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the WORST Empire building game youve ever played(Turn based or RTS)

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  • the WORST Empire building game youve ever played(Turn based or RTS)

    for me, its a tos-up

    Spaceward ho!(atualy this could ALMOST be a pole question)
    folowed by Pax emperia,
    StarWars Rebelion

  • #2
    Destiny, a real time strategy game from interactive magic. The WORST game of any kind I have ever played. A vain attempt at 3d graphics. BAD!!!! Micromanagement to the extreme. Particularly with now way to slow down the game. While dealing with one city, the others would go to hell. Very, very buggy. And the computer manager (to eliminate micromanagement) would cancel the orders to my units and assume full control. By the way the AI handled the other players, I had to wonder how much time actually went into this game. I feal ashamed for wasting my time attempting to play this game.


    • #3
      I hate Transport Tycoon by Chris Sawyer because it just sucks.
      "Yay Apoc!!!!!!!" - bipolarbear
      "At least there were some thoughts went into Apocalypse." - Urban Ranger
      "Apocalype was a great game." - DrSpike
      "In Apoc, I had one soldier who lasted through the entire game... was pretty cool. I like apoc for that reason, the soldiers are a bit more 'personal'." - General Ludd


      • #4
        Spaceward Ho??? Why? I liked it very much!!

        I gave the Settlers 3 demo a try today... It was uninstalled after 5 minutes...

        Markos, Apoylton CS


        • #5
          This is tricky because games, GENERALLY speaking, get better as technology and past experience builds. Nevertheless I'd have to say "War in Middle Earth"(not worthy of its inspiration, repetitive, downright boring), or an even greather disaster,"Cohort 1:Fighting For Rome"

          So another person thinks "Star Wars Rebellion" was terrible. Cheesh, i'd been anticipating and imagining a Star Wars strategy game for a long time. Too bad they blew the idea.

          Settlers 3 was bad? Now i'm really glad I didn't choose that as my"Appetizer", MarkG. But like i said I smelt "pettiness" in that game just by the title which quickly turned me off.


          • #6
            What am I thinking!?!. "War in Middle Earth" and Cohort 1 should've gone in your other thread Drakenred.


            • #7
              I don't know... something screamed "get away get away!" in my head...

              The interesting is that I liked Settlers 2...

              Markos, Apolyton CS


              • #8
                I hated Caesar III despite the fact that I loved Caesar II. I guess I should buy a legal copy of Caesar II now, just to fuel my appetite wasted on the crappy $70/150 mb minimum Goliath of cartoonish graphics and unrealistic buildings.:-)
                Blog | Civ2 Scenario League | leo.petr at


                • #9
                  Actualy Star wars rebelion was ok once you actualy got enough units to do somthing on a regular bassis

                  It was the mind numbing wait to get built up enogh to actaly DO Somthing that made me not want to run a second game

                  to me Spaceward ho played more like a striped down Space Civ

                  My one Pax game ended up being a one way bash-a thon down a tunnel to sterilise oposing planets(fly into solar system/sector , blow up defending fleet in open space then fly second fleet of CVs over to straff orbitals out of existance untill you either ran out or fighters or oposing orbitals then do the sloww crawl through the mines to carpet nuke the planet.Colonize, rince, repete::SHRUG::


                  • #10
                    I've played a lot of bad demos, but I'll just go by one's I've bought. Pax Imperia: Eminent Domain, was just disgusting. So bad, that THQ, folded up Heliotrope Studios, and fired the programmers working for it. The game was really, really shallow.

                    No depth at all.
                    "Let us kill the English! Their concept of individual rights could undermine the power of our beloved tyrants!"

                    ~Lisa as Jeanne d'Arc


                    • #11
                      Imperium Galactica, beyond doubt. Blecch! From the bad Latin in the title (which with proper matching of the genders, should have been Imperium GalacticUM) through the crappy battle graphics, dumb scenarios, and stupid video clips, it was a total piece of nonsense. I bought it based on a good review in PC Gamer and was horribly disappointed.


                      • #12
                        History of the world was pretty bad, at least judging from the demo


                        • #13
                          I hate Transport Tycoon by Chris Sawyer because it just sucks.
                          Why don't you like it- was it too hard?
                          -->Visit CGN!
                          -->"Production! More Production! Production creates Wealth! Production creates more Jobs!"-Wendell Willkie -1944


                          • #14
                            I heard some hype over a quite recent game called "Hooligans : Storm Over Europe". I tried the wondrous version before the whole game. I'm glad I did that. Man, that 'RTS' sucked.


                            • #15
                              Transport Tycoon:

