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Imperium Romanum released...

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  • #61

    cpoulos wrote:
    Cyberchrist is wrong.
    In four other accounts I've read of Hannibal's campaign, not one says that any elephants survived the Alps crossing.

    I am sorry to say it but it is you who are wrong - quite wrong as well. Not only did some of the elephants survive the crossing(ok perhaps it wasn't a few dozens - that was what he started out with) but Hannibal also got another 40 elephants in reinforcements from Africa later on while in Italy. So even if you choose to believe that no elephants survived the alps the fact still remains - Hannibal DID use Elephants in his campaign in Italy.

    Here are some links to documents that clearly support this.

    From SSNP Library
    From Boise State University
    From The History Net
    From Illustrated History of the Roman Empire

    The reason the Elephants was not mentioned in the writings you have read is probably due to the fact that Hannibal made very little use of the remaining elephants(perhaps with the exception of the battle at Trebia River) and they therefore never had much of an impact in Italy.

    You refer only to the battle at Cannae, but that first took place in 216BC - Hannibal entered Italy from the Alps in 218BC. Many battles were fought (with Elephants) before then (Trebia River among others).

    Here is a link also describing the battle of Trebia, but one that doesn't mention the Elephants that WERE present and even quite uesfull. Just goes to show that that some descriptions of the ancient times and battles are often incomplete and lacking, perhaps because it is deemed unimportant (doh).

    From Columbia Encyclopedia

    If you think logically about it then Hannibal was not very likely to have become known for crossing the Alps with his Elephants - if he hadn't in fact done so.

    EDIT: Messed up some of the links

    [This message has been edited by CyberChrist (edited February 06, 2001).]


    • #62
      Ok, more bad news.

      There is an error in the events file for the English version for Rome 146BC.

      I have not been able to locate the problem so far.

      EDIT: Ok I figured it out, the Greeks were totally destroyed(assimilated into Rome) before this change of event files. I guess Civ gets confused when there are references to nonexistent nations, so I removed the events for both Athens and Syracusae from the Events.txt and there were no problem. (serves me right for being brutal )

      [This message has been edited by CyberChrist (edited February 06, 2001).]


      • #63

        The third events file is buggy and unplayable, just as CyberChrist pointed it out- I tried everything possible manually, to no avail.

        But it worked when I first played the scen...

        Ok: I read that post above while writing this, I will try CyberChrists advice.
        Ceteram Macedonicus
        (got the 'Macedonicus' part as a title for playtesting Bernd's Imperium Romanum)


        • #64
          Cyber,three out of the four sources you list say no elephants survived the Alps crossing. My main source is Polybius, who wrote at the time, and Fabius Pictor, who was present at Cannae, as well as becoming a Roman senator. Contemperary accouts are not more accurate then those written by those who were there. The breed of elephant used by the Carthaginians was the small north african, which is now extinct. This animal was between 8 and 10 feet in hieght, and could not survive at high alltitudes. This is what killed them in the alps, not the cold! Kudos on Trebia, as I had forgotten it. Read the Latin texts on this campaign and you will see that no elephants survived the first crossing.

          All knowledge begins with the phrase: I don't know.
          I believe Saddam because his position is backed up by logic and reason...David Floyd
          i'm an ignorant greek...MarkG


          • #65
            Both of you were wrong... only one of these elephants survived to Alps crossing.
            "Io non volgo le spalle dinnanzi al nemico!!!" - il Conte di San Sebastiano al messo del comandante in capo, battaglia dell'Assietta
            "E' più facile far passare un cammello per la cruna di un ago che un pensiero nel cervello di Bush!!!" - Zelig
            "Live fire, and not cold steel, now resolve battles" - Marshall de Puysegur


            • #66
              Ceteram and CyberChrist, I just tested the third events file (Fantastic Worlds, Romans, 250BC, Greeks destroyed around 240BC) - but it worked fine

              What version do you play, FW or MGE?

              I can rework the events with using ANYBODY as defender, not the civname, but I need some time for this.



              • #67

                Originally posted by cpoulos on 02-06-2001 05:35 AM
                Cyber,three out of the four sources you list say no elephants survived the Alps crossing.

                They most certainly do not! They say only a few survived, just like I have been saying. I have included the sections where they in fact does support that not ALL (most sure, but not ALL) elephants perished.

                SSNP Library
                He did not begin to cross until early fall, which meant that he encountered winterlike conditions in the Alpine region. His force suffered greatly from the elements and the hostility of local tribesmen. He lost most of his elephants, and by the time he reached northern Italy, his army was reduced to about 26,000 men, 6,000 of whom were Cavalry. However, the number was quickly raised to about 40,000 by the addition of Gauls.

                Boise State University
                He arrived in Italy with only 26,000 men and about two dozen elephants. So, while it is true that Hannibal brought his elephants across the Alps, he did so only at great loss. Most died either at the Rhone or in the Alps.

                The History Net
                Although his crossing of the Alps with the elephants is widely remembered, Hannibal made surprisingly little use of them. In fact, most of the 34 elephants he started with died during the mountain passage or during the severe winter that followed.

                The Illustrated History of the Roman Empire
                Having famously crossed the Alps with his elephants, Hannibal descended into Italy and wrought havoc against the Roman forces.
                Major battles took place at Trebia and at Lake Trasimene, in both of which Hannibal remained victorious.
                A lot is made of the psychological impact his elephants had on terrified Roman troops.
                But by the battle of Cannae all Hannibal's elephants had died.

                Polybius might very well say that no elephants were present at the Battle of Cannae - but I ALREADY pointed that out in my previous post, AND that battle took place 2 YEARS after Hannbial crossed the Alps and entered Italy!

                And you yourself admit to the elephants being present at the Battle at Trebia which took place BEFORE Cannae, how can you then claim that whatever Plybius wrote about elephants at Cannea has ANY kind of bearing on whether any survived crossing the Alps?
                Was HE present at the crossing or at Trebia as well? I thought not.
                So that reference is totally useless for supporting any notion that no elephants survived the Alps

                And before you start claiming that the elephants used at Trebia River was the reinforcements from Africa then these reinforcements only came AFTER he had won the battle at Cannae.

                Please brush up on your reading-the-entire-message-skills both in regard to reference-links and posts in forums before you go on a you are so wrong finger-pointing crusade again, thank you!

                EDIT: hmm, got a little worked up over this - sorry about that

                [This message has been edited by CyberChrist (edited February 06, 2001).]


                • #68
                  oops, disregard this one

                  [This message has been edited by CyberChrist (edited February 06, 2001).]


                  • #69
                    I use MPG.

                    I suspect all other nation references would cause the same error if that nation had been destroyed prior to applying the new events.txt file.

                    In case of CityCapture ANYBODY should work just fine as long as it is kept a JUSTONCE event.
                    You might find other nation specific events impossible to fix this way though.


                    • #70
                      Nice try kid, but I was just going easy on you. Read my response more carefully! You are in error! And stop with the links tripe. Read the Latin texts(as I had to), and except that the possiblity exists that you may be wrong. I do all the time. I don't comment on what I don't know. For the last time NO ELEPHANTS! Read real history, not popular internet nonsense.

                      All knowledge begins with the phrase: I don't know.
                      I believe Saddam because his position is backed up by logic and reason...David Floyd
                      i'm an ignorant greek...MarkG


                      • #71
                        A small question Bebro, the Arsenal is the cleanest source of power but it produces pollution in Rome even if you remove all the workers from the land. Was this intended to be like this?

                        The first punic war saw much more use of ships, maybe more ships for the Carthagians through events would solve this.
                        Civfan (Warriorsoflight)


                        • #72

                          Originally posted by cpoulos on 02-06-2001 09:22 AM
                          Nice try kid, but I was just going easy on you.

                          Who heck do you think you are?! What nerve!


                          Read my response more carefully! You are in error!

                          I did, you obviously failed to read mine - or at least failed to understand it.


                          Read the Latin texts(as I had to), and except that the possiblity exists that you may be wrong. I do all the time.

                          Maybe you where the one reading the latin texts wrong, just like you misread the text I refered to. Thought of that possibility?
                          How about delivering some extracts from these texts? Surely they exist somewhere on the net for us (obviously lesser mortals in your eyes) to behold.


                          I don't comment on what I don't know. For the last time NO ELEPHANTS!

                          You should learn how to back up your claims with something more tangible than merely saying "It is so because I say so".


                          Read real history, not popular internet nonsense.

                          So universities and publishers of history books and encyclopedias are talking nonsense are they?

                          As I don't expect the reply to this post to be anything but yet more ramblings, I wont be posting any further on this subject as it would appear that any sane and civilized communication is impossible.


                          • #73
                            Civfan, it was intendet that you can have pollution, as a simulation of plagues or so. But I´m unsure why you have so much, have you sold the Sewer Channel improvement that is prebuilded in Rome? If not research for Thermes...

                            BTW, what version do you play, and have you also any other problems? And how is your own Rome scn going?



                            • #74
                              Ever read Livy? Or Polybius? Obviously not. There is simply no way to deal with people like you, who think you know it all. Just ignore my posts, as I surely will yours, for I now know what your about.

                              All knowledge begins with the phrase: I don't know.
                              I believe Saddam because his position is backed up by logic and reason...David Floyd
                              i'm an ignorant greek...MarkG


                              • #75
                                Nice job, BeBro! Congrats.

                                Haven't noticed any major new issues. I'll try to send an e:mail with a few more little nits, for your consideration.

                                FWIW, I tried killing off the Greeks via Cheat Menu, but I couldn't recreate the problem with EVENTSR2 that has been reported. I am also using the MGE, but I understand there is a slight difference between the U.S. and European version of MGE. I'm almost at that point in my regular game, so I'll see if I can kill off the Greeks in it and whether I can replicate the error. It makes sense that the program would reject an events file that refers to a deceased civ; but perhaps, in certain versions or under certain circumstances, the name of the destroyed civ is somehow retained.

                                In retrospect, I'm really glad you bent over backwards to make the Macedonians and Cartheginians playable. It was certainly worth the wait.

                                EDIT: By the way, I thought the German text for the Tower of Babel WAS a joke - and a fairly entertaining one, at that.
                                [This message has been edited by RobRoy (edited February 06, 2001).]

