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Really Big Nameless Thread Part VIII

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  • #16
    African Operation Reporting...

    The Indian army has reached Niamey, Niger. Niger is now in Indian African Colonial hands, and will begin infrastructure repair immediately. (more details to come)

    As well as taking Niger, the Indian forces have been driving farther into Mali, siezing key cities. The country of Mail should be in Indian hands in a matter of a week. (more details to come)

    OOC: I am France in fourth war!
    Please Visit:

    And contribute if you can!


    • #17
      To The World
      Our people?
      do you know someone who has lived under a de facto regime?
      they shoot at you if you don't agree with them. i still think it's an unprovoked war.
      please! we don't want to fight, we will be forced to blow the bridges connecting us to Brazil. You can't set up pontoons over the Uruguay, Parana, Iguazu, Pilcomayo, Pepirí Guazu or San Antonio rivers due to their flow and coasts. your troops will suffer some losses and, if you manage to conquer Argentina, you'll have to kill most of the population in order to prevent revolts. we are willing to pay for the damage Charly did to you.
      To UK
      Will you let german ships wander around the falklands? please help!
      Indifference is Bliss


      • #18
        Mod Stuff:
        Check the past thread, Polaris, for the ruling on taking countries so quickly. Your advance is proceeding. It will be a minimum of two more days in real time before these countries are completely in your hands.

        The planned Sino-German attacks will take a minimum of four or five days. Probably more. And Germany and China are invading less territory than you.

        This mod stuff makes me look mean. If you want to complain, ICQ me or post in the OOC thread.


        • #19
          To Chile and Argentina:
          We ask only for new elections to be called and that they be monitored by the UN for fairness. If the first elections were fair, the outcome will be the same and you have nothing to worry about.

          At Sea:
          German submarines have been recalled from the waters around Chile and Argentina. They will soon be needed elsewhere. Only two German Oscar-class submarines remain in the vicinity. These submarines will soon be out of torpedos and Shipwreck missiles and will be returning to Venezuela for reloading.

          In New England:
          German troops continued to drive back the forces of Demesos. German intellgence now indicates that perhaps the leaders of Demesos were being manipulated by business and military interests. These new reports have caused the German government to begin to alter its policy against Demesos. Though the government has yet to announce what this policy change might be.
          [This message has been edited by Scott F (edited March 28, 2000).]


          • #20
            At Los Angeles:

            3 carriers with full escorts leave their port, heading west for an unknown reason.....

            To: Russia
            From: CTA

            We see you are attacking a helpless nation much smaller than your own and of little value to you. Why must you conquer them? We demand that you pull back from Scandanavia immediatly.
            "When you tell people where to go, but not where to get there, you'll be amazed at the results."
            - General George S. Patton


            • #21
              NEWSFLASH: Headlines in "El Mercurio"
              German Submarines wreck Chilean Trade
              Chilean intelligence intercepted a German encoded message and, yesterday, 4 destroyers set out from Easter Island to search and destroy a German submarines that since Saturday have been threatening Chilean trade.
              Official reports say that 2 of the destroyers are severely damaged but that the submarine was damaged by the depth charges and forced to surface. As they surfaced it was ripped in half by 12inch shells from 3 destroyers as one had fled the battle, almost destroyed. But before it was destroyed, a torpedo was released which completely inutilized the rudder. But it was repaired and the 4 victorious destroyers have docked safely and repairs are underway. It has also been reported that the submarine was destroyed within Chilean waters.
              Six men were salvaged from the wreckage and await in a Chilean prison to be interrogated by the General Staff.

              First McDonalds opens in Santiago!
              Today, the mayor of Santiago inaugurated the first Chilean McDonalds accompanied by the British ambassador in Chile. "This move by the British to invest in Santiago is excellent for our country. And the decrease in taxes shall help the people and country to prosper. We shall soon be a world power." he is reported to have said.
              Later, he had tea with the ambassador for th UK and disscussed foreign policy.
              "The British ambassador said that he will encourage British investment in Chile." he said later "From here, our economy can only grow."

              New oil refinery opens in Punta Arenas.
              This shall boost refined oil production by 5000 drums of processed petroleum products per day.

              New shipyard opens in Antofagasta
              The new shipyard is operational and has already begun construction of a new heavy cruiser.

              Chileo-Peruvian Border is being heavily fortified.
              "Intelligence reports indicate to us that Peru may be planning to invade Chile before the end of the year." said an official source. "In the mountains, strategic howitzer and artillery pieces are being placed in order to ensure the security of our nation. Also, the new Valdivian forces are being trained in order two secure two battalions of elite infantry. And patrols have been enforced.
              Officials have refused to say more, except that a new aircraft base is under ocnstruction in the desert near Chuquicamata. Its strength is secret.

              Air raid sirens sound in Santiago!
              Yesterday, sirens sounded in Santiago, Talcahuano, Concepcion and Antofagasta so as to train the populace in case of an air raid. No problems were reported. Meanwhile, these cities are being fitted out with AA Guns in order to defend the industries and populations of those cities. And trenches are being dug around these as defense precautions.

              Argentine pilots return home after training Chilean pilots
              "They are almost as good as we are." said one of the Argentine yesterday. "They're as good as any, and those fighters have now been made to appear as deadly weapons of war. Bombers beware!

              The price of oil goes up.
              In an attempt to encourage oil industries, the price of crude oil went up 25% and the price of refined oil went up 10%. This is so as to discourage the private usage of cars and widen the usage of the public transportation networks.
              Officials say that this new measure will bring down oil consumption almost 15%.

              Unemployment down to 4.5%.
              Due to new industries and commerces, unemployment is down to 4.5% said a government official.

              New RaDAR is being researched.
              This new high frequency radar's objective is to render most stealth technology obsolete. But prospects are not good and research may go on for a long time.

              New law guaranteeing private property was passed yesterday in the senate.
              National corporations shall be worker owned.
              Foreign corporations shall pay workers a decent wage.
              Small enterprise shall be investor owned.

              Demonstration in Santiago.
              Fifteen hundred family members of those killed last week in the torpedoeing of the holiday cruiser demonstrated yesterday in front of the German embassy in Santiago.
              They were reported to burn German flags and effigies of their current president, Scott Fluhr.
              The German ambassador has been declared non-grate citizen in Chile and has fled the country.

              Ministry of Foreign Affairs:
              To REST OF THE WORLD:
              Chilean government reports that they wish to buy:
              1) Capital Ships (destroyers and cruisers mainly)
              2) Submarines
              3) Aircraft.

              Flight in Chilean air space is strictly forbidden for all nations and companies except LanChile. Any other aircraft will be shot down without further notice.
              The Chilean sea is being mined because of the incursions of German submarines. Trade shall occur at 200 nautical miles from land with the passage of goods from foreign to Chilean ships at that point. Chilean government now no longer makes itself responsible for the loss of any foreign ships in its waters.

              Any destroyer class ships that are protecting their convoys is called upon and asked to please remain in Chilean waters until the threat ends so as to help disuade German subs from further action.
              The Germans continue their destruction of civilian and trading ships sailing to Chile. Help us sanction Germany in order to establish fluent economic relations.
              The Atacama desert is also being mined with anti tank mines that could rip soldiers in half...

              To PERU:
              We MUST strengthen our friendship. Our new militarisation is purely defensive and we assure to you that the new fortifications present no threat to your great nation. We shall NEVER attack you unprovoked.

              To BRAZIL:
              OOC: Stop your advance until your advance is replied by HsFB./OOC
              We plead to you that you cease your attack on Argentina, for the war shall be heavy on both sides with losses. Settle your differences and force Argentina to pay reparations, for it will be the most profitable move for your great nation.

              To UK:
              The new McDonalds are up and running. The investment reaches 35 million pounds sterling.
              The threat presented by German submarines is enourmous. We apologise for this and we are working to end this threat. Help us combat these raids.
              We have met personally with your ambassador to settle a trade agreement.
              We wish for you to fly in to Santiago in a month to recieve a medal.
              We shall also present to you the lands previously held by Scott F as a gift and token of our appreciation.

              We insist that we open up our economies. Believe us, Chile is a truly democratic country which only intends for our communal peace and seeks South American prosperity.

              To GERMANY:
              Cease these unprovoked aggressions.
              We must sign a ceasefire!
              ScottF, your country house in Chile has been confiscated.

              To 3 SCIMITARS:
              One of your oil tankers has been sunk 175miles SW of Cape Horn, in Chilean waters, by the German submarine that was destroyed.
              It was confessed by the survivors also that they had sunk a minor trading vessel flying and Iraniaq flag. We invite an ambassador of your nations to reside in Santiago so as to strengthen our relationship.
              We wish to buy the blueprints of the Israeli Merkaba tanks.

              To RUSSIA and CTA:
              As a communist brother we beseech you to issue Germany an ultimatum for its repeated raids on civilian and trading convoys headed for Chilean ports.
              Please defend us from their bullying.

              To SCOTT F:
              How would the UN moderate these elections?
              We only wish for peace.
              OOC: Would I still be able to play even if I "lost"?

              OOC: Someone tell Brazil to end their charade invasion?
              OOC too: And remember everyone that Scott F forbade invasions to Chile on week ends and that Chile is to be ignored on week ends. Any message to Chile, remember, will only be read by Monday so ultimatums cannot be issued to Chile between Fridays and Sundays included.

              SCOTT F: The Name of my country is CHILEAN DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC. Please make, if possible, and necessary corrections. When anyone talks to Chile they shall referr to us as Chile or Hodad... preferably Hodad.


              • #22
                To the World
                In order to show that democracy in argentina is legitime , when Brazil's invasion stops new elections will be held surveyed by the UN

                Oh, and something you all might not know:
                We are still a socialist country, however the workers are paid money and they can use it in what they want.

                We are currently in posseion of Pucará prototypes which carry 2 anti-tank missiles each. First testings were done during the [i]de facto[/b] regime, and we just discovered these and the plans in Anillaco.

                To Germany
                I accept your idea. Also, we didn't send any frigates against your U-Boats; we were tracking them.

                To CRME
                I formally request to buy blueprints of the Israeli Merkava tanks; as our main purpose is to protect our crews.

                To the UK
                We are interested in your Clay/Plastic Fiber composed tank armor, we are open to trading suggestions.

                To Brazil and Peru
                We insist on reaching a desition peacefully, however, we will blow all bridges on the rivers which separate us from you. we have already sent light tanks and men to the dry frontier and to patrol the borders, however, we will not attak unless provoked. A series of fortifications were established on the Peruvian Border, with mountain howitzers and infanty.

                President I am Nestor
                República Argentina
                Indifference is Bliss


                • #23
                  i'll take south africa if thats ok.


                  • #24
                    Oh, I forgot.
                    To everybody
                    Due to army recruits and new factories and manufacturing plants opened by the government, unemployment went from 21% when i assumed to 5%. And i plan to continue to make it fall

                    To the Communist Territories of America
                    We are intersted in getting some Warthogs, or their blueprints.
                    In case Brazil attacks, they will be very useful.

                    Thanks in advance, fellow Comrade!
                    President I am Nestor
                    República Argentina
                    [This message has been edited by HsFB (edited March 28, 2000).]
                    Indifference is Bliss


                    • #25
                      Peruvian soldiers have broken away fro mthe main Brazilian force surrounding Buenos Aires and are headed for Chile. Major-General Vascez and his forces are expected to reach the Chilean border in two days. They will travel through captured territory and punch their way through the light Argentine defenses in the north. Hodad II and Nestor were aptly warned.

                      To Chile - Your time is up. You were aptly warned about perverting democracy and being a world menace. Now you shall pay! (OOC - Hodad I think you could still play if you lost the elections!

                      To Argentina - Brazil will handle you.

                      To Brazil and CW - We trust that you two can handle Argentina. We Peruvians will ahndle Chile.


                      • #26
                        To Bearcat
                        Remember it is prohibited to attack or anything else us during weekends.
                        your forces weren't by Buenos Aires.

                        To all
                        and i still back that we are a true Democracy; after all, nobody attacked Alfonsín when he asumed after Videla was deposed.
                        Besides, if i had commited electoral fraud, the Argentine people will be protesting. and if were supressing them, it will be known.

                        To Brazil
                        After secret meetings with contacts in Uruguay and Paraguay, you might find hard to quell revolutions in those countries IF, and only IF you attack.
                        Indifference is Bliss


                        • #27
                          You can have South Africa Dark Fox.

                          I recommend that you download ICQ at if you do not already have it to talk to the other posters.

                          Let me know what you will call your country.


                          • #28
                            June 10th, 2001

                            To: CTA
                            From: Russia

                            The USSR has already been conquered. There is nothing more to say about the issue. Our ally Germany backs us up completely on the issue. This rogue state was sponsoring world terrorism and we could not allow that to continue so close to our borders.

                            To: CW
                            Can we at least obtain Chobbam armor samples from your nation? We would pay a hefty price for it...

                            To: CRME
                            What ho on our chobbam aquisition?

                            To: China
                            We would like to increase the ammount we trade with you. We would also like to form a defensive alliance with you.

                            In Russia...

                            With repair of the national rail system nearly complete, president Vedaskavitch has announced his plans to modernize and expand industry, economy, and financial sectors of the economy. He has opened the Office of Interior Improvements, the O2, to handle complaints or suggestions by government chartered businesses acrost Russia.

                            In the oil fields of the caucauses, German companies made a wonderful discovery, finding a previously unknown field. It is being studied at this moment to find out the approximate reserve capacity of the field.

                            President Vedaskavitch has also called for the creation of a new Russian Space Agency, called the People's Socialist Space Agency, or PSSA. Old sites in Kazahkstan are being renovated and modernized with new equipment. As a sign of good faith to the project, the President came to witness the launching of 3 new RORSAT spy sattelites.

                            Industrial sectors in Belarus are seeing a revitilization, as Russian contractors find a cheaper alternative to expensive Asian construction of microchips and electrical components. Finland is seeing a large piece of the economic boom as well, with other high-tech industries popping up there as well. Sukhoi announced plans on June 11th to build a new plant outside Helsinki.

                            Russian goods were finding a broad market in a previously untapped China. Envoys have been sent on the possibility of expanding ties to China.

                            Sevestapol's shipyards were being repaired and expanded, as the navy is seeking to expand its warmwater and surface fleet. The Varyag, with construction suspended since the collapse of the Soviet Union, was once again begun work on. It is suspected that this Carrier will join the Soviet fleet in 11 months. The navy announced plans to aquire an additional 2 Carriers of the Kuznetsov class and 20 more escorts within 5 years.


                            • #29
                              In Rhode Island...

                              Floods of refugees have come into Rhode Island. The "Rogue" state is being settled at an unprecented rate. The General Assembly of Rhode Island has voted, as expected to become a colonial territory of the Imperial Chinese Empire. (I don' think I need a referendum for this as I basically conquered it anyway) Recruitment for a colonial army will start immediately and is expected to give jobs to homeless and jobless refugees flooding in. When the Colonial Guard swells to the size of three divisions, regular Imperial troops will be able to go back to the Empire. The colonial government of Rhode Island will consist of a governor elected by the people of Rhode Island and an Imperial Minister sent from the Empire to oversee things as well. The power will be shared mainly between the governor and the Minister with the General Assembly also having substantial power.

                              In Gosport, Chinese technicians have come to the port to get an idea on how to make a very successful submarine-building base. These ideas will be taken back to the Empire and utilized. Meanwhile, workers in Gosport are returning to work as well as many other workers from the flood of refugees. Construction has started again in Gosport on a Seawolf-class submarine, which was already half-built by the time the invasion was successful. A Los Angeles-class submarine was also found with construction started on it. This submarine will take longer.

                              In Africa...

                              Troops have been fully unloaded into German Africa and are ready to attack. Hawk's Claw has been stationed in Cabinda while the other Chinese expeditionary force is stationed in Cameroon.

                              Shipments of weapons continue to flood into Ghana, Ivory Coast, and Liberia in a hope for rebels to topple the government.

                              In Central Asia...

                              The laser facility in Dushanbe has been fixed to optimum efficiency. In a test of the laser, however, the laser performed different from expected. Technicians are working on what is wrong. This will set the activation date for the laser back about a month.
                              Who wants DVDs? Good prices! I swear!


                              • #30
                                To Everybody
                                The República Argentina is planning to establish encoding/decoding systems in order not to have to arrange personal meetings.
                                This week, i'll install ICQ on the library's computer, so i'll be able to use it Mon-Tue.
                                And i'm also planning to rebell against my parents to let me have ICQ at home.
                                President I am Nestor
                                República Argentina
                                NO ELECTORAL FRAUD OCCURRED
                                For urgent secret meetings, call for one of my emissaries:
                                Indifference is Bliss

