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Who will play with me?

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  • I'll PM Stefan to see if he still wants to play.



    • Sorry, I didn't realize the game was going on.
      I'm interested in continuing, but someone will have to mail the file to me. I've tried to download it four times, I've got a horrible connection here (hell, it's a miracle I can actually post this!). My eMail is
      Follow the masses!
      30,000 lemmings can't be wrong!


      • Dl'ed and sent to you Stefan.



        • Get it yet Stefan? I sent it awhile ago. Did it get there ok?



          • Hmm... if this gets posted, it apparently worked... Nothing special happened, I encircled Axis-held Abessinia (couldn't take Addis Ababa yet, for my units move just a little too slow...), and took Calcutta, slightly strenghtening my defenses in India... I also sank a German sub. I'm also in preparations for a major offensive in the Pacific region...
            Sorry for the delay folks...
            Attached Files
            Follow the masses!
            30,000 lemmings can't be wrong!


            • If I am not mistaken, you're up Xin.



              • Yeah, I'm playing. I planned to finish it yesterday but my PC got problems connecting to the internet so I spent some time on fixing it. Let's aim at tonight.


                • *prays he still has Tokyo by this evening*

                  Damn you, Xin.



                  • Originally posted by Field Marshal Klesh
                    *prays he still has Tokyo by this evening*
                    You will have Tokyo for sure -- I don't have transports. But you'll lose China. However your foces on the continent is not totally destryed since some of them are protected by bombers. Maybe you can retake some cities using your bomber-protected units.

                    Stefan: your preparation in India may not be necessary since I have taken China and Burma. BTW, you did not hit ctrl-N (I saw his units moving when I started my turn).


                    • Soviet report progress: March 1942

                      The red army's new T-34 tanks appear in battlefield! They easily blast through Japanese defense and occupy all Chinese cities, plus Burma. Meanwhile our light tanks are resting in Paris -- Comrade Stalin thinks that the boys deserve a good vacation there.

                      Our scientists successfully discovered the secrets of IL-2 bombers and Katusha. Now they are in production and will be put into action the next month. The research for Yak fighters is still underway. Our next generation tank - KV1 will also be researched once Yaks are available. If the war doesn't end by April, KV1 will be put into action and replace T-34.


                      • March of 1942

                        The forces of the Empire of Japan are in complete disarray. The Soviets have broken through or lines and ravaged our hind sections with brutality. Our Imperial Marines landing from ships on their way from our island possestion in the south have re-invaded the continent, but there is absolutely no chance of them defending whatsoever. Drastic measures have been taken. Planes of all kinds have been given the order to attack any ground units, regardless of death. All ships have been odered to protect the home islands as best they can by shore bombarding and harbour blocking.

                        We have shot down a few American bombers and were victorious in a small ship battle in the north. We also sank some empty transports near Panama.

                        We have discovered, when re-invading China, the brutal ways
                        of the Soviet scientists. I think The Soviets have put all their citizens to scientists.... perhaps in every city. This is why they got 2 techs last turn I am seeing countless T-34's all across China. I managed to kill a few stacks with my bombers.

                        This game will definately be over next turn. Excellent show Xin. Truly a Master.

                        Attached Files


                        • And the ever increasingly red Map...

                          Attached Files


                          • While I trust that your Asian map is accurate, the Africa part somewhat confuses me. The Soviet has occupied 3 north African cities a month ago and Germany now has only one city left.


                            • thats the problem with having the map blacked out you cant see what else has happened in each others turn
                              Heres the real map
                              Attached Files
                              Maps, Maps, MORE MAPS!!!!

                              "You can't make an omelette without breaking eggs but it's amazing how many eggs you can break without making a decent omelette"


                              • oh yeah and heres the jpeg version, grr cant save as gif.
                                Attached Files
                                Maps, Maps, MORE MAPS!!!!

                                "You can't make an omelette without breaking eggs but it's amazing how many eggs you can break without making a decent omelette"

