City of Heroes
Anybody hear anything about this MMORG? I tend to not like these games, but this sounds like something I might like:
Anybody hear anything about this MMORG? I tend to not like these games, but this sounds like something I might like:
You'll start a new game by creating a superhero from one of five different archetypes and from one of five different backgrounds. The archetypes are: the blaster, a damaging ranged-ability hero; the scrapper, a damaging melee hero; the tanker, a tough melee hero; the controller, a manipulative hero who can stun or confuse enemies; and the defender, a support hero. These heroes can come from one of five different backgrounds, including: mutant, science, technology, magic, or natural. A hero's starting background determines the source of his or her power, whether it be from inborn mutant abilities, superior physical conditioning, or ties to the occult. Background also determines the basis of a new hero's starting "track." That is, background determines what sort of missions will be available to you at the outset of the game, and it also determines what sort of villains you'll face at the beginning. However, you won't be stuck facing the same villains for the rest of your career, since you can change your hero's "track" so that you can face off against different villains and missions later on.