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  • #76
    How the hell does he do that???
    Follow the masses!
    30,000 lemmings can't be wrong!


    • #77
      Fighting to the last....

      The Empire of Japan has decided that the War will continue!

      The Fall of the German state reveals their unworthy status withing the Anti-Comintern Pact. We shall carry the entire Axis on our shoulders from now on. This is how it will be.

      The Battle for Australiaâ„¢ is in its final stages. A combined Allied fleet of ships advancing up 'the slot' have been sunk by naval strikes which prepared the way for our full invasion of the island. The last bastion of resistance will fall next month for sure.

      We know that the eyes of the world are on the Siberian front at this time. We understand this this is now the only real active front which will see heavy fighting in the next months. The Emperor's mighty forces have destroyed a Soviet military base which was preparing for seiging Vladivosktok. This base blocked the Trans-Siberian railsystem. It's destruction was imminent, as the Emporer does not intend to let the Soviet run wild across Europe and Asia.

      Our troops poured through this gap and captured yet more Soviet cities. The harsh terrain here provides for excellent defensive positions agains the godless Slavs. Our brave Imperial Marines can only hope to hold the wave of Soviets that will of course be attacking. We are actually quite anxious to engage in the final battle against the Soviets. The Emporer see's opertunities when other see only despair! The lines are drawn and the fate of two continents rests on this decisive battle.

      The remaining Minor Allies may be chortling in their respective capitals at this time, but lest you think they will not get theirs once this Soviet nuisance has been dealt with accordingly. I hope they like drinking green tea in London.

      Japan is not a pupet state to be manhandled. We will resist to the last!

      -Tota Kleshiwara
      Attached Files


      • #78
        And the zip...

        Have fun Gary. Good luck! (you'll need it)

        Attached Files


        • #79
          A Soldiers Journal.

          As i approached the docks in Tripoli i knew only trepidation. All through the month of january the enemies radio transmissions were bragging of the fuhrers death in his bunker in berlin. This was not good news for our morale especially after the lightning assult from the russians that took all of europe. Who would have known that they could perfect Blitzkrieg Warfare so fast. Our new tanks are entering production though what use they will be is questionable.
          But then came the uplifting news, the Fuhrer wasnt in berlin he was in rome and was evacuated into the mediterainian. Unfortunately his tanker has been dodging the allies fleet and word has it he is arriving soon in Tripoli. I am there as a representative of Field Marshal Rommel who is busy destroying the British assult on Alexandria. I look at my orders again and shake my head. I know this is right but in my heart it feels so wrong.
          I enter tripoli and a huge cheer is raised near the docks. The Fuhrer must be here!! I hurry to the docks with my orders and i meet the Fuhrer in person!!! I have never felt this amazed in all my life but my orders are unyielding.

          Me: "Mein Fuhrer, they said you were dead."

          Hitler: "Im a lot harder to kill than they think."

          With those words i pulled out my Mauser and put a bullet into the fuhrers brain from point blank range.

          Me: "Obviously not that hard to kill."

          I was surrounded and almost taken into custody of the SS. But i had explicit orders from Rommel himself, the new Fuhrer of the German Reich.

          I fear for our brethren in occupied germany. I can only think what sort of things the russians are doing to them now. Our sub fleet report succes still but without a home port in france their usefullness is not very good. We have given them orders to fight to the death, nothing less is tolerated.
          In other bad news our relief force was destroyed in port by a british battleship thus ending hopes of reclaiming any of the Fatherland soon. We hear that our japanese allies are advancing. They will need the help against this great russian bear.

          (You got the map wrongFMk but thats expected what with you not being able to see my map lol.)
          Attached Files
          Maps, Maps, MORE MAPS!!!!

          "You can't make an omelette without breaking eggs but it's amazing how many eggs you can break without making a decent omelette"


          • #80
            oh yeah and the map i just posted is wrong because i still hold alexandria. FMk didnt fill that in either

            game attached
            Attached Files
            Maps, Maps, MORE MAPS!!!!

            "You can't make an omelette without breaking eggs but it's amazing how many eggs you can break without making a decent omelette"


            • #81
              On AI changing city production in PBEM

              Last time I played this PBEM game I did some research on this. It's been a long time so I almost forget.

              Even after using Ctrl-N to end a player's turn, the AI still may change certain cities' production. It is most likely to happen when:

              a) You lost one city. The AI will search every continent and find the city closest to the lost city on that continent, and may change production for the city.

              b) One of your cities is under siege. The AI may change production for the definding city.

              The rule for AI's pick is likely:

              a) If the city does not have 2 or more LAND combat units inside the city, the AI will pick the unit with a defense role and of maximum defense factor. In 2194 days the pick would be Mobile Infantry or AA battery (highest defense against land and air, respectively). I suspect that the AI will pick AA if enemy (not necessarily the civ who is attacking you, but all civs at war) bombers are close (within striking range) to the city, MI otherwise.

              b) If the city has 2 or more land combat units inside, and the city is big enough, the AI may choose to build MI or AA, or switch to city improvements like harbor, marketplace, etc. Unless, perhaps, if the production is AA, MI, or another city improvement, then maybe the AI won't bother to change it.

              Hence it is important for a player to estimate which cities will be lost and build either AA or MI in the cities on each continent which are closest to the lost ones. This way the production will likely to be kept.


              • #82
                Yes, I remember these discussions with the last PBEM with Nemo. Xin, is this a design problem with the scen, related to costs and values of certain things, or rather is it the fault of the CivII engine? I recall Nemo was quite interested in re-doing this scen to make it more MP-able, but alas, it seems the Captain is gone. Any suggestions for a fix aside of pre-preducing defensive units in the nearby cities?



                • #83
                  I can write a hacking program to 'replace' production and shield progress (if the building type has changed) for a civ from another file. So you just need to run this program once then start.

                  I don't have time before January so this will start next year. Maybe there are other people interested in writing this program?


                  • #84
                    For some reason it took me about ten tries to get on today so I will make this quick.
                    Attached Files
                    "I would rather have a German division in front of me than a French one behind me." -- General George S. Patton
                    "Guinness sucks!" -- Me


                    • #85
                      (I think that that just about sums up my comments)
                      'Arguing with anonymous strangers on the internet is a sucker's game because they almost always turn out to be - or to be indistinguishable from - self-righteous sixteen year olds possessing infinite amounts of free time.'
                      - Neal Stephenson, Cryptonomicon


                      • #86
                        welcome back!

                        Yeah, Case, you missed all of Xin's mighty advances here haven't you? Did you expect anything less? Well, it'll be over soon. I just want to get this turn back so I can see if I can pull a Xin Yu of my own. Doubtful, of course. But I am dying to see what I can do.

                        Where you at Stefan?



                        • #87
                          Sorry, couldn't post earlier.
                          German ground forces are expelled entirely from the african continent. Alexandria has been regained, and it takes just one trip to liberate all other african cities as well. A couple of submarines are known to be in the Atlantic, but they aren't considered much of a threat.
                          The Japanese have been hurt lightly, though not enough. A major offensive is scheduled to start within the next two months (unless the Soviets start earlier, of course).
                          Attached Files
                          Follow the masses!
                          30,000 lemmings can't be wrong!


                          • #88
                            I will have my revenge lol
                            Maps, Maps, MORE MAPS!!!!

                            "You can't make an omelette without breaking eggs but it's amazing how many eggs you can break without making a decent omelette"


                            • #89
                              I played part of my turn without waiting for Chinese. ANZAC mentioned that he wanted to turn Chinese to the AI. If ANZAC is sure about this I'll move the rest of the pieces, otherwise I'll wait.

                              I don't understand why English did not capture those African cities. I sent a freighter there and easily occupied 3 empty cities. (Duh, I was hoping to get some free units but couldn't find a German to do suicide attack). In the eastern front I did not make much progress -- my units need time to recover from the European battles.


                              • #90
                                This is the time to strike FMK lol. well at least to put as much distance between your home cities and Xin . just dont spread yourself too thin. We see what happens when you do that
                                Maps, Maps, MORE MAPS!!!!

                                "You can't make an omelette without breaking eggs but it's amazing how many eggs you can break without making a decent omelette"

