I got a question! It is most likely there, but i dont see it. Can naval units such as heavy ships help in the attacking of costal provinces and citys?
No announcement yet.
Europe 1750...
I don't think navies can really help...
During this time naval bombardment of the shoreline was a crude affair at best... it required specialized Mortar or Bomb Ketches, and even these were so innaccurate that they weren't used often.
And Navies have tactics as well, but only three.
Linear attack is basically your ships line up end to end, and close range with the enemy, while linear defense means your ships line up likewise and return fire.
MELEE - Every ship for itself. The attackers attempt to break the enemies line, and attempt to break the battle down into individual ship=to=ship engagements. The British were usually successful at this. The British navy recieves a +1 on all its rolls.
Bearcat - what about the Austrians?
[This message has been edited by General_BT (edited April 14, 2000).]
Let's see, I've got 20 territory points, and six smokestacks. That gives me a total income of 260, and a military budget of 78.
I've got 3 corps of a little under 14.000 men right now. Total maintenance cost for the army is 40.
I Corps - Breda
II Corps - Amsterdam
III Corps - Gelderland
My navy consists of:
4 Heavy warships, 5 light warships and 2 privateers. Total upkeep is 42,5.
So, I'm running a budget deficit of 4,5.
BT, how are colonies interpreted in here? I mean, that was one of the main sources of income of the Netherlands at the time...
hmm...all the good countries are pretty much taken...I'll take Naples and hope I can unite ItalyThe establishment of a Hebrew government and the implementation of its plans - this is the sole way of rescuing our people, salvaging our existence and our honor. We will follow this path, for there is no other. We will fight! Every Jew in our homeland will fight!
A 75000 army, 3 corps.
I Corps - 25000 troops at Hamburg
II Corps - 15000 troops at Copenhagen led by Christian X
III Corps - 35000 troops at Christiania
Fleet, all at Christiania
Total Budget:
Taxes = £510
- Military = £152.5
TOTAL = £357.5
75000 troops = £75
+ Heavy Warship = £15
+ Light Warships = £12.5
Privateers = £5
TOTAL = £107.5
To upgrade:
Total Amount = £153
- Upkeep = £107.5
TOTAL = $45.5
10000 troops = £20
1 Heavy Warship = £10
3 Light Warships = £15
TOTAL = £45
Military budget:
Total = £152.5
- Upkeep = £107.5
- Builds = £45
TOTAL = £0
Lo there do I see my father
Lo there do I see my mother
and my sisters and my brothers
Lo there do I see the line of my people
back to the begining
Lo they do call to me
They bid me take my place among them
in the Halls of Valhalla
where the brave may live forever
Stacks: 390
Territories: 1160
Total: 1550
Military Budget: 465
Leftover: 1085
Regulars: -130
Heavy: -30
Light: -20
Privateer: -15
Transport: -2
Total fees: -197
Military left: 268
Deplyments: 130k = 8 Corps
I Corp(10,000 Guard) in Madrid
II Corp in Gerona
III Corp in San Sebastian
IV Corp in Leon
V Corp in Badajoz
VI Corp in Cadiz
VII Corp in Saragossa
VIII Corp in Barcelona
Navy in Cadiz:
2 Heavy
3 Light
1 Privateer
Navy in Barcelona:
2 Heavy
2 Light
1 Privateer
2 Transport
Navy in Corunna:
2 Heavy
3 Light
1 Privateer
5 Heavy (Each of my ports)
4 Transport
60,000 Regulars
Almighty ruler and Resident God!!Almighty ruler and Resident God!!
The more you know, the more you realize you dont know - Shep
Colonies are hopefully going to be interpreted...
Since I can't find a colony map outside the Americas how about this...
I can draw on the America's map links to teh different colonies (some are already there), with their point numbers listed under them.
This would be temporary, until I can draw colony maps...
As I have a relatively good map of the Americas (I'm cleaning it up right now), we have those, and hopefully I can get a good map of India, and SE Asia...
How will colonies be interpreted? It shouldn't be just a source of money IMHO because IRL countries had to garrison their colonies with troops, and sometimes fight on colonial soil. Also, to get their "treasure" ships from a colony to the moderland, they would be vulnerable to attack by pirates, privateers from other nations, and sinkings. Sometimes they were given escorts, which should also be represented. The way I figure it, every time a treasure ship goes from a colonial port to a motherland port, the mod would roll the die with a chance of the ship sinking, attacked by pirates, etc. The chance of pirate attack, of course, would be reduced if the treasure convoy has a naval escort. If we do make colonies represented, BT would have to draw another set of maps for the colonies.Who wants DVDs? Good prices! I swear!
Okay, I got Egypt. Since Egypt wasn't assigned a military, shall we say I have 120,000 in it? I gotta combat the Ottomans.....
59 total points, for 590 bucks. 196 goes to military, so:
ARMY I: 30,000 men. Deployed in westernmost blue box.
20,000 regulars: 20$
10,000 militia: 5$
ARMY II: 25,000 men. Deployed in northeasternmost blue box.
15,000 regulars: 15$
10,000 militia: 5$
ARMY III: 35,000 men. Deployed in southwesternmost desert box.
20,000 regulars: 20$
15,000 militia: 7.5$
ARMY IV: 30,000 men. Deployed in Cairo.
20,000 regulars: 20$
10,000 militia: 5$
Total: 97.5
Remaining: 98.5
1 heavy ship
3 light ships
10 transports
Hiring 2 privateers.
Total: 25
Remaining: 72.5
20,000 Regulars
10,000 Militia
Total: 50
A surplus 22.5 will be saved for next turn.
All armies are building defenses to increase their effectiveness(BT there should be a rule about this, an army in a fort is much better than an army in open terrain).
Pharoah Jontkum Trikan sat in Cairo. It had been three years since he had shown the people that the old Egyptian monarchy was the only way to return Egypt to its former glory. And they had believed in him. Now Trikan would be using that power. Egypt would be growing, and growing soon....."When you tell people where to go, but not where to get there, you'll be amazed at the results."
- General George S. Patton