mario bros, super mario bros, donkey kong, dkjr...the pacman series..especially super pacman.....pinball machines...tempest, dragons ace..
i have played all the old standup arcade games until MK2 came out, it was so cheap the ai.....and i can say that i mastered virutally every one i played...
they are loads of fun......
easy to beat as most of it is memory or pattern/reflex based....
the golden age of video games.....
1980-1986......these games gobbled a few quaters, then eventually gobbled more time than money
video games were so much easier to beat back then lol
i have played all the old standup arcade games until MK2 came out, it was so cheap the ai.....and i can say that i mastered virutally every one i played...
they are loads of fun......
easy to beat as most of it is memory or pattern/reflex based....
the golden age of video games.....
1980-1986......these games gobbled a few quaters, then eventually gobbled more time than money
video games were so much easier to beat back then lol