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Europe 1750...

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  • Europe 1750...


    These are the rules for this. Yes I know their complex, but bear with me... this has potential

    First, there is a specific game map we'll be using.
    Here's my finished European Map

    The terrain that has green and national colors going through it is woods...
    they can affect the results of battles.

    ECONOMY - You need money to keep your country running. Your total budget each three month period (day) comes from the territories you have. As a good rule of thumb, no more than 30% of your budget should go to teh military in peacetime, and no more than 50% in wartime. Without some basic services and/or tax relief, your people may become angry and teh moderator will have to throw some random events at you.

    You will notice that cities are located on the map. The city sizes are shown by the number of stacks on the factory:

    5 stacks- Metropolis
    4 stacks- Huge
    3 stacks- Large
    2 stacks- Medium
    1 stack- Small

    Cities add money to your coffers... $10 per stack. Also note that each section of your territory has a number in it. This number times 10 is the amount of money this territory generates, in addition to any cities located there. For instance, a territory of 6 generates $60 per turn, in addition to any cities that are there. You need money to build and maintain your armies and navies.

    For instance, England has a territory point total in Europe of 115. This section add us to $1150. Her cities total 54, which adds $540 to her budget...thus she has a total budget of $1690. Of this, if she's at peace, 30% * $1690= $507.00, her military budget. She has 100,000 standing regulars, which (as we shall see) add up to $200... and she has 10 heavy, 15 light, 5 privateers, and 2 tranports to total $117.50... thus she has $189.50 to spend on new purchases. You can run a deficit for a while, but if your budget dips below zero, army and navy units will have to be disbanded.


    The largest part of any army is the infantry, foot soldiers with muskets. If the infantry is ordered on an outflanking movement, it is assumed that it will arrive on the second of three turns in a battle for calculation purposes. (which I will get to )
    Cavalry, troops mounted on horses, have only their main difference when outflanking an opposing army. They will arrive on round one (assuming they don't get lost) of combat on the enemies flank.
    Artillery at this time was really a subsidiary of these two dominant types. Most artillery was used locally, and once battle was joined, didn't participate much thereafter. There were no artillery reserves to say, artillery was instead parcelled out as deemed neccessary to individual small units, and never had its firepower fully exploited.

    There are two types of troops in this game, regulars and militia.

    REGULARS - these are the professional core of any army. Trained and well versed, these are the soldiers you can rely on in combat. Regulars have a 0 advantage in combat in normal situations.
    Special Case - Prussian Regulars, due to their excellent training, have a +1 in combat. It costs $2 to raise 1,000 regulars, and $1 to maintain them per three month period. Regulars take two turns to train after being mustered.

    MILITIA - These are basically civilians with guns. Militias are usually called up at times when sheer numbers are preferred over quality. These troops are dubious at best, and horrible at worst. It costs $1 dollar to build 1,000 militia, and $0.5 to maintain 1,000 militia. Militia will appear the turn after they are mustered.
    Militia have a -1 in combat.
    Militia in service for more than 4 turns (1 year) begin to suffer from homesickness, and have an additional -1 added to their combat. In addition, militia who are homesick have a chance every turn of deserting. (I roll a die, and if the result is a 1 or less, they desert) Each additional six month (2 turn) period the militia is in service takes a 1 away from the die roll. (thus militia cannot be in service for more than 3 and a half years straight)

    When ordered, army units will be first deployed in the cities of the rulers choice.

    Armies also have two main types of units and one subsidiary unit.

    These minuses will take effect if more than 1/2 the army is of that type (due to the fact that the moderator needs some relief from calculations), so an army of 12 regulars and 11 militia would be counted as regulars, and vice versa.

    Fleets can also be built at ports (the cities that have near them their names in blue and the size)
    The blue boxes with numbers (such as Yarmouth with 80 under it) indicate ports and how large they are (the largest is London, with 110). Large ports can service and build more ships than smaller ports.

    There are basically four different ship types in this game, and all appear at the port they are assigned to be built in:

    HEAVY WARSHIPS: Ships of the line. These big bad boys were the battleships of their day, mounting between 60 and 130 cannon. They were the ultimate measure of a nations power at sea. A squadron of heavy ships costs $10 to build and $5 to maintain. Heavy ships take 5 turns to build. They can only be built in ports of size 50 or greater.

    LIGHT WARSHIPS: Frigates and corvettes. These ships, with 20-50 guns, were designed to be the eyes of the fleet, and to act as commerce raiders or fast messengers when neccessary. Cost $5 to build and $2.5 to maintain. Take 2 turns to build, and can be built in any port.

    PRIVATEERS: Small ships commissioned by the governmetn via letter of marque to hunt down and destroy enemy shipping. These ships are far too weak to face regular enemy fleet units and expect to regularly survive. As these ships are pre-existing, and are privately owned, the government pays no construction cost. But $5 is required per period to pay for these vessels, and their crews. Appear next turn in the largest port og that nation.

    TRANPORTS: One is required per corps to be transported. These ships are unarmed, and msut be escorted. If a transport is attacked and lost, all troops aboard are lost as well... They cost $1 per turn to maintain. Appear next turn in any port of teh rulers choosing.

    MOVEMENT: Armies can move one territory per turn, and navies can move one sea space per turn. Armies in the same land territory and navies in teh same sea territory will engage in COMBAT (see combat section).

    If an army moves into a province owned by another nation, and no opposition is encountered, the province becomes part of the armies nation, and acts as any normal province would.

    I'm posting the comabt section tommorrow... right now I'm very tired...

    [This message has been edited by General_BT (edited April 13, 2000).]
    [This message has been edited by General_BT (edited April 13, 2000).]

  • #2
    As Denmark I have 510 points... how many troops do I have?
    Lo there do I see my father
    Lo there do I see my mother
    and my sisters and my brothers
    Lo there do I see the line of my people
    back to the begining
    Lo they do call to me
    They bid me take my place among them
    in the Halls of Valhalla
    where the brave may live forever


    • #3
      Onto the Combat Section
      First off, each nation has the following standing army of regular at the start of the game:
      Piedmont-Savoy (as listed in War of Austria Succession): 30,000
      Spain: 130,000
      Prussia: 80,000
      France: 350,000
      Britain: 100,000
      Denmark: 75,000
      Sweden: 60,000
      Russia: 210,000
      Austria: 180,000
      Ottoman Empire: 260,000
      Naples: 45,000
      Bavaria: 35,000
      Portugal: 50,000
      Venetia: 20,000
      Papacy: 20,000
      Tuscany: 15,000
      Lombardy: 15,000
      Poland: 85,000
      Holland" 40,000

      Each nation also has teh following standing fleet squadrons:
      10 heavy, 15 light, 5 privateers, 5 transports

      7 heavy, 11 light, 8 privateers, 3 transport

      6 heavy, 8 light, 3 privateers, 2 transport

      4 heavy, 5 light, 2 privateers

      3 heavy, 5 light, 1 privateer

      3 heavy, 4 light, 1 privateer

      4 heavy, 6 light

      1 heavy, 2 light

      3 heavy, 5 light

      3 light

      2 light

      Ottoman Empire:
      2 heavy, 5 light, 2 privateers

      Prussia: 1 light

      And the world at this time has teh following military leaders. Rank A leaders will take command over rank B and C, and rank R commanders are royalty, and always take overall command. (Leaders Name - charisma, ability, aggression, rank):

      Marquis de Belle-Isle 2,2,1 A
      Maurice of Savoy 3,4,3 A
      Broglie 2,2,1 A
      Aremberg 2,3,2 A
      Prince of Conti 1,3,2 B
      Duc d'Harcourt 2,1,3 C
      Duc d'Coigny 3,2,2 A
      Duc d'Noailles 1,3,2 B
      Louis XV 1,4,3 R
      Count Maillebios 2,1,3 B
      Montcalm 4,4,4 C
      Marquis de Contades 2,1,1 A

      Count Gages 2,2,4 B
      Don Phillip 3,1,2 A

      Frederick II 5,4,5 R
      Schwerin 4,3,3 A
      Lehwaldt 2,3,3 C
      von Wuertemmburg 3,1,3 C
      v. Zieten 4,3,4 B
      Dessauer 2,1,3 B
      Prince Henry 3,3,2 B
      Brunswick 3,3,4 B
      von Fink 2,1,1 C
      Keith 3,1,3 B

      Neipperg 1,1,3 A
      Prince Charles of Lorraine 2,1,3 R
      Daun 2,2,2 B
      Nadasti 1,3,2 C
      Colloredo 2,1,2 B
      Lobowitz 2,1,2 B
      Browne 2,3,2 A
      Batthyany 1,2,1 C

      Sachen Weissenfells 2,1,2 A

      Apraksin 2,2,4 B
      Fermor 3,2,2 B
      Soltikov 3,4,3 A

      Traun 2,1,3 B
      Charles Emmanuel 4,3,5 R

      Duke of Cumberland 2,3,4 R
      Lord Stair 2,1,2 A
      Wade 1,3,1 A
      George II 2,5,4 R
      Braddock 1,2,2 C
      Eyre Coote 2,1,2 C
      Robert Clive 5,4,5 C
      Abercromby 1,2,1 C
      Amherst 3,2,3 C
      Wolfe 5,4,4 C

      Maximillian III 3,2,3 R

      Maurice of Nassau 2,2,1 B

      Grand Vizier 2,1,2 R

      Christian X? 2,1,3 R

      Your standing armies have to be divided into corps of approximately 20,000 men or less. You can combine corps to form larger armies... such as an army of 80,000 will most likely have 4 corps making it up.
      Allied nations can form combined armies with corps from both nation taking part.

      The military leaders above are assigned to corps, and when corps are combined into an army, the most senior commander will be the one used for calculations. Charisma points come in for army morale; the higher the commanders charisma, the higher the armies morale (Armies have a base morale of two. A charisma of 2 would add two points to this, raising the morale to 4). The higher the commanders aggression, the more likely his army when ordered to attack will do so (Before battle, rolls will be made to see if the attacker actually attacks the defender. Teh roll is simple, 3 or less no attack occurs, 3 or more the attack does close with the enemy. For every two aggression points, a +1 is added to teh die roll...). And finally, teh more skilled your leader is than his opponent, your army will recieve bonuses. (+1 for every 2 skill points you commander is above theirs).

      When engaging in combat, you have t pick a tactic for your army. The tactics are different for the attacker or defender, but they are pretty basic.

      When you get into a battle, you either post, email me, or ICQ me how many of your forces are involved, their overrall leader, and your tactic. I'll post the battle results (using a nice little program I found ) in a story form.

      Offensive Tactic
      ASSAULT - Basically charge your opponents head on. Good when you have a very large numerical advantage or morale advantage.

      ECHELON - An attack weighted on one side to drive the enemy from the field in that sector.

      ENVELOP - Attempt to surround and cut off the enemy army. Note that Flanking forces must be assigned; ie. you'll have to tell me that of you x number of men, y are being assigned to the flanking force.

      OUTFLANK - Same as envelop except your only flanking the enemy on one side. Once again you have to divide your forces.

      PROBE - March forward and engage in light combat with teh enemy. Good for gauging his strength (as you won't know his exact numbers until you have engaged him in combat)

      Defensive Tactics
      If you're the defender, you have these choices to pick from.

      COUNTERATTACK - Absorb the enemy's assault, and then launch one of your own at your tired opponents. GOod against forces you outnumber.

      DEFEND - Hunker down and try and build defenses

      COUNTER-ECHELON - Laucnh an attack at a specific point on the enemy line in response to their assaults.

      OUTFLANK - same as for offense

      ENVELOP - same as for offense

      MASSED RESERVE - You deploy small parts of your army forward to take the brunt of the battle, and then send the rest of your forces down at the last minute when the enemy is tired after combat.

      WITHDRAW - attempt to retreat

      COmbat is divided into three rounds. Infantry assigned to an outflank or envelop will begin their flanking attacks at the end of round 2 (their effects will be felt only for round three), while cavalry assigned to the same job will arrive on the enemies flank at the end of round one (their effects will be felt over rounds two AND three).

      You starting standing armies are usually split into infantry and cavalry as such: 70% infantry, 30% cavalry. For instance, Holland has a starting army of 40,000 troops. That means they have 28,000 infantry and 12,000 cavalry.

      Terrain will also have an effect on the battle. Fighting in forests, swamps, or mountains gives teh attackers a -1.

      You can divide your forces into corps, and deploy them in your territory as you see fit. You can assign commanders as you see fit as well.

      When deploying your troops, you can divide your forces into pure infantry and cavalry corps, or mix them (if you want to be a pain for the mod! ).

      New forces can be deployed only in groups of 20,000 at any city within your control. New fleet squadrons are deployed at the port in which they were built.

      [This message has been edited by General_BT (edited April 13, 2000).]


      • #4
        What about Cossaks?


        • #5
          Finally, the moderator will control all the NPCs, until a new player wants to take that nation (c'mon people, Poland and Sweden are up for grabs!)

          Other than that I'm going to do some random events every now and then, lets get started!

          Start by posting your initial deployments, and your first news.

          Cossacks will be one of the randon events... as they historically switched sides from Russia to the Ottomans,a dn back...
          [This message has been edited by General_BT (edited April 13, 2000).]


          • #6
            Who's who:

            Russia - Boshko
            England - Midshipman
            France - PolarisGL
            Prussia - Mao
            Denmark - Coug
            Holland - BasV
            Spain - Napoleon Bonaparte
            Austria - Bearcat
            Ottomans - Bill3000
            Poland - Jools?

            PLayers without a picked country-
            Chris Szabla

            Open nations-
            Mameluke Egypt
            Barbary Coast
            Central German Duchies (Hesse)

            We'll start actually playing on MOnday (when Boshko gets back), but feel free to negotiate, issue your first builds, etc. right now...
            It'll also give me time to get all the deployments on the map.

            [This message has been edited by General_BT (edited April 13, 2000).]


            • #7
              Midshipman and Bearcat do either of you have ICQ?? What's your e-mail Bearcat?
              note to self Midshipman's e-mail:

              Leader Assignments:
              Soltikov: Grand Imperial Commander of the South (Kharkov)
              Apraksin: Imperial Commander of the North (Vitebsk)
              Fermor: Imperial Commander of the East (Stavropel)

              all the navy's stationed at Riga currently.

              I have 10 Corps of 20,000 and a 10,000-man Imperial Guard stationed at Moscow (the capital's been moved back since the Rurik Restoration).

              I Corp: Riga
              II Corp: Vitebsk
              III Corp: Kiev
              IV Corp: Khazkov
              V Corp: Tzaritsyn
              VI Corp: Stavropel
              VII Corp: Tiflis
              VIII Corp: Petrograd (name changed since the Rurik Restoration)
              IX Corp: Smolensk
              X Corp: Voronezh


              • #8
                NPC initial deployments and orders
                MAMELUKE EGYPT
                (which I forgot to assign a standing army... 60,000 for now)
                3 Corps

                I Corps 20,000 troops at Damietta
                II Corps 20,000 troops at Benghazi
                III Corps 20,000 troops in Cairo

                Budget = $590 = $177 for military
                $117 available for purchases.
                Ordering 60,000 regulars, 1 Heavy squadron, 5 light squadrons to be built in Cairo...

                60,000 standing troops
                I Corps 20,000 troops at Sveiaborg
                II Corps 20,000 troops at Stockholm
                III Corps 20,000 troops at Gothenburg

                Navy all at Stockholm

                Budget = $480 = $144 military
                $54 available for purchases
                10,000 regulars have been ordered

                BARBARY COAST
                30,000 standing troops
                I Corps 15,000 at Tangier
                II Corps 15,000 at Tunis

                $440 budget = $132 military
                $102 available for purchases
                10 privateers ordered, 15,000 regulars ordered

                45,000 standing troops
                1 heavy, 2 light warships

                I Corps 15,000 troops N of Naples
                II Corps 20,000 troops at Naples
                III Corps 10,000 troops at Palermo

                Fleet at Naples

                Budget = $480 = $144 military
                $89 to spend on military
                30,000 regulars to be mustered, 1 heavy squadron built at Naples

                15,000 troops standing
                I Corps - at Florence

                Budget = $200 = $60 military
                $45 to spend
                40,000 regulars to be ordered
                1 light warship built at Leghorn

                15,000 troops standing
                I Corps - at Milan
                Budget= $240 = $80 military
                $65 surplus
                25,000 regulars ordered

                35,000 troops standing
                I Corps 20,000 troops with Maximillian III
                at Munich
                II Corps 15,000 troops at Nuremburg

                Budget = $260 = $78 military
                $43 surplus
                20,000 regulars to be called up

                30,000 troops standing
                2 light warship
                I Corps 15,000 under Charles Emmanuel at Turin
                I Corps 15,000 under Traun at Genoa
                Fleet at Genoa

                Budget = $220 = $61 for military
                $31 surplus
                10,000 regulars ordered, 2 light warships to be built at Genoa

                20,000 standing troops
                3 light warships
                Fleet at Venice
                I Corps at Venice

                Budget= $340= $102 military
                $74.5 for spending
                10,000 regulars to be ordered
                2 heavy, 4 light warships to be built in Venice

                HESSE/GERMAN DUCHIES
                40,000 standing regulars
                I Corps 20,000 troops at Kassel
                II Corps 20,000 troops at Erfurt
                Budget = $230 = $69 military
                $29 spending
                10,000 regulars called

                40,000 standing regulars
                I Corps 20,000 under Sachen Weissenfells at Dresden
                II Corps 20,000 at Wittemburg
                Budget = $230 = military of $69
                $29 available for purchases
                10,000 regulars to be recruited

                Russia Builds
                (Boshko, I'm assumign what you told me on ICQ is what you were building.)
                350,000 regulars
                11 light warships

                [This message has been edited by General_BT (edited April 13, 2000).]


                • #9
                  OOC: Dumb question: How do we get new leaders? If there is a way. And if we do, is it all balanced? As Prussia would usually develop better generals than say the Ottomans.

                  Also, are alliances in play? What year is it? I assume it's 1750, so are the alliances in 1750 in play for this thread?

                  Now I'll go figure my budget...
                  Who wants DVDs? Good prices! I swear!


                  • #10
                    Edit: Crap, forgot to count Cologne!

                    OK, let's see if I can get this right...Feel free to correct me anywhere...

                    As I see it:

                    Budget: $790
                    Budget Used On Military: $237
                    Maintain 80,000 troops: $80
                    Maintain one (1) Light Warship: $2.50
                    Budget Surplus: $154.50

                    Raising: 77,000 Regulars

                    Surplus: $.50

                    Deployment: (Note: Each of my Corps has 10,000 men)

                    I Corps: Berlin, led by Frederick II
                    II Corps: East Prussia, led by Schwerin
                    III Corps: Glogau, led by v. Zieten
                    IV Corps: Magdeburg, led by Prince Henry
                    V Corps: Cologne, led by Brunswick
                    VI Corps: Pomnerania, led by Lehwaldt
                    VII Corps: Brandenburg, led by von Wuertemmburg
                    VIII Corps: Silesia, led by Dessauer

                    Light Warship: Stettin
                    [This message has been edited by Mao (edited April 13, 2000).]
                    [This message has been edited by Mao (edited April 15, 2000).]
                    [This message has been edited by Mao (edited April 17, 2000).]
                    Who wants DVDs? Good prices! I swear!


                    • #11
                      OOC: Holy God this looks complicated...but i am still in...

                      Almighty ruler and Resident God!!
                      Almighty ruler and Resident God!!
                      The more you know, the more you realize you dont know - Shep


                      • #12
                        I'm still trying to figure out how to assign new leaders, and how to get their attributes... I think the attributes can be a die roll -1... but how to assign them... hmmm

                        Well, the alliances at this time were changing rapidly. IRL jsut two years before France and Prussia fought side by side against England and Austria. Only a few years later, they were fighting again with France and Austria against England and Prussia... so alliances are pretty much what you choose them to be.

                        Mao, your stats look fine. This really isn't as complex as all the wording makes it out to be... its much MUCH simpler than the game I based it on...

                        Here's the Map as it Stands Right Now

                        I don't have everyone's deployments yet, but hopefully by the end of tonight I'll have all deployed corps and fleets down. I was hoping t keep this updated with movements...

                        [This message has been edited by General_BT (edited April 13, 2000).]


                        • #13
                          So do my stats look right?
                          Who wants DVDs? Good prices! I swear!


                          • #14
                            BT: That map is just a big large...I started dl it about 3 minutes ago and it is still going...probably geocities though...

                            Almighty ruler and Resident God!!
                            Almighty ruler and Resident God!!
                            The more you know, the more you realize you dont know - Shep


                            • #15
                     I the only one that thinks this is really just a very complicated game of diplomacy? hehe...
                              Who wants DVDs? Good prices! I swear!

