gave you your wisdom huh?

      (P.S. - Since Geo doesn't want his thread mucked up by this and if you still wish to continue I suggest that we start a new thread.)

      [This message has been edited by Bearcat (edited June 08, 2000).]


      • #78
        We will continue in this thread on the condition that you two stop your *****ing now! From this point forward, if either of you or anyone else continues this flame war they will be banned from the thread. Please, I want this story thread to do well but it can't if it becomes a flame war.

        -GeoDan, Apolyton Geography Expert
        AKA GeoDude

        My E-Mail:

        Come to my forum: Cool History


        • #79
          Technically this thread is for starting plans and claims. And that is the reason I suggested that we take our war else were


          • #80
            Well, Bearcat, if those veterans you spoke of ever come here, then I'll start a second thread. Where are they, anyway?
            Do you have AIM?

            -GeoDan, Apolyton Geography Expert
            AKA GeoDude

            My E-Mail:

            Come to my forum: Cool History


            • #81
              I e-mailed a few of 'em but I don't know if they'll show.


              • #82
                Wait a week or so. Final exams are starting and alot of people are busy with them. Not only that but if you are actually involved in DoftheW, there are like 10 active posters, not even, it is very busy. This is the season where all these new forums and threads pop up. I have had alot of invitations to TONS of new story threads and the like.

                Almighty ruler and Resident God!!
                Almighty ruler and Resident God!!
                The more you know, the more you realize you dont know - Shep


                • #83
                  I will take the Scots!

                  Administrator at
                  Visit the forums!


                  • #84
                    Okay. In a week, I will start a new thread for the actual story. Until then, this one is for signing up and picking countries.

                    -GeoDan, Apolyton Geography Expert
                    AKA GeoDude

                    My E-Mail:

                    Come to my forum: Cool History


                    • #85
                      Note people the Holy Roman Empire was very amorphous (sp?) and the Empire had virtually ZERO power outside his own lands (which would consist of something about the size of austria...)

                      I'll be the Pope if Midshipmad doesn't want it.

                      Spartan187: The Baltic tribes were not united and they were pagan at this time. And I don't think they were either Slavic or Germanic but I could be wrong...

                      Nap: I don't think Italy was terribly united at this point either

                      I'll the the most honorable Doge Bosco of the Serenissima (ie Venice )
                      [This message has been edited by Boshko (edited June 15, 2000).]


                      • #86
                        Nope, I'm still the Papal Lands and the Pope. I just really haven't wanted to participate in this flame war.
                        But I kick that ball, and I pray it goes straight,
                        If it does, then Coach says, "Good job number eight."
                        He doesn't even no my name is Andre Kristacovitchlalinski, Jr.
                        But that's the life I live...Lonesome Kicker


                        • #87
                          I think it's over.


                          • #88
                            Yes, it is over.

                            Sometime tomorrow I'll post an updated list of participants. Does anyone have a blank map of Europe they could e-mail me?

                            -GeoDan, Apolyton Geography Expert
                            AKA GeoDude

                            My E-Mail:

                            Come to my forum: Cool History


                            • #89
                              -The East/West schism didn't occur until 1054
                              -Dalmatia was conquered by Venice in the year 1000, so it's mine. See:
                              -This is before the Norman conquest (1066 and all that )
                              -Moscow has not yet been founded.
                              -Throughout this period (I think it's about this period), northern italy was fought over A LOT by the Emperor (it's all part of the Holy Roman Empire, except Venice) and the Pope...
                              for more italian history see the second half of:
                              "Notwithstanding their formal subjection to the emperor, his Italian feudal lords (and with them, though often in opposition, the newly emerging urban middle-classes, the religious and military aristocracy and the administrative bureaucracy) were particularly attached to the personal and caste privileges they had gradually acquired. Thus it was not surprising that they rebelled, led by Arduin, marquis of Ivrea, who was elected king of Italy (1002-14), against the excessive demands of the bishops and counts and the imperial attempts to re-establish supremacy."
                              If I remember correctly the Kingdom of Italy wasn't terribly unified and was fairly short-lived.

                              note to self on Venice:
                              "Lacking a hinterland for centuries, the city was governed by a Maggior Consiglio presided over by a doge, supporting itself essentially by sea trade. It managed to achieve a monopoly over Eastern Mediterranean traffic by establishing permanent commercial bases (fondachi) that were often transformed into colonies."


                              • #90
                                Boshko, do you think you might be able to make a new map? Or anyone else for that matter????

